
新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


* The country is moving to the new traffic light system from 11.59pm on Thursday.

* 全国将从周四晚上 11 点 59 分开始使用新的交通信号灯系统。

* Most of New Zealand will start at orange in the traffic light system, Auckland and lower-vaccinated areas to start at red.

* 新西兰大部分地区的红绿灯系统将从橙色开始,奥克兰和疫苗接种率较低的地区将从红色开始。

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Here are the regions and colours:

RED (红色): Northland, Auckland, Taupō and Rotorua Lakes Districts, Kawerau, Whakatane, Ōpōtiki Districts, Gisborne District, Wairoa District, Rangitikei, Whanganui and Ruapehu Districts will move in at red.

ORANGE(橙色): The rest of the North Island will move in at orange.

ORANGE(橙色) : The whole of the South Island will move in at orange.

新西兰将于 12 月 3 日进入新的红绿灯系统。以下是每个议会区域的起始级别。


各方一致认为,根据政府新的 Covid-19 保护框架,SkyCity 的传统跨年烟花活动无法继续进行。



奥克兰边界将于 12 月 14 日星期二晚上 11 点 59 分正式解除,但实际跨越边界仍有一些限制。 从 12 月 15 日起,从奥克兰出发并越过边界的旅行者必须出示完全接种疫苗的证明或检测结果呈阴性的证明。 警方将进行抽查,以确保旅客遵守规定。

疫苗接种和检测要求于 1 月 17 日结束,因此从那天起,边界不再存在。 那是总理在新闻发布会上提到的日期。



周五,新西兰全境的交通灯都亮了,因为我们安全地进入了世界领先的 Covid-19 应对措施的下一阶段,”总理杰辛达·阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 说。

“我们为这一刻做好了充分的准备,我们保持谨慎的态度,专注于保护人们及其工作。我们下一阶段的重点是最大限度地减少 Covid-19 的影响并保护人们。

“我们已经为 500 万团队中的很大一部分接种了疫苗,现在是转向新框架的时候了。




“除了现有的奥克兰边界将于 1 月 17 日取消,区域之间的旅行不会有新的限制。


“但还有更多工作要做。有 160,889 名新西兰人需要接种第二剂——如果这周每个人都接种了,我们将达到 89.3% 的疫苗接种率。我鼓励这些人今天接种第二剂疫苗,以便从疫苗的全面保护中受益,并能够获得疫苗通行证。


“红色提供了针对 Covid-19 的额外保护,例如在最高风险环境中需要疫苗通行证和一些容量限制——这是因为如果有人患有 Covid-19,病毒会发现更难在较少的人中传播一段距离。


“在我们继续提高疫苗接种率并将国家过渡到新框架的同时,我们不会立即将任何地区转移到绿色区域。为实现这一目标,将继续分发 1.2 亿纽币,以支持毛利社区加快疫苗接种工作并为交通灯系统做好准备。

“但是 Covid-19 仍然伴随着我们,而 Omicron 变种在海外的出现提醒我们为什么我们需要保持谨慎的态度并采取公共卫生措施来保护我们。

“随着新框架的加入,我们对交通灯的初始设定一直持谨慎态度。内阁将审查设置并在 12 月 13 日星期一提供更新。部长们的下一次更新将于 1 月 17 日星期一进行,并将每两周更新一次。

“在每个区域设置颜色时考虑的因素包括疫苗接种、卫生系统状况、检测、接触者追踪和病例管理能力,以及 Covid-19 传播的速度和效果。

“现在 85% 的新西兰人已完全接种疫苗,其中 92% 的人已经接种了第一剂疫苗和加强剂,我们已准备好在下一阶段的 Covid 响应中取得进展。

“谢谢新西兰。我们正在度过迄今为止最艰难的时期,这已经很长一段时间了,但我们已经准备好谨慎地进入红绿灯,进入夏季,进入 2022 年及以后,”Ardern 说。

Here’s the prime minister’s speech in full regarding today’s traffic light announcements:

On Friday the traffic lights are turned on for all of New Zealand, as we move forward safely into the next phase of our world-leading Covid-19 response,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

“We’ve prepared well for this moment by maintaining a cautious approach focused on protecting people and their jobs. Our next phase is focused on minimising the impact of Covid-19 and protecting people.

“We’ve vaccinated a significant portion of the team of 5 million, and now is the time to move to a new framework.

“We’ve come through the past two years of Covid in better shape than nearly anywhere in the world, with the lowest case and death rates in the OECD, a growing economy, and among the highest rates of vaccination in the world.

“We’re now in the strongest position to move forward into the next phase.

“The certainty and stability of the traffic lights replaces the sudden lockdowns and restrictions of Alert Levels. Our schools will stay open at every colour and businesses will have protection through My Vaccine Passes to keep operating.

“Other than the existing Auckland boundary, which lifts on January 17, there will be no new restrictions on travel between regions.

“Vaccinated New Zealanders using vaccine passes will be able to do many of the things that were previously treated as high risk like safely going to bars and restaurants, getting a haircut, and going to a concert or the gym. In Auckland, it means seeing friends and family indoors again.

“But there is more to do. There are 160,889 Kiwis due for a second dose – if everyone got it this week we would be at 89.3 per cent fully vaccinated. I encourage those people to get their second dose today to benefit from the full protection of the vaccine, and to be able to get their Vaccine Pass.

“Red is the highest level in the new system, which is why Auckland has moved in at Red as the epicentre of the current outbreak, and we’ve taken strong account of vaccination rates and vulnerable populations in the other regions at Red.

“Red provides extra protections against Covid-19 such as requiring both Vaccine Passes and some capacity limits in the most-high risk settings – that’s because if someone has Covid-19, the virus will find it harder to spread among fewer people who are at a distance.

“As we see what happens to cases and vaccination levels we can look to move regions down to Orange over time, where there are no gathering limits for those who are using vaccine passes.

“We are not moving any regions to Green immediately while we continue to get vaccination rates up and transition the country to the new framework. To achieve this, $120 million continues to be distributed to support Māori communities to fast-track vaccination efforts and prepare for the traffic light system.

“But Covid-19 is still with us, and the emergence of the Omicron variant overseas is a reminder of why we need to maintain a careful approach and keep public health measures in place to protect us.

“We have been cautious with this initial designation of traffic lights as the new framework beds in. Cabinet will review settings and provide an update on Monday 13 December. The next update by Ministers will be on Monday 17 January, and will continue on a fortnightly basis.

“The factors considered when setting the colours in each region include vaccination, the state of the health system, testing, contact tracing and case management capacity, as well as the rate and effect of Covid-19 transmission.

“With 85 percent of New Zealanders now fully vaccinated, 92 percent with their first dose and boosters being already rolled out, we are ready to move forward in our next stage of the Covid response.

“Thank you New Zealand. We’re getting through our toughest period to date, it’s been long but we’re well set to move forward with caution into the traffic lights, into summer, into 2022, and beyond,” Ardern said.

(29日) (更新)新西兰今天新增 182 个社区病例,奥克兰有167例,全国将从周四午夜进入新的交通信号灯系统