(12月23日)(中英)新西兰社区新增 56 例新冠病例,奥克兰 42 例, 48 人因新冠住院

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


今天新西兰新增 56 例新冠社区病例——奥克兰 42 例,怀卡托 4 例,丰盛湾 6 例,湖区 2 例,塔拉纳基 1 例,Tairāwhiti 发现的 1 例病例现在处于陶朗加。

奥克兰、怀卡托和陶朗加的医院里有 48 人。 七人在重症监护室。

怀卡托新增的4例病例包括Te Kūiti 2例、Ōtorohanga 1例和位置信息有待确认的1例。

丰盛湾的所有六个新病例都与现有病例有关。 罗托鲁瓦有两个新病例,他们是现有病例的家庭接触者。

塔拉纳基报告了一个新病例,与 Eltham 集群有关。 卫生部表示,据了解,该病例在感染期间一直处于自我隔离状态。


There are 56 new community cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand today – 42 in Auckland, 4 in Waikato, 6 in the Bay of Plenty, 2 in the Lakes district, one in Taranaki and one case that was detected in Tairāwhiti is now in Tauranga.

There are 48 people in hospitals across Auckland, Waikato and Tauranga. Seven are in ICU.

The four new cases in Waikato include two in Te Kūiti, one in Ōtorohanga, and one case with location information yet to be confirmed.

All six new cases in the Bay of Plenty are linked to existing cases. There are two new cases in Rotorua and they are household contacts of existing cases.

There is one new case reported in Taranaki, linked to the Eltham cluster. It is understood this case has been self-isolating during their infectious period, the Ministry said.

A case was tested and is currently located in the Tauranga area. This case has been officially transferred to Tairāwhiti’s case numbers as they have a permanent Tairāwhiti address.


随着越来越多的 Omicron 病例敲响新西兰的大门,全国各地的新西兰人直到圣诞节将密切关注 Covid 更新。

卫生部将于今天下午 1 点发布声明,提供最新的 Covid 数据。

昨天,全国报告了56例社区病例,在边境发现了6人感染了高传染性Omicron变种。 这使 Omicron 病例入境总数达到 28 人。

昨天还报道了一名在惠灵顿的 Covid 检测呈阳性的人,在该地区引发了冲击波。

下哈特市市长坎贝尔·巴里 (Campbell Barry) 表示,他知道新的疫情关注地会让人们感到不安,尤其是对于那些刚完成圣诞节购物的人来说。




与此同时,周一从奥克兰米德尔莫尔医院自行出院的新西兰归国者和他们的孩子自愿返回 MIQ 设施。


截至昨天,医院共有 51 人,其中 7 人在重症监护室。

这些住院患者的平均年龄为 50 岁。


周二共接种了 20,328 剂疫苗,其中包括 1860 剂第一剂和 6273 剂第二剂。 截至昨天,94% 的新西兰符合条件的人口至少接种了第一剂,90% 的人接种了两次。

(12月22日)(中英)新西兰社区新增 56 例新冠病例,MIQ新增6例 Omicron变种病例, 51 人因新冠住院

As more Omicron cases come knocking on New Zealand’s door, Kiwis across the country will be keeping a close eye on Covid updates with just two more sleeps until Christmas.

The Ministry of Health will be releasing a statement at 1pm today with the latest Covid figures.

Yesterday, there were 56 community cases reported nationwide and six people infected with the highly infectious Omicron variant were detected at the border. This brought the total number of international arrivals with Omicron to 28.

A person who tested positive for Covid in Wellington was also reported yesterday, sending shock waves across the region.

Lower Hutt mayor Campbell Barry said he understood the new locations of interest would be unnerving for people, especially for those finishing their Christmas shopping.

“It’s clear we have Covid in our community in Lower Hutt and that will be unsettling for a lot of people, but we are prepared for this and have worked really hard to get high vaccination rates across Hutt Valley.”

The person was self-isolating, and interviews had identified a small number of household contacts, who were also isolating and with testing arranged for them.

Stores in Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt and Naenae were the first locations of interest to be announced in the Wellington region since the Auckland border opened.

Meanwhile, the recent New Zealand returnee who self-discharged from Auckland’s Middlemore Hospital on Monday, along with their child, has voluntarily returned to an MIQ facility.