world news

(8月16日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报

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Afghan contractors: ‘I wish I’d never worked for the UK government’

Afghan contractors left behind when the Taliban seized power tell the BBC they feel betrayed.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 12:17 pm(NZT)

‘Gaza’s children are used to the death and bombing’

Families count the cost of the latest round of fighting between Israel and Palestinian militants.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 12:14 pm(NZT)

Rudy Giuliani is target of Georgia election investigation

The ex-New York mayor, due to testify this week, dismissed the inquiry as politically motivated.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 11:40 am(NZT)

Emma Raducanu to face Serena Williams for first time in career at Western and Southern Open

Britain’s Emma Raducanu says it is a “great gift” to play Serena Williams for the first time, with the pair meeting in Cincinnati on Tuesday.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 11:11 am(NZT)

Ukrainian Premier League set to restart: ‘An act of bravery, but I’m worried’

In a “sign to the world that Ukraine can win”, football is returning in the country, but one player describes his worries.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 11:02 am(NZT)



Liverpool 1-1 Crystal Palace: Nunez red card costly in Anfield stalemate

Nunez’s moment of headbutt madness shows short fuse he must cut out as Liverpool miss the mark.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 10:44 am(NZT)

Egypt church fire: Triplets and twins among 15 children killed

Details are emerging about some of the 15 children who died in Sunday’s blaze at a Coptic church.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 10:42 am(NZT)

All India Football Federation: Fifa suspends AIFF over undue influence from third parties

India’s football association is suspended by world governing body Fifa because of “undue influence from third parties”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 10:19 am(NZT)

Garth Crooks’ Team of the Week: Pope, Koulibaly, De Bruyne, Jesus

Who has a shimmy George Best would be proud of? Who made saves he had no right to make? Who stood out in a classic London derby? Find out in Garth Crooks’ latest Team of the Week.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 10:10 am(NZT)

Western & Southern Open: Andy Murray beats Stan Wawrinka in Cincinnati

Andy Murray sets up a meeting with fellow Briton Cameron Norrie with a gutsy win over fellow veteran Stan Wawrinka in the Cincinnati Open.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 10:04 am(NZT)

We built a Thai Buddhist temple in an Edinburgh family home

Buddhist monks oversee huge restoration of their temple which is located in a house in Edinburgh.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 9:56 am(NZT)

William Ruto wins Kenyan presidency

Deputy President William Ruto has been elected the country’s fifth president, according to the electoral commission.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 16 Aug 2022 | 8:03 am(NZT)

Who owns your credit score? Not you

Credit agencies know a lot about Americans. The agencies accumulate information, such as Social Security numbers, birthdays, how much savings people have, how much debt they’re in and how late they pay their bills.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 16 Aug 2022 | 8:01 am(NZT)

Heathrow Airport extends cap on passengers to end of October

It means a daily limit on departing passengers will now apply until after the October half-term holidays.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 7:14 am(NZT)

Shoppers rush for the exits as Shanghai Ikea goes into lockdown

Panicked shoppers rushed for the exits at an Ikea branch in Shanghai on Saturday after city health authorities ordered the store to lock down after a close contact of a Covid-19 case was traced to the location.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 16 Aug 2022 | 6:38 am(NZT)


Analysis: American recession fears collide with reality

The American economy didn’t get the memo that it’s supposed to already be in a recession.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 16 Aug 2022 | 6:19 am(NZT)

Boris Johnson on holiday as removal vans arrive

Boris Johnson will be kept informed of “urgent issues” while he is away, Downing Street says.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:46 am(NZT)

Norway bridge collapse: Drivers of two vehicles rescued

The drivers of two vehicles have been rescued after a bridge collapsed into water in the south of Norway.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:45 am(NZT)

Mar-a-Lago: FBI warns of increased threats after Trump search

A memo to law enforcement notes an uptick in “threats and acts of violence” since the Mar-a-Lago search.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:45 am(NZT)

Kenya election result: William Ruto wins presidential poll

The announcement was marred by scuffles, allegations of vote-rigging and a divided electoral commission.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:43 am(NZT)

German households face levy of hundreds of pounds on gas bills

The surcharge will help energy companies cover the cost of replacing Russian supplies.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:38 am(NZT)

Kenya election result: William Ruto defies the odds for victory

Deputy President William Ruto was the underdog in the race for the presidency.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:31 am(NZT)

US-led coalition forces repel drone attack near Syria base

US-led coalition forces repelled multiple drones near the US-led coalition At-Tanf base in Syria Monday, according to a press release from the coalition.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:29 am(NZT)

Benjamin Mendy: Women disposable to ‘predator’ footballer, jury told

Man City’s Benjamin Mendy raped three women in one night at his “isolated mansion”, a court hears.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:23 am(NZT)

Ukraine hits Russian Wagner mercenary HQ in east

The Luhansk base was targeted after a Russian journalist revealed its location online, Ukraine claims.

Source: BBC News – Home | 16 Aug 2022 | 5:20 am(NZT)



50 killed and many displaced in Nigeria flooding

At least 50 people have died and “many” displaced after recent torrential rains caused flooding in northern Nigeria, Sani Yusuf, executive secretary of the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) for Jigawa State said.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 16 Aug 2022 | 12:42 am(NZT)

Inflation, explained: Why prices keep going up and who’s to blame

Confused about inflation? You’re not alone.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 15 Aug 2022 | 1:06 am(NZT)

2022-08-16 08:29:08
韩国爆发大规模反美集会, 参加者要求解散韩美同盟,撤走驻韩美军
【环球时报驻韩国特约记者 道安 环球时报特约记者 韩雯 环球时报记者 付嘉骏】据韩国《朝鲜日报》15日报道,首尔市中心13日爆发大规模反美集会。集会参加者要求韩国政府中断本月末计划进行的韩美联合军演,同时要求“解散韩美同盟,撤走驻韩美军”。本次反美集会的发起者韩国“全国民主劳动组合总联盟”的负责人表示,要与任意摆布朝鲜半岛命运的美国作斗争。
2022-08-16 08:20:31
2022-08-16 08:11:21
亚美尼亚紧急情况部8月16日凌晨表示,14日在该国首都埃里温的苏尔马鲁批发市场发生的严重爆炸和火灾事故已导致10人死亡。(总台记者 王斌)
2022-08-16 07:57:34
美国国防部长奥斯汀再次感染新冠 目前症状轻微
中新网8月16日电 据美媒报道,当地时间8月15日,美国国防部长奥斯汀在一份声明中表示,其新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性。
2022-08-16 07:44:07
特朗普声称FBI拿走他的三本护照 网友:难道有潜逃风险?
中新网8月16日电 综合美媒报道,美国前总统特朗普当地时间15日发文声称,美国联邦调查局(FBI)突查海湖庄园时,“偷走了”他的三本护照(其中一本过期)。
2022-08-16 05:03:54
2022-08-16 04:55:40
2022-08-16 04:41:09
中新社莫斯科8月15日电 (田冰 刘璟瑶)俄罗斯总统普京15日表示,俄罗斯支持最广泛、最全面的军事技术合作发展。
2022-08-16 04:12:15
2022-08-16 04:11:27
2022-08-16 03:24:22
2022-08-16 03:04:21
新华社内罗毕8月15日电(记者黎华玲 白林)肯尼亚独立选举和边界委员会15日公布的计票结果显示,联合民主联盟党候选人、现任副总统威廉·鲁托在9日举行的总统选举中获胜。
2022-08-16 02:53:12
新华社东京8月15日电 题:警惕日本右翼势力的历史“毒教材”
2022-08-16 02:46:35
俄国防部:英国侦察机侵犯俄罗斯空中边界 已进行驱离
2022-08-16 01:48:37
中新社巴黎8月15日电 (记者 李洋)法国军方当地时间15日宣布,法国在西非国家马里展开的“新月形沙丘”军事行动的最后一批士兵现已离开。这标志着法国军方在马里的相关军事行动结束。
2022-08-16 01:30:32
联合国:若俄乌双方同意 将协助国际原子能机构专家从基辅前往扎波罗热核电站
2022-08-16 01:00:26
2022-08-16 00:56:24
2022-08-16 00:55:14
2022-08-16 00:37:31

(8月15日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报