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Part of the MT Terra Nova oil tanker is seen after sinking off Manila Bay. Photo: Supplied/Philippine Coast Guard
题图:MT Terra Nova油轮的一部分在马尼拉湾沉没后被看到。照片:提供/菲律宾海岸警卫队

A tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized and sank off the Philippine capital on Thursday, causing an oil spill, officials say.

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Sixteen crew members of the Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova have been rescued while one remains missing, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.
交通部长Jaime Bautista说,悬挂菲律宾国旗的MT Terra Nova的16名机组人员已获救,另有一人失踪。

Bautista said an oil spill has been detected but strong winds and high waves were hampering the authorities’ response.

The incident comes a day after Typhoon Gaemi intensified seasonal monsoon rains, submerging large swathes of Metro Manila and its suburbs in deep floods.

Gaemi has made landfall in Taiwan, leaving three people killed and wounding hundreds more.

The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central Philippine city of Iloilo when it sank, leaving an oil spill stretching for several kilometres, authorities said.
当局说,MT Terra Nova在沉没时正驶向菲律宾中部城市伊洛伊洛,留下绵延数公里的漏油事件。

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It “capsized and eventually submerged”, the coast guard said in a report, adding they were investigating whether bad weather was a factor.

Philippine coast guard spokesperson Rear Admiral Armando Balilo told a briefing that the agency was “racing against time” to contain the spill.
菲律宾海岸警卫队发言人阿曼多·巴利洛(Armando Balilo)海军少将在一次简报会上表示,该机构正在“与时间赛跑”以控制泄漏。

He added that if all the oil in the tanker leaked, it would be the biggest spill in Philippine history.

“There is a big danger that Manila will be affected, even the shoreline of Manila, if the fuel will leak, because it is within Manila Bay,” he said.

Manila Bay, where the tanker capsized, hosts busy shipping lanes and its shores are home to shopping malls, casino resorts and fishing communities.


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In March 2023, an oil tanker carrying 800,000 litres of industrial fuel sank off the coast of Oriental Mindoro province.
2023 年 3 月,一艘载有 800,000 升工业燃料的油轮在东民都洛省海岸沉没。

That oil reached the shores of several nearby fishing villages, coating beaches in black sludge.

Residents in coastal villages reported experiencing cramps, vomiting and dizziness, and clean-up workers deployed to the affected village of Pola also reported feeling ill.

Almost two decades earlier, an oil tanker carrying around two million litres of oil sank in heavy seas off the Guimaras island province. However only one of its 10 compartments leaked oil.
大约二十年前,一艘载有约200万升石油的油轮在吉马拉斯岛省附近的汹涌海浪中沉没。然而,它的 10 个隔间中只有一个漏油。

This story was originally published by BBC News.

(即时多来源) 英语亚洲要闻 English Asia News

分类: 国际新闻

(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 English/Chinese World News

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