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Team New Zealand has proven – once again – that Kiwis can fly.

The New Zealand side has won the America’s Cup in Barcelona, becoming the first team in modern history to lift the trophy three times in a row.

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They won the best-of-13 series 7-2, crossing the finish line early on Sunday morning (NZ time) 37 seconds ahead of the British challengers.
他们以 7-2 的比分赢得了 13 局两胜制系列赛,在周日早上(新西兰时间)早早越过终点线,领先英国挑战者 37 秒。

“[I’m] really proud of how the team just kept battling today,” skipper Peter Burling said on the America’s Cup livestream shortly after the win.

For Team New Zealand sailor Nathan Outteridge, it was his first time being part of a winning team.
对于新西兰队水手 Nathan Outteridge 来说,这是他第一次成为获胜团队的一员。

“It’s been a huge journey. I’ve loved every minute of it,” he said.

“It’s so awesome to be here with everyone and achieve it, and looking forward to the celebrations tonight.”

British skipper Ben Ainslie said it had been an “amazing campaign” from Team New Zealand.
英国队长本·安斯利 (Ben Ainslie) 表示,新西兰队的这是一次“了不起的运动”。

“I think they’re the best team ever in the America’s Cup, so it’s quite some achievement.”

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Ainslie thanked his team for “all the effort they’ve put in over the years”, saying it had been a “hell of a road” to get to the finals.

“[At the] end of the day, the better team won,” he said.

The New Zealand boat, Taihoro, was given its name by iwi manaaki Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.
新西兰船 Taihoro 由 iwi manaaki Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei 命名。

It translates to “to move swiftly as the sea between both sky and earth”.

Team New Zealand’s most recent two America’s Cup wins were in 2021 in Auckland and 2017 in Bermuda.
新西兰队最近两次赢得美洲杯冠军分别是 2021 年在奥克兰和 2017 年在百慕大。

Prior to that, the Kiwi sailors lifted the Auld Mug in Auckland in 2000 and San Diego in 1995.
在此之前,新西兰水手于 2000 年在奥克兰和 1995 年在圣地亚哥举起了 Auld Mug。


分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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