(双语) “深远的影响”:坎特伯雷大学科学家取得“暗能量”突破

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For years, have physicists believed the universe is expanding equally in all directions, and used the concept of “dark energy” to explain this. Photo: NASA, ESA, CSA, Olivia C. Jones (UK ATC), Guido De Marchi (ESTEC), Margaret Meixner (USRA) Image processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI), Nolan Habel (USRA), Laura Lenkić (USRA), Laurie E. U. Chu (NASA Ames)
【澳纽网编译】多年来,物理学家一直相信宇宙向各个方向均匀膨胀,并使用“暗能量”的概念来解释这一点。 照片:NASA、ESA、CSA、Olivia C. Jones (英国 ATC)、Guido De Marchi (ESTEC)、Margaret Meixner (USRA)图像处理:Alyssa Pagan (STScI)、Nolan Habel (USRA)、Laura Lenkić (USRA)、Laurie E. U. Chu (NASA Ames)

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New research by Canterbury University scientists suggests that dark energy doesn’t actually exist.

For years, physicists have believed the universe was expanding equally in all directions, and used the concept of “dark energy” to explain this.

Now, a team of New Zealand physicists led by Professor David Wiltshire analysed light curves from the Pantheon+ supernovae to show the universe was expanding in a “lumpier” way.

The new study – published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society – showed the idea of “dark energy” isn’t needed at all.
这项发表在《皇家天文学会月刊》(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)上的新研究表明,根本不需要“暗能量”的概念。

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Instead, it proposed a different model – called timescape cosmology – to understand the evolution of the universe.
相反,它提出了一个不同的模型——称为 timescape 宇宙学——来理解宇宙的演化。

The scientists said the findings – together with new data – implied “profound consequences” for cosmology and astrophysics, and may help resolve the universe’s biggest mystery within five years.

Research by the New Zealand scientists was supported by the Marsden Fund, which earlier this year announced changes to its terms of reference that have been roundly criticised by the science community.

来源: RNZ

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