Jackie Huo of JNJ Homes placed the companies into liquidation before Christmas.
题图:JNJ Homes 的 Jackie Huo 在圣诞节前将这些公司置于清算程序中。John Harford 约翰·哈福德
Failed companies behind controversial house building business JNJ Homes owe creditors more than $2.5m, but there are virtually no funds available to pay them, a liquidator’s reports reveal.
【澳纽网编译】清算人的报告显示,有争议的房屋建筑业务 JNJ Homes 背后的倒闭公司欠债权人超过 $2.5m,但几乎没有资金可用于支付他们。
As reported by Stuff, JNJ International Investments, JNJ Construction and JLF Unlimited were voluntarily put into liquidation before Christmas by director and shareholder Zuyu Huo, also known as Jackie Huo.
据 Stuff 报道,JNJ International Investments、JNJ Construction 和 JLF Unlimited 在圣诞节前被董事兼股东 Zuyu Huo(也被称为 Jackie Huo)自愿清算。
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JNJ Homes is a trading name only.
JNJ Homes 只是一个商号。
Stuff revealed how tradies across Christchurch, as well as property owners with unfinished homes, were chasing the business for payment, even turning up at Huo’s house.
Stuff 揭露了克赖斯特彻奇各地的商人以及房屋未完工的业主是如何追着这家公司要钱的,他们甚至跑到霍家。
We also revealed how, in at least two cases, it allegedly took payment for foundations it said it was about to pour, but never did.
Brenton Hunt of Insolvency Matters has now released his first reports into the three associated companies.
破产事务的 Brenton Hunt 现在发布了他对这三家联营公司的第一份报告。
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The report into the main company, JNJ International Investments, shows that unsecured creditors are claiming $1.3m. More than 80 claims have been lodged, including by dozens of Christchurch tradies.
对主要公司 JNJ 国际投资公司的调查报告显示,无担保债权人要求赔偿 130 万纽币。包括数十名基督城商人在内的 80 多名债权人提出了索赔要求。
On top of that, the report says, the company owes $120,000 in wages and holiday pay and $540,000 to IRD.
报告称,除此之外,该公司还拖欠工资和假期工资 12 万纽币,拖欠 IRD 54 万纽币。
Only $50,000 was available for preferential creditors, making a total estimated shortfall of $1.89m.
优先债权人只能获得 $50,000,估计总缺口为 $1.89m。
The report says the director [Huo] had advised that the insolvency of the company came about “due to [a] downturn in economic conditions” and one supplier had “with little notice, changed the payments terms”.
报道称,董事 [霍] 曾表示,公司破产是“由于经济状况低迷”造成的,一家供应商“几乎没有通知,就改变了付款条件”。
The report on JNJ Construction, which provided construction project management services in the Auckland region, focusing on insurance projects, shows a shortfall to creditors of $745,000, while the shortfall to creditors of JLF Unlimited is $50,000.
JNJ Construction 在奥克兰地区提供建筑项目管理服务,专注于保险项目,报告显示债权人的缺口为 745,000 纽币,而 JLF Unlimited 的债权人的缺口为 50,000 纽币。
Across the three companies, the total estimated shortfall is $2.685m.
在这三家公司中,估计总缺口为 $2.685m。
On all three reports, a note by Hunt said: “It is … not possible to provide a definitive statement as to whether sufficient assets will be realised for the purposes of making payment to any class of creditor … but it is looking unlikely.”
Hunt said in his notes he would be investigating the date the companies became insolvent, pre-liquidation transactions and operations and whether the directors breached the Companies Act.
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Luke Adams, who was the main building contractor for JNJ Homes and claims he is owed about $28,000, said he was furious with the way the saga had played out.
卢克·亚当斯 (Luke Adams) 是 JNJ Homes 的主要建筑承包商,声称他被欠了大约 28,000 纽币,他说他对这个传奇的发展方式感到愤怒。
“From what I’m hearing, there’s nothing they can really sell off [to pay creditors].
“据我所知,他们真的没有什么可以卖掉 [来支付债权人] 的。
“I’ve been told all of the work utes were leased, so they can’t even sell those to make money, so I’ve got zero hope I’ll see anything.”
Adams said he was sick of seeing tradies in the building industry getting a raw deal, and he hoped there would be a full investigation of JNJ Homes’ business activities.
亚当斯说,他不愿意看到建筑行业的从业者受到不公平待遇,他希望对 JNJ Homes 的商业活动进行全面调查。
“We’re just good, hard working Kiwis, and we’re getting f….. over.”
Hunt could not be reached for comment on Monday afternoon, nor could Huo.
周一下午,我们无法联系到 Hunt,也无法联系到 Huo。
来源: Stuff |原文链接
更多:Controversial Christchurch house building business fails
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