(12月18日)(中英)新西兰社区新增 39例新冠病例,奥克兰25例,MIQ10 例,新增4例Omicron病例

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今天社区和 MIQ 中有 49 个新的 Covid-19 病例。

新病例中有 39 例在社区,10 例在 MIQ。  新增 4 个边境Omicron病例,使新西兰的总数达到 8 个。 所有病例都在MIQ。

在这 39 例新的社区病例中,25 例在奥克兰,11 例在丰盛湾,2 例在湖区,1 例在塔拉纳基。


Omicron 是令人担忧的最新变种,据信它比 Covid-19 的 Delta 菌株更具传染性,并且正在席卷英国和世界其他国家。

第一个病例是周四在基督城 MIQ 的一名返回者身上发现的,昨天在罗托鲁瓦又发现了三个病例。 今天又发现了四个。

昨天发现的三个病例于 12 月 11 日从迪拜抵达奥克兰,并被乘坐专为国际抵达的巴士运送到罗托鲁瓦 MIQ 设施。

There are 49 new Covid-19 cases in the community and MIQ today.

Thirty-nine of the new cases are in the community and 10 are in MIQ. There are four new border cases of Omicron, bringing the total in New Zealand to eight. All the cases have been in MIQ.

Of the 39 new community cases, 25 are in Auckland, 11 are in the Bay of Plenty, two are in Lakes and one is in Taranaki.

Forty-nine infected people remain in hospital.

Omicron, the latest variant of concern, is believed to be more infectious than the Delta strain of Covid-19 and is sweeping through the United Kingdom and other countries around the world.

The first was discovered in a returnee in MIQ in Christchurch on Thursday and a further three cases were detected yesterday in Rotorua. Four more were detected today.

The three cases detected yesterday arrived in Auckland from Dubai on December 11 and were transported to a Rotorua MIQ facility on a bus chartered for international arrivals.


卫生官员将发布最新的 Covid-19 数据,并将揭示 Omicron 变体是否已感染 MIQ 的任何其他人。

Omicron 是令人担忧的最新变种,据信它比 Covid-19 的 Delta 菌株更具传染性,并且正在席卷英国和世界其他国家。

预计今天的数字将于下午 1 点由卫生部发布。

新西兰在 MIQ 发现了四例 Omicron。

第一个是在基督城 MIQ 的一名返回者身上发现的,昨天在罗托鲁瓦又发现了三个病例。

昨天发现的三个病例于 12 月 11 日从迪拜抵达奥克兰,并被乘坐专为国际抵达的巴士运送到罗托鲁瓦 MIQ 设施。

其中一例从伦敦前往迪拜,另一例来自西班牙,第三例来自尼日利亚。 他们都在迪拜登上了同一班飞往奥克兰的航班。

卫生部昨天的一份声明说,这些病例已转移到奥克兰的 Jet Park 隔离酒店。

The Jet Park quarantine facility in Mangere. Photo / Sylvie Whinray
The Jet Park quarantine facility in Mangere. Photo / Sylvie Whinray三人将在 MIQ 设施中完成所有 10 天,而不是在自我隔离中度过最后三天。该部的声明说,鉴于该变种在海外迅速传播,发现这些新的 Omicron 病例“并不奇怪”。

儿童在感染 Covid-19 时死亡

卫生部官员在一份声明中说,一名 0 至 9 岁的儿童在感染 Covid 后死亡。


自去年 Covid-19 抵达我们的海岸以来,已有 49 人死亡。

记录的 Covid 死亡包括所有在死亡时被归类为活跃病毒病例的病例。 在其中一些病例中,根本死因可能与 Covid-19 无关。

目前尚不清楚这名被认为是 Manukau 的毛利男孩的孩子是否有任何可能导致他死亡的潜在疾病。

Papakura Marae 健康诊所的 Matire Harwood 博士说,孩子的死是“悲惨而清醒的”。

“虽然人们一直说 Covid 是轻微的,但对于患有哮喘和其他呼吸系统疾病的儿童来说,情况可能非常严重,我们知道我们的毛利人和太平洋地区的这些疾病发生率更高。”




周五社区中有 76 例新的 Covid-19 病例。

这些病例分别发生在奥克兰 (47)、怀卡托 (15)、丰盛湾 (10)、湖泊 (1) 和塔拉纳基 (3)。

新西兰有 51 人住院,5 人在 ICU 或 HDU。 住院患者的平均年龄为 53 岁。

Photo / Getty Images
Photo / Getty Images该部表示,12 月 15 日在内皮尔的废水样本中检测到 Covid-19。 目前该市尚无已知的 Covid 病例。虽然这可能是最近恢复的病例返回该地区传播病毒,但结果也可能表明社区中未发现病例。卫生官员敦促该地区任何出现 Covid-19 症状的人,无论多么轻微,都要接受检测。

Health officials are set to release the latest Covid-19 numbers and will reveal if the Omicron variant has infected any further people in MIQ.

Omicron, the latest variant of concern, is believed to be more infectious than the Delta strain of Covid-19 and is sweeping through the United Kingdom and other countries around the world.

Today’s numbers are expected to be released by the Ministry of Health at 1pm.

New Zealand has detected four cases of Omicron in MIQ.

The first was discovered in a returnee in MIQ in Christchurch and a further three cases were detected yesterday in Rotorua.

The three cases detected yesterday arrived in Auckland from Dubai on December 11 and were transported to a Rotorua MIQ facility on a bus chartered for international arrivals.

One of the cases travelled to Dubai from London, another one from Spain and a third one from Nigeria. They all boarded the same flight in Dubai to Auckland.

A statement from the Ministry of Health yesterday said the cases were moved to the Jet Park quarantine facility in Auckland.

Child dies while infected with Covid-19

Ministry of Health officials said in a statement a child between the age of zero and 9 had died while infected with Covid.

The tragic death marks the youngest person to die while infected with the virus.

(12月17日)(中英)社区新增 76例新冠病例,奥克兰47例,新西兰出现首例Omicron病例