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据卫生部称,社区新增 19 例新的 Covid-19 病例,边境有 43 例。

在今天社区的 19 例病例中,奥克兰 6 例,怀卡托 5 例,丰盛湾 5 例,北地 1 例,塔拉纳基 2 例。

There are 19 new cases of Covid-19 in the community and 43 at the border, according to the Ministry of Health.

Of today’s 19 cases in the community, six are in Auckland, five in Waikato, five in Bay of Plenty, one in Northland and two in Taranaki.

周三,新西兰社区有 17 新冠病例例,边境有 23 例。 只有五个社区病例发生在奥克兰,这是该市自 8 月 18 日以来记录的最小单日总数。

丰盛湾周三报告的病例最多,有 9 例,均与之前的阳性病例有关。

44 人因感染病毒住院,其中 5 人在重症监护室。 住院患者的平均年龄为 52 岁。


People queueing for their booster vaccine on Wednesday in Wellington. (File photo)
周三在惠灵顿,人们在排队接种加强疫苗。 MONIQUE FORD/STUFF

周四下午将提供大约 1250 间 3 月和 4 月的管理隔离房间。 这将是自 12 月 16 日以来首次发布房间。

现在,新西兰有超过 100 万人有资格获得接种 Covid-19 加强针。 至少四个月前接种第二剂疫苗的任何人都可以前往他们所在地区的步入式疫苗诊所。


On Wednesday there were 17 cases in the community, and 23 at the border. Only five of the community cases were in Auckland– the smallest single day total the city had recorded since August 18.

Bay of Plenty had the most cases to report on Wednesday, with nine, which were all linked to previous positive cases.

Forty-four people were in hospital with the virus, with five of those in intensive care units. The average age of those in hospital was 52.

Two further cases had been found in Taranaki but would be added to today’s tally as they were reported after yesterday’s cut-off period.

On Thursday afternoon about 1250 rooms in managed isolation for March and April will go on offer. It will be the first room release since December 16.

More than a million people in New Zealand are now eligible for their Covid-19 booster shot. Anyone who had their second dose at least four months ago can go to a walk-in vaccine clinic in their area.

Appointment bookings can be made by phone, but online bookings for boosters with the shortened time interval are not open until January 17.
