
新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


今天新增 14 例社区病例,边境有 9 例 Covid-19 病例。


There are just 14 community cases today and nine new cases of Covid-19 at the border.

“The low number of cases reported today is welcome news, particularly with increasing testing numbers. We thank New Zealanders for the care they have taken over the holiday period while travelling across the country and connecting with friends and family,” the Ministry of Health said today.

坎特伯雷出现了两个病例。 这些病例是在每日截止时间后通知的,并将正式添加到明天的数字中。


怀卡托今天有两例新病例,其中一例与先前报告的病例无关。 一例来自科罗曼德,一例来自蒂阿罗哈。

怀卡托有32 名感染者在家隔离。

一个新病例与奥克兰北部马塔卡纳的 Hidden Valley Festival 有关。 他们在惠灵顿的检测呈阳性,调查正在进行中。



在住院患者中,北岸有 4 人,奥克兰市有 12 人,米德尔莫尔有 13 人,陶朗加有 4 人,怀卡托有 1 人。

截至今天,已接种 548,733 剂加强剂,昨天接种了 47,796 剂。

在全国范围内,95% 的符合条件的人至少接种了第一剂 Covid 疫苗,92% 的人完全接种了疫苗。

毛利人正在接近 90% 的大关,其中 88% 的人至少第一次打针,82% 的人完全接种了疫苗。

在符合条件的太平洋地区人群中,95% 的人接种了第一剂疫苗,92% 的人接种了疫苗。

在过去的 24 小时内,共接种了 47,796 剂加强剂,这是迄今为止的记录。

Of those in hospital, four are at North Shore, 12 are at Auckland City, 13 are at Middlemore, four are at Tauranga and one is at Waikato.

As of today, 548,733 booster doses have been administered, with 47,796 given yesterday.

Across the country, 95 per cent of eligible people have received at least their first dose of the Covid vaccine and 92 per cent were fully vaccinated.

Māori were edging closer to the 90 per cent mark, with 88 per cent with at least their first jab and 82 per cent fully vaccinated.

Of eligible Pacific peoples, 95 per cent had received their first dose and 92 per cent were fully vaccinated.

In the past 24 hours, 47,796 booster doses were given, a record to date.

只有一个人因 Covid-19 接受重症监护,而在期待已久的新西兰交通灯设置可能发生变化的公告前几天,社区病例继续下降。

周一,MIQ 有 35 例新的 Covid-19 病例,社区中只有 27 例,现在预计边境地区的大多数病例是 Omicron。

新西兰目前似乎正在赢得与 Delta 变种的战斗,病例仍然很低,住院的35 人中只有一个人在重症监护病房。

Only one person is in intensive care with Covid-19 and community cases are continuing to fall just days ahead of the long-awaited announcement on potential changes to New Zealand’s traffic light settings.

On Monday there were 35 new cases of Covid-19 in MIQ and just 27 in the community, with most of those at the border now expected to be Omicron.

New Zealand currently appears to be winning the battle against the Delta variant, with cases remaining low and just one of the 35 people in hospital in an intensive care unit.

但专家警告说,更具传染性的 Omicron 变种泄漏到社区中,导致像在海外看到的那样剧烈爆发只是时间问题。


卫生部昨天表示,全国共接种了 500,000 次加强针,而 95% 的符合条件的人接种了一剂疫苗,92% 的人接受了双针。

迫在眉睫的 Omicron 威胁还导致一位流行病学家警告说,政府应推迟学校重新开学,直到有足够的儿童接种疫苗。

5-11 岁的儿童可以从 1 月 17 日起接种疫苗,周末有超过 50 万剂辉瑞 (Pfizer) 儿科疫苗抵达。大约 476,000 名儿童将有资格,但需要父母或看护人同意他们接受接种。


昨晚,奥克兰音乐节被列为暴露关注地点,1 月 7 日,一名人在参加了在 Trusts Arena 举行的 Golden Lights 活动后检测呈阳性。

敦促那些在下午 1.30 到 10.45 之间参加音乐节的人自我监测症状,如果出现症状,请立即接受检测。

惠灵顿的一个新的 Covid 病例与新年前夜举行的奥克兰 Britomart 街区派对有关。

参加 1 月 3 日在芒格努伊山 Wharepai Domain 举行的鼓和贝斯音乐节的人早些时候也被告知要隔离并接受检测,此前一名参加者的新冠病毒检测呈阳性。


其他值得关注点包括皇后镇的 Shotover Jet,1 月 2 日乘坐的乘客被告知,他们现在被视为病例的密切接触者。