(超详细)新西兰全国将于今晚午夜进入红色设置,总理婚礼延期,财长宣布财政支持 ( 含中英直播新闻发布会内容)

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Unite Against Covid-19 网站已更新,声明新西兰全境将于今晚 11.59pm 进入红色设置。



一般扫描。 在航班、公共交通工具、出租车、零售店、公共场所佩戴口罩,建议出门时佩戴。 公共设施(最多 100 人)、零售开放人们保持1m 距离。 学校和 ECE 有限制地开放。 允许进行一些受限的户外活动。 工作场所可以开放:如果适合您的工作,您可以在家工作。 与您的雇主讨论什么适合您。


Health system facing unsustainable number of hospitalisations.

General Scanning. Masks on flights, public transport, taxis, retail, public venues and recommended if leaving the house. Open with 1m distancing: public facilities (up to 100 people), retail. Schools and ECE open with restrictions. Some restricted outdoor events allowed. Workplaces can open: If it is appropriate for your job, you can work from home. Talk to your employer about what is appropriate for you.

The Unite Against Covid-19 website has been updated to state that all of New Zealand is going into the red setting at 11.59pm tonight.

总理 Jacinda Ardern 和卫生部总干事 Ashley Bloomfield 博士在这里。 新闻发布会即将开始。

尼尔森/马尔堡地区报告的 9 例 Covid-19 病例具有 Omicron 变体。 昨天晚些时候确认了另一例病例。

总理说,正如我们从海外知道的那样,Omicron 的传染性要强得多。

Looks like they’re running behind schedule a bit. Apologies for the delay everyone. I’ll let you know when the prime minister arrives and the news conference is about to begin.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield are here. The news conference is about to start.

Nine Covid-19 cases reported in Nelson/ Marlborough region have the Omicron variant. A further case has been confirmed late yesterday.
These cases are one cluster and they flew to a wedding in Auckland.

This setting is essential to slow the spread of the virus.
As we know from overseas, Omicron is significantly more infectious, the PM says.

这是总理给新西兰人的信息。 “去打加强针”。 她说,这是新西兰人需要完成的一项任务。

Here’s the prime minister’s message to New Zealanders. “Get boosted”. This is the one task New Zealanders need to do, she says.
We need to get our booster numbers higher, and quickly.
If it’s been four months since your second jab, go get your booster.

“红色不是封锁”,Ardern 说。
在红色设置下,人们可以做大部分事情,包括旅行。 酒店业务开放,但人数上限为 100 人,顾客就座。 工作场所是开放的,但可以选择让员工在家工作。

Arden 说,确保您拥有的重要一点是“伙伴”——如果需要,可以帮助运送杂货的邻居或朋友。

“Red is not lockdown”, Ardern says.
At red, people can do most things, including travel. Hospitality businesses are open but are capped at 100 people and customers are seated. Workplaces are open, but can choose to ask their employees to work from home.
It’s the Government’s intention that schools will remain open and they’re looking at ventilation.

An important thing to make sure you have is “a buddy” – a neighbour or friend who can help deliver groceries if needed, Arden says.

Ardern 正在经历一些阶段,并就检测呈阳性时会发生什么提供建议。
正在准备一个三步计划来遏制 Omicron 变体的传播。 我们将很快发布更多关于此的信息。
第 1 阶段可能需要 14 天才能到达,而第 3 阶段是更严重的阶段,每天有数千例病例。

Ardern is running through some stages and advice around what happens if you test positive.
There is a 3-step plan that’s being prepared to contain the spread of the Omicron variant. We’ll publish more on this soon.
Stage 1 could take up to 14 days to arrive, while stage 3, the more severe stage, is when there are thousands of cases each day.

Ardern 说,互相照顾,并准备好在需要时呆在家里。
我们为此准备了两年。 Ardern 还感谢新西兰人迄今为止的mahi工作。

布卢姆菲尔德现在发言。 他说尼尔森小组的第一个人去接受了检,他感谢那个人这样做。
检一直是我们回应的基础。 如果您在新西兰的任何地方都有任何症状,请接受检测。

Look after each other, and get prepared to stay at home should you need to, Ardern says.
We’ve been preparing for this for two years. Ardern also thanked New Zealanders for their mahi so far.

Bloomfield is now speaking. He says the first person in the Nelson group went and got tested, and he thanked that person for doing so.
Testing has been fundamental in our response. If you have any symptoms at all where ever you are in NZ, please get tested.

有 5 个新西兰航空航班是暴露关注地点 – 这些是 Nelson 一家乘坐的航班。 加上受感染的新西兰航空公司工作人员参与的其他 4 个航班。
关于这些暴露关注地点有第 70 条款通知,这意味着这是对在病例发生时曾在这些地点的新西兰人的法律要求。 这些地点可在该部的网站上找到。
在这些航班中,已联系了 192 人/联系人中的 150 人并提供了 Covid-19 信息。

There are 5 air NZ flights that are locations of interest – these are the flights the Nelson family travelled on. Plus 4 other flights that the infected AirNZ staff member worked on.

There is a section 70 notice on these locations of interest, which means this is a legal requirement for New Zealanders who have been at these locations at the times the cases have been. The locations are available on the ministry’s website here.

Of these flights, 150 of 192 people/ contacts have been contacted and provided with Covid-19 information.

由于预计电话会增加,Healthline 的员工今天已经增加。
布卢姆菲尔德说这是用于临床呼叫。 如果您需要有关红色设置的帮助/建议,可在 Unite 网站上找到。

任何需要医疗护理的人都可以在我们的医院接受护理。 我们医院的能力水平很高。

红色设置包括 100 人的上限,旨在减少病毒的传播并确保新西兰人的安全。
他们正在调查该病毒的传播程度。 同样,如果您有任何症状,请接受检测——特别是如果您住在奥克兰。

Healthline’s workforce has been increased today in anticipation of an increase in calls.

Bloomfield said this is for clinical calls. If you need help/ advice around the red setting, this is available on the Unite website here.

Bloomfield said this is for clinical calls. If you need help/ advice around the red setting, this is available on the Unite website here.

Anyone who needs medical care will be able to receive care at our hospitals. There are good capacity levels across our hospitals.
“If you need care, seek it,” Bloomfield said.

The red setting, which includes caps at 100 people, is designed to reduce the spread of the virus and keep New Zealanders safe.
They are investigating how much spread there is of the virus. Again, if you have any symptoms, get tested – specifically if you live in Auckland.

A move to the red light setting will mean more restrictions on gatherings and businesses. Photo / Sylvie Whinray
转向红灯设置将意味着对聚会和商业活动的更多限制。 Photo / Sylvie Whinray



“保持冷静,保持友善,去打加强针”Ardern 说。 他们不希望人们因感染病毒而住院。

Ardern 证实,关于 Nelson 一家,符合条件的人都接种了疫苗。

他们继续对新西兰的 Covid-19 非常谨慎。


由于海外出现的证据,他们将再次对口罩建议进行快速评估。 这也是正在进行的评估的一部分。 Ardern 表示,未来几天将对此进行更正式的更新。
Bloomfield 补充说,N95 口罩必须正确佩戴才能有效。
Ardern 补充说,医护人员的口罩供应充足。

They’re now answering media questions.
“Be calm, be kind, get boosted,” Ardern says. They don’t want people to experience being in hospital with the virus.
“Get boosted, it makes all the difference.”

In regards to the Nelson family, those who were eligible were vaccinated, Ardern confirmed.

Please follow the public health guidance, wear a mask, get boosted, and prepare to be isolating at home should you need to.
They’re continuing to be very cautious around Covid-19 in New Zealand.

Mask advice to be reviewed
They’re going to do a quick assessment again regarding mask advice, as a result of evidence emerging overseas. This is also part of ongoing assessments. There will be a more formal update on this in the coming days, Ardern said.
Bloomfield added that N95 masks must be fitted properly to be effective.
Ardern added that there was a good supply around masks for health staff.

Ardern 解释说,虽然我们的病例数很少,但我们有能力尝试减少传播并将其消除。

Ardern 表示,他们希望继续提高这些疫苗接种人数,包括我们的毛利人和太平洋社区。
Ardern 补充说,需要迅速识别有既往疾病的人,这是自去年 Delta 在新西兰出现以来他们一直在关注的一个领域。

While we have low case numbers, we have the ability to try and reduce spread and stamp it out, Ardern explains.
In phase 2, there will be more cases and we’ll move to a transition period which will involve people isolating.

Ardern said they want to keep driving those vaccination numbers higher, including for our Maori and Pacific communities.

People who have pre-exisiting conditions need to be identified quickly, Ardern added, and this is an area they’ve been looking at since the emergence of Delta in NZ last year.

Ardern 说,他们将继续查看海外证据。
在回答提到澳大利亚疫情的问题时,Ardern 表示,他们现阶段不考虑关闭新西兰的接待场所。 在红色下,这些场馆是开放的,只是有容量限制。

我们的“绝对重点”是减缓病毒传播速度。 Ardern 说,这对我们的卫生系统至关重要。

They will keep looking at the overseas evidence, Ardern says.
In response to a question that mentioned Australia’s outbreaks, Ardern said they’re not looking at closing hospitality venues in NZ at this stage. Under red, these venues are open, just have capacity restrictions.
Scenario planning is helpful for planning purposes.
Our “absolute focus” is on slowing the virus down. This is essential for our health system, Ardern said.

Ardern 说,在这个阶段,每个人都应该计划在红灯设置“几个星期”。

Ardern 说,即使我们有不同的看法,人们的福祉也必须是一切的核心。


Ardern 证实,由于 Omicron 爆发,她的婚礼将不会继续进行。

“这就是生活,”她说。 Ardern 说,她与在这场大流行中度过艰难时期的数千名新西兰人没有什么不同。

Red setting expected to be ‘some weeks’

At this stage, everyone should plan to be in the red traffic light setting “for some weeks”, Ardern said.

We are right at the beginning of this wave.
Even if we have different views, people’s well being needs to be at the heart of it all, Ardern says.

The prime minister’s wedding has been postponed due to the outbreak

Ardern confirmed that her wedding will not be going ahead due to the Omicron outbreak.

“Such is life,” she said. Ardern said that she is no different from thousands of New Zealanders who have gone through hard times amid this pandemic.


财政部长格兰特·罗伯逊 (Grant Robertson) 正在为可能因 Omicron 爆发期间的自我隔离要求而受到影响的雇主和雇员实施一些财务支持计划。
最初的重点是支持那些因隔离在家而无法工作的人。 休假支持计划适用于这种情况。 全职工人的工资是每周 600 纽币。 还有一个缺勤支持付款。
罗伯逊说,新西兰拥有世界上最强大的账户余额之一,我们为 Omicron 做好了准备。
由于 Omicron,海外市场受到了相当大的干扰。 他说,我们从中吸取了教训,现在我们正努力走在前面。

Economic support

Finance Minister Grant Robertson is running through some financial support schemes for employers and employees who may be impacted due to self isolation requirements amid the Omicron outbreak.

The initial focus is on supporting those who cannot be at work due to being at home in isolation. The leave support scheme is available for this situation. This is paid at the same $600pw for fulltime workers. There is also an absence leave support payment.

New Zealand has one of the strongest bank balances in the world, and we are prepared for Omicron, Robertson said.

There’s been quite significant disruption overseas due to Omicron. We’re learnt from this, and we’re trying to get in front of this now, he said.


“它的行为与其他变种不同,”罗伯逊说。 世界各地都在学习这个变种,我们在这里有一个优势,可以从海外发生的事情中学习。


“It is behaving differently than others,” Robertson said. Everywhere around the world is learning about this variant, and we have an advantage here to learn from what’s happening overseas.

We can learn about this beforehand, and come back from it quicker.

We will have the resources we need to support New Zealanders, Robertson said.


Robertson表示,绝对没有必要恐慌购买。 我们有库存和供应。 早些时候,阿德恩还敦促人们保持冷静。


Robertson 说,由于 Omicron 爆发,不可避免地会有一些分配问题。 尽管如此,他们正试图赶在它前面。


No need to panic buy
Robertston said there is absolutely no need to panic buy. We have stock and supplies. Earlier, Ardern also urged people to remain calm.

There will be some disruption, have plans in place
Inevitably there will be some distribution, Robertson said as a result of the Omicron outbreak. Although, they’re trying to get in front of it.
Have business continuity plans in place, get boosted, and have someone who can help you if you need to self isolate, the finance minister advises.
“We’re asking people to plan,” he said, and referred to the prime minister’s earlier comments about having “a buddy” (ie a neighbour or friend) who can help deliver groceries and supplies in the situation you may be asked to isolate and won’t be able to go to the shops yourself.

That’s it for the news conference!



红色是限制性最强的红绿灯设置,但国内旅行可以继续。 地区周围将不再有边界,例如最近的奥克兰边界。


在红色的情况下,在乘坐公共交通工具、零售店和在一定程度上接受教育时,必须戴面罩。 公共设施和零售店开放,但容量有限。

Red setting

Red is the most restrictive traffic light setting, but domestic travel can continue. There would be no more borders around regions, such as the recent Auckland borders.

While lockdowns would not be widespread, there could be lockdowns localised to a workplace or school, for example, depending on what was happening in the outbreak.

In red, face coverings are mandatory when travelling on public transport, in retail and to an extent in education. Public facilities and retail outlets are open, with capacity limits.


尽管有 Omicron,但政府坚持希望孩子们在第一学期开始时回到教室——学校可以在交通灯系统的所有阶段保持开放。

教育部长克里斯·希普金斯(Chris Hipkins)表示,他希望今年能看到更多的面对面学习,学校应对病毒的方式将与过去两年不同。



Schools to open

Despite Omicron, the Government is adamant it wants kids back in the classroom for the start of Term 1 – schools can stay open in all phases of the traffic light system.

Education Minister Chris Hipkins says he wants to see more face-to-face learning this year, and schools will deal with the virus differently than they have over the past two years.

But he says it’s possible some schools may have to move to learning from home if they are understaffed because so many teaches have been exposed to Covid.

Kids will experience disruption if they, a close contact, or someone in their household is sick, but otherwise they will be at school and in class, Hipkins said.

您在家中的 Covid-19 医疗包中应该有什么

如果您的检测呈阳性,您将无法用完去获取补给品。 这是您在家中需要的东西。


* 总理将在上午 11 点举行关于 Omicron 变体的计划外新闻发布会。
* 官员们此前曾表示,社区中的 Omicron 爆发将使该国进入红灯设置。
* 克里斯·希普金斯 (Chris Hipkins) 表示,预计冠状病毒最终将在新西兰流行,2022 年上半年可能会改变边界。

总理 Jacinda Ardern 和 Ashley Bloomfield 博士将提供 Omicron 更新
今天上午 11 点 – 发出可能进入红灯系统的信号。

总理此前曾表示,两人将举行新闻发布会,如果发现具有高度传染性的 Covid-19 变种正在传播,该国将在 24 至 48 小时内恢复红绿灯系统的红色设置。


这取决于上午 11 点与边界没有明确联系的几个 Covid 病例的基因组测序结果。

预计将有更多关于 Omicron 在新西兰存在的信息。


周六,卫生部证实奥克兰机场第二名感染 Covid-19 的工作人员感染了 Omicron 变体。

周六边境有 41 例 Covid-19 病例,社区有 43 例。 八人因病毒住院,但没有人在重症监护室或高度依赖病房。


与此同时,周三在北帕默斯顿,有 76 人被确定为与 Omicron 检测呈阳性的人的接触者。

该人于 1 月 16 日离开克赖斯特彻奇的 MIQ 设施三天后,其 Covid-19 检测呈阳性,在那里他们返回了五次阴性检测。


在政府宣布一旦发生 Omicron 社区爆发,新西兰全境的交通信号灯系统将变为红色。封锁似乎已成为过去。

Jacinda Ardern 周四在新普利茅斯的新闻发布会上说:“当我们有证据表明 Omicron 在社区中传播时,我们不会采取封锁措施,而是整个国家将在 24 到 48 小时内变为红色状态。”



新的Omicron 子变种席卷欧洲,正在调查中

Covid Omicron 变种的新姊妹亚型可能更容易传播且更难追踪,最近几天开始在海外崭露头角。

该亚型被称为BA. 2,而最初的 Omicron,被科学家称为 BA. 1.

而BA的情况下。 2 种类型的 Omicron 在欧洲各个国家仍然很低,它到达澳大利亚可能只是时间问题。

然而,科学家们仍在努力确定截至 1 月 10 日在英国感染了 53 人的亚型是否比最初的 BA. 1 更严重。