周二,透明国际(Transparency International),发布了其年度清廉指数,这是一个基于分数的系统,“根据公共部门的清廉度对全球 180 个国家和地区进行排名。结果以 0(高度腐败)至 100(非常干净)排列“。
新西兰连续第三年与丹麦和芬兰一起夺得冠军,得分为 88 分(满分 100 分)。
根据专家对公共部门和司法腐败的看法,2021 年指数对 180 个国家和地区进行了评分。
新西兰透明国际主席 Anne Tolley 表示,国际社会对低腐败水平的认可对于新西兰依赖贸易的经济至关重要。
该组织表示,政府在 COVID 保护框架中将新西兰移到”红灯“的决定并不是腐败的证据。
该 2021 年指数显示,全球腐败水平仍处于停滞状态,86% 的国家在过去 10 年中几乎没有取得任何进展。南苏丹以 11 分排在最后。
Chair of Transparency International New Zealand Anne Tolley said international recognition of low levels of corruption is vital for New Zealand’s trade-dependent economy.
“Solid credit ratings and lower costs of contracting and compliance allow us to remain competitive internationally. Maintaining active vigilance against corruption has significant financial value to the country.”
The organization said the Government’s decision to move New Zealand to red in the COVID Protection Framework was not evidence of corruption.
“We expect complaints from people who believe that curtailing our rights under red light restrictions are evidence of corruption,” Haggie said.
“We don’t agree with that – the restrictions are necessary to protect public health. New Zealanders are more likely to accept restrictions if they know that they are timebound, rolled back as soon as possible, and if there is transparency around the decision-making processes.”
This 2021 index showed that corruption levels remain at a standstill worldwide, with 86 percent of countries making little to no progress in the last 10 years. South Sudan finished last with a score of 11
司法部长克里斯.法福伊( Kris Faafoi) 对新西兰在世界反腐败排名中持续位居榜首的消息表示欢迎。
全球反腐败组织透明国际发布的 2021 年清廉指数以 88 分(满分 100 分)排名新西兰第一,与丹麦和芬兰并驾齐驱。
“这是新西兰人可以引以为豪的优异成绩。虽然我们在这些排名中一直表现出色,但令人鼓舞的是,新西兰保住了头把交椅——这是我们在过去八年中的六年中一直保持的位置,”Kris Faafoi 说。
“虽然 COVID-19 大流行对清廉指数的全面影响在一两年内不会显现,但政府的强烈反应加强了我们作为一个安全和公平的国家生活和经商的地位,”克里斯.法福伊说。
透明国际 2021 年清廉指数