写给行动党David Seymour 的公开信


尊敬的 David Seymour 先生,您好:

我很高兴给您写这封信。针对南希·佩洛西访台、造 成台海紧张局势的事件,我作为新西兰华侨华人联合 会会长,十分担心和愤怒。
一个中国政策是中国发展外交关系的重要前提和政治 基础。这也是新西兰历届政府的庄严承诺。

维护国家主权和领土完整,实现祖国的完全统一,是 全体中国人的共同愿望和神圣职责。这也是我们海外 华人的共同愿望。希望您能认清台湾问题的严重性, 不要跟美国走。我也希望您作为一个聪明的政治家, 不要给中新关系制造不必要的麻烦和干扰。
要知道,中国是新西兰最大的贸易出口国。如果中纽 关系受损,将直接影响和冲击新西兰经济。如果新西 兰经济崩溃,将增加失业和犯罪率。我们不希望看到 这种情况发生,因为我们都住在新西兰.是新西兰的 一部分。

所有华裔新西兰人,约占新西兰总人口的 5%,衷心希 望你们努力增进中新友好关系,实现双赢。

您近日在接受媒体采访时表示,“愿意接受访台邀 请”,对此我们深感震惊。贵党是新西兰政治舞台上 的重要力量。如果跟随佩洛西访台,必然会对中新关 系产生巨大影响,使新西兰卷入中美竞争的漩涡。我 们有很多华人在新西兰生活和工作,尤其是女性,无 法想象这种后果。

我代表新西兰华侨华人联合会,衷心希望您认识到, 台湾问题是中国的内政,在台湾问题上做出错误的判 断和行动,将直接影响你们在华人心中的支持率,请 在行动前思考,三思而后行。



2022 年 8 月 12 日

Letter to David Seymour Act Party 

12 August 2022

Dear Mr. David Seymour,

It is a pleasure to write this letter to you. As the chairman of the New Zealand Overseas Chinese Union, I am very worried and angry about the incident of Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and the tension in the Taiwan Strait.
The one-China policy is an important prerequisite and political foundation for China to develop diplomatic relations. This is also a solemn commitment of successive New Zealand governments.
Safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity and realizing the complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration and sacred duty of all Chinese people. This is also the common wish of our overseas Chinese. I hope everyone can recognize the seriousness of the Taiwan issue and not follow the United States. I also hope that you, as a smart politician,

will not cause unnecessary trouble and disturbance to the relationship between China and New Zealand.
You know, China is New Zealand’s largest trade exporter. If the relationship between China and New Zealand is damaged, it will directly affect and impact the New Zealand economy. If New Zealand’s economy collapses, it will increase unemployment and crime. We don’t want to see that happen because we all live in and are part of New Zealand.
We are deeply shocked that you expressed “willing to accept an invitation to visit Taiwan” in an interview with a media recently. Your party is an important force in New Zealand’s political platform. If following Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, it will inevitably huge impact on China-New Zealand relations, and makes New Zealand involved in the unnecessary whirlpool of Sino-US competition. Most Chinese who live and work here will not support and advocate for you.

We, Chinese New Zealanders, make up about 5% of the total population of New Zealand. On behalf of the New Zealand Overseas Chinese Union, I sincerely hope that you will recognize that the Taiwan issue is China’s internal affairs. Making wrong judgments and actions in this regard will directly affect your support rate in the Chinese community. Please think twice before action. We also sincerely hope that you will make efforts to enhance China-New Zealand friendly relations and achieve a win- win situation.

Kind regards,

Julie Chen
New Zealand Overseas Chinese Union




1 thought on “写给行动党David Seymour 的公开信

  1. You guys are pro-CCP Chinese, You should not and can not represent all Chinese New Zealanders.

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