world news

(8月18日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报

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Accamma Cherian: The forgotten firebrand freedom fighter from south India

Accamma Cherian’s contributions in India’s struggle for independence have been lost to history.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 11:28 am(NZT)

How English is becoming a popular option in Algeria

An increasing number of young people in the ex-French colony see English as a universal language.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 11:15 am(NZT)

‘Inclusive Barbies a major step in my life’

For the first time, new dolls feature a hearing aid, prosthetic limb, wheelchair and skin condition.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 11:13 am(NZT)

US pharmacy chains ordered to pay $650m in Ohio opioids suit

It comes after a court found the chains helped create an oversupply of opioid pills in Ohio counties.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 11:07 am(NZT)

‘UFC helped me escape gang crime after dad’s murder’

His father’s murder sent him spiralling towards a life of crime. Now Leon Edwards has the chance to become a UFC world champion.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 11:01 am(NZT)



Algeria forest fires: At least 26 dead, minister says

Countries on the Mediterranean have been ravaged by wildfires this summer, especially in Europe.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 9:58 am(NZT)

Surfers on Venice’s Grand Canal invoke mayor’s wrath

Videos of two foil surfers whizzing along the city’s busiest canal have sparked outrage online.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 9:29 am(NZT)

Western and Southern Open: Emma Raducanu thrashes Victoria Azarenka in Cincinnati

British number one Emma Raducanu produces another eye-catching display as she thrashes Victoria Azarenka less than 24 hours after beating Serena Williams.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 9:19 am(NZT)

Liz Cheney vs Donald Trump: Why it’s not over yet

Liz Cheney just got trounced by a Trump-backed candidate – but the ex-president’s critic isn’t going away.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 9:16 am(NZT)

Salma al-Shehab: Concern for Saudi student jailed for 34 years over tweets

Salma al-Shehab, a Leeds University PhD student, called for reforms and the release of activists.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 8:57 am(NZT)

2022-08-18 06:24:10
2022-08-18 06:02:38
2022-08-18 06:01:50
2022-08-18 06:00:54
2022-08-18 06:00:14
2022-08-18 04:35:37
中新社莫斯科8月17日电 (田冰 刘璟瑶)据俄罗斯国家航天集团17日消息,由于宇航服电源出现问题,俄罗斯宇航员阿尔捷米耶夫提前结束太空行走,已返回国际空间站。
2022-08-18 03:59:10
泽连斯基:古特雷斯已抵达利沃夫 乌方将与联合国合作争取获得必要成果
2022-08-18 02:44:07
2022-08-18 02:38:53
科技日报北京8月17日电 (记者刘霞)英国科学家成功地将3个已故捐赠者肾脏的血型转变为最常见的O型。最近发表于《英国外科杂志》的这一突破性进展,将对等待肾移植的患者产生重大影响。
2022-08-18 02:37:33
科技日报北京8月17日电 (记者张梦然)英国剑桥大学一个研究团队设计出一种超薄、灵活的设备,就像“人造树叶”,其灵感来自植物将阳光转化为食物的光合作用,能生产一种可持续的汽油替代品。这种设备成本低、足够轻,可以漂浮在水上而不会占用陆地空间。相关研究发表在最近的《自然》杂志上。
2022-08-18 02:36:31
科技日报北京8月17日电 (记者张梦然)英国《自然·通讯》杂志17日发表的一篇气候变化论文指出,自1979年以来,北大西洋飓风季首次风暴的出现时间平均每10年提前约5天。该研究还发现,1900年至今,登陆美国的首个被命名的风暴平均每10年提前约2天。这些研究结果对于制定更好的应对和适应策略具有重要意义。
2022-08-18 02:36:03
科技日报北京8月17日电 (实习记者张佳欣)美国塔夫茨大学工程学院研究人员设计出一种靶向小鼠癌症的疫苗,这种疫苗强大而精确,可消除肿瘤甚至防止肿瘤复发。这项研究发表在最近的《美国国家科学院院刊》上。
2022-08-18 02:17:16
也门持续暴雨已造成超百人死亡 数千幢房屋受损
2022-08-18 01:29:23
中新社莫斯科8月17日电 (田冰 刘璟瑶)俄罗斯政府副总理德米特里·切尔内申科17日在“军队-2022”国际军事技术论坛上宣布,俄罗斯将于今年9月初启动在联邦政府领导下的国家人工智能发展中心。
2022-08-18 00:47:00
阿富汗首都喀布尔第17警区清真寺爆炸造成至少20人死亡 40多人受伤
2022-08-18 00:43:38
新华社耶路撒冷8月17日电(记者张天朗 吕迎旭)以色列总理办公室17日发表声明,宣布与土耳其恢复外交关系,双方将重新互派大使和总领事。
2022-08-18 00:41:07
巴西总统选举竞选活动开启 11名候选人竞逐总统之位
2022-08-18 00:07:01
2022-08-17 23:08:40
新华社华盛顿8月16日电 新闻分析:美国新法案难解高通胀
2022-08-17 23:04:29
局势面临失控 俄乌各执一词 这座欧洲最大核电站悬了
2022-08-17 22:11:04
对俄制裁让位能源需求 日本恢复进口俄石油
2022-08-17 22:07:56
2022-08-17 22:07:46
乌能源部长:乌方已在扎波罗热成立危机指挥部 全天候监测核电站周边情况
2022-08-17 22:07:18
英籍资深大律师、香港特区政府律政司首任刑事检控专员江乐士(Grenville Cross)8月17日在《中国日报》刊文指出,佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区可谓是彻头彻尾的失败,加剧了台海紧张局势,恶化中美关系,引发中方反制,这显然是一场灾难性的闹剧。
2022-08-17 22:06:19
俄专家:美国应当从“阿富汗行动”汲取教训 干预他国内政注定会失败

Kabul mosque attack: ‘Many casualties feared’

A local hospital says five children, including a seven-year-old, are among those injured.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 8:09 am(NZT)

Western and Southern Open: Emma Raducanu thrashes Victoria Azarenka in Cincinnati

British number one Emma Raducanu produces another eye-catching display as she thrashes Victoria Azarenka less than 24 hours after beating Serena Williams.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 8:08 am(NZT)

Saudi activist sentenced to 34 years in prison for Twitter activity

Saudi women’s rights campaigner Salma al-Shehab was sentenced to 34 years in prison on Monday for her activity on Twitter, according to court documents viewed by CNN.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 18 Aug 2022 | 7:59 am(NZT)

Sir Jim Ratcliffe: Billionaire wants to buy Manchester United

British billionaire Sir Jim Ratcliffe wants to buy Manchester United if the Glazer family put the club up for sale.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 7:52 am(NZT)

R. Kelly trial: Singer has dark side hidden from public – prosecutor

The singer faces charges of child pornography and obstructing justice in his second federal trial.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 7:27 am(NZT)



Western and Southern Open: Andy Murray loses to fellow Briton Cameron Norrie in Cincinnati

Cameron Norrie recovers from a sloppy start to earn a first career win over Andy Murray in their all-British second round clash at the Cincinnati Open.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 6:47 am(NZT)

Islamic State ‘Beatles’: How 2011 arrests led to convictions

The four militants were identified because of arrests years earlier at an English Defence League counter-protest.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 6:24 am(NZT)

Dog infected with monkeypox prompts isolation warning

Isolating from pets when infected and disposing of rubbish carefully is important, health experts say.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 5:54 am(NZT)

Bag thief caught on live TV in Barcelona

He was tracked down after stealing a bag in the background of a live interview on the beach.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 5:35 am(NZT)

Surfers on Venice’s Grand Canal invoke mayor’s wrath

Videos of two foil surfers whizzing along the city’s busiest canal have sparked outrage online.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 4:57 am(NZT)

England v South Africa: Kagiso Rabada & Anrich Nortje rip through hosts before Lord’s rain

England are put under huge pressure by some tremendous South Africa bowling before rain wipes out most of the first day of the first Test at Lord’s.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 4:41 am(NZT)

Scottish local authorities come under fire for appointing man as ‘period dignity officer’

Local authorities in Scotland have come in for criticism after they appointed a man to the role of period dignity officer, responsible for coordinating the region’s response to a new law that makes menstrual products free to access in the country.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 18 Aug 2022 | 4:11 am(NZT)

Better Call Saul: Critics hail ‘masterful’ finale

The sixth-and-final season of Netflix’s Breaking Bad spin-off came to an end on Tuesday.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 3:15 am(NZT)

China inducing rainfall to combat severe drought

Authorities are carrying out cloud seeding operations in central and southwest China.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 3:13 am(NZT)

Liz Cheney: Trump critic blasts Republican ‘personality cult’ after defeat

Liz Cheney criticises the former president after losing to a Trump-backed candidate in Wyoming.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 3:01 am(NZT)



Haruyuki Takahashi: Tokyo 2020 Olympic official accused of taking bribes

Haruyuki Takahashi is arrested on suspicion of taking bribes from a high street clothing retailer.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 2:55 am(NZT)

US says airstrike in Somalia kills 13 members of al-Shabaab terror group

A US airstrike in Somalia over the weekend killed 13 members of the al-Shabaab terror group, US Africa Command said in a statement.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 18 Aug 2022 | 2:49 am(NZT)

Nairo Quintana disqualified from 2022 Tour de France for drug infringement

Colombian rider Nairo Quintana is disqualified from the 2022 Tour de France for an in-competition drug infringement, the UCI has announced.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 2:29 am(NZT)

Sewage hits dozens of beaches in England and Wales after heavy rain

Charity issues warning after water firms discharge untreated sewage to avoid potential flooding.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 2:12 am(NZT)

Syria denies holding Austin Tice, journalist missing for 10 years, after White House claims otherwise

The Syrian government on Wednesday denied it is holding or has any information on the whereabouts of Austin Tice, an American journalist who vanished a decade ago while reporting on the Middle Eastern nation’s civil war.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 18 Aug 2022 | 12:15 am(NZT)

Water levels on Italy’s Lake Garda at 15-year low

Parts of northern Italy are experiencing their worst drought in 70 years.

Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Aug 2022 | 12:05 am(NZT)

Outrage as rapists leave jail to heroes’ welcome

Eleven Hindu men convicted for her gang-rape and the murder of her family members have been freed.

Source: BBC News – Home | 17 Aug 2022 | 11:03 pm(NZT)

Spanish fires: Passengers injured fleeing train in Bejís

Ten people are injured, three seriously, as a train is caught up in a wildfire in eastern Spain.

Source: BBC News – Home | 17 Aug 2022 | 11:00 pm(NZT)

Tencent suffers first ever drop in quarterly revenue

China’s Tencent Holdings reported on Wednesday its first ever quarterly sales fall, hurt by a lack of game approvals and regulations that limit playing time, as well as Covid-19 lockdowns and a weak economy that squeezed ad sales.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 17 Aug 2022 | 10:53 pm(NZT)

Israel and Germany condemn Palestinian leader’s ’50 Holocausts’ claim

Israeli and German leaders express outrage after Mahmoud Abbas accuses Israel of “50 Holocausts”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 17 Aug 2022 | 10:17 pm(NZT)



China’s worst heatwave in 60 years is forcing factories to close

China’s Sichuan province has ordered all factories to shut down for six days to ease a power shortage in the region as a scorching heat wave sweeps across the country.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 17 Aug 2022 | 6:44 pm(NZT)