【澳纽网编译】随着涨潮和气旋加布里埃尔的袭来,科罗曼德镇怀蒂昂格 (Whitianga) 和库克斯海滩 (Cooks Beach) 的海滨房产正被汹涌的海浪淹没。
该地区的重要道路,包括 Buffalo Beach Rd (SH25),也被淹没或被倒下的树木和倒塌的电线堵塞。
当局警告说,河流水位预计将在晚上 7 点左右达到峰值。
泰晤士科罗曼德尔区议会民防事务负责人加里·托勒告诉 Newstalk ZB,气旋“现在开始真正影响我们”,东海岸的情况非常严峻。
托勒说,半岛正遭受多次电力问题和停电,同时他预计随着风暴向该地区靠拢,未来 18 至 20 小时内房屋将受到进一步破坏。
“It’s going to be a miserable, uncomfortable night for the Coromandel,” he said. “We’re on one knee now, this could be a big blow.”
Towler 说“整个道路网络完全受损”。
Beachfront properties in Cooks Beach on the Coromandel have been swamped by surging seas as high tide hits. pic.twitter.com/fdGPyMDd3h
— nzherald (@nzherald) February 13, 2023
涨潮前,Whitianga 居民 Poppy Richmond 告诉先驱报,随着海洋开始侵蚀该镇,住在海岸附近的人们“变得非常担心”。
Waka Kotahi 新西兰交通局警告道路使用者预计会有更多道路关闭,因为气旋到来造成的滑坡和洪水会危及在科罗曼德尔和东怀卡托的国道上的安全行驶。
“建议道路使用者提前计划,如果必须出行,则应尽早离开以通过 Karangahake 峡谷。 洪水很可能会迫使今天晚些时候通过 Karangahake 峡谷的 2 号国道关闭,”该机构说。
“此外,26 号国道上 Paeroa College 桥一侧的停车闸也可能需要使用,这将导致额外的道路封闭。”
Here’s a look at the way the wind wraps tightly around #cyclonegabrielle.
It’s either windy now, or getting windy in the next 12-24 hours, across the majority of the country.
Lots of Warnings active. pic.twitter.com/IbpNMyyRAJ
— MetService (@MetService) February 13, 2023
截至下午 2 点 30 分封路情况
SH2 Paeroa 到 Waihi – 通过 Karangakake 峡谷 – 开放但预计由于洪水而关闭,峡谷可能需要在今天晚些时候关闭。
SH25 泰晤士河至科罗曼德:开放 – 仅限基本旅行多棵倒下的树木和碎片阻碍和阻塞泰晤士河沿岸的车道。注意 – 预计今天下午晚些时候泰晤士机场附近的 Kauaeranga 河溢洪道会发生洪水,这可能会关闭 SH25。
SH25 Coromandel 至 Kūaotunu:部分区域封闭 在 Coromandel/Whangapoua 山上,一条滑坡阻塞了两条车道,多棵树倒下。由于滑坡、地表洪水、倒下的植被和碎片 – 建议格外小心。
SH25 Kūaotunu 至怀蒂昂格:关闭由于洪水,怀蒂昂格的 Wharekaho South 和 Brophy’s Beach 关闭。建议格外小心。
SH25 Whitianga 到 Hikuai – 开放但仅限必要旅行。建议格外小心。
SH25 Hikuai 到 Waihi – 开放由于小滑坡、道路上的碎片和地表洪水 – 建议格外小心。一棵树挡住了 Whangamata 到 Hikuai 之间的一条车道,但这条路是可以通行的。
SH26 Morrinsville 到 Te Aroha – 关闭一棵倒下的树挡住了 26 号 SH26 紧邻 Te Aroha 以南,靠近 Grattan 路
SH25A – 全路完全关闭,电力线因山顶滑坡在 Kopu 侧倒下。
SH26 Te Aroha 到 Paeroa 和 SH26 在 Paeroa 到 Kopu 之间 – 开放这是一个不断变化的情况,随时可能发生变化。
Road closures as of 2.30pm
SH2 Paeroa to Waihi – via Karangakake Gorge – OPEN BUT EXPECT CLOSURE The gorge may need to be closed later today due to flooding.
SH25 Thames to Coromandel: OPEN – ESSENTIAL TRAVEL ONLY Multiple fallen trees and debris obstructing and blocking lanes along the length of the Thames Coast.Note – Flooding is expected later this afternoon at the Kauaeranga River spillway just near the airfield in Thames which may close SH25 here.
SH25 Coromandel to Kūaotunu: CLOSED IN AREAS A slip is blocking both lanes on the Coromandel/ Whangapoua Hill and there are multiple trees down. Due to slips, surface flooding, fallen vegetation and debris – extreme caution is advised.
SH25 Kūaotunu to Whitianga: CLOSED Closed at Wharekaho South and Brophy’s Beach, Whitianga due to flooding. Extreme caution advised.
SH25 Whitianga to Hikuai – OPEN but essential travel only. Extreme caution is advised.
SH25 Hikuai to Waihi – OPEN Due to small slips, debris on the road and surface flooding – extreme caution is advised. A tree is blocking one lane between Whangamata to Hikuai but the road is passable.
SH26 Morrinsville to Te Aroha – CLOSED A fallen tree is blocking SH26 immediately south of Te Aroha, near Grattan Road
SH25A – FULLY CLOSED OVER FULL LENGTH Powerlines down on Kopu side of summit slip closure.
SH26 Te Aroha to Paeroa and SH26 between Paeroa to Kopu – OPEN This is an evolving situation and can change at any time.
Most of #SH25 around Coromandel Peninsula remains CLOSED or open for essential travel only. Slips, flooding & fallen trees are affecting multiple locations across Waikato/BOP. Our Journeys Map has the latest info: https://t.co/dn2EzjljPF ^T pic.twitter.com/MzlU8Onn5K— Waka Kotahi NZTA Waikato/BoP (@WakaKotahiWaiBP) February 13, 2023
来源:NZ Herald