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Bairstow century leads Punjab to record T20 run chase

Punjab Kings chased 262 for victory against the Kolkata Knight Riders, the highest run chase in T20 history.

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Reading park terror attack deaths were avoidable - inquest

David Wails, Joe Ritchie-Bennett and James Furlong were stabbed to death in Reading in 2020.

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Hard to comprehend school stabbing, teachers say

Teachers Fiona Elias, Liz Hopkin and a pupil were injured at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in Ammanford.

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'This is a clarion call' - MeToo founder defiant over Weinstein rape appeal

Tarana Burke says the overturning of Harvey Weinstein's 2020 conviction in New York is not a blow to MeToo.

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Two UK men charged with helping Russian intelligence after suspected arson attack

It comes after a Ukraine-linked business in London was targeted in a suspected arson attack.

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King to resume public duties after cancer diagnosis

King Charles is returning to public events after making encouraging progress in his cancer treatment.

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What on earth is going on with Scottish politics?

Humza Yousaf says he won’t resign ahead of a confidence vote

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Taylor Swift hits number one and breaks records

The star's latest album tops the UK charts after a week in which she clocked up a number of firsts.

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Girl 'first child to be hit with stalking order'

The teenager subjected a family to a "prolonged period of harassment and threats".

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Most Army horses to return to duty 'in due course'

Two military horses were seriously injured and "continue to be closely observed" the Army says.

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Crucible 'will be retired' before me, says Higgins

Four-time world champion John Higgins says he will not be retiring and expects to outlast the Crucible in snooker by playing into his 50s.

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King 'greatly encouraged’ by return to public duties

The King temporarily stepped back from his public duties earlier this year while being treated for cancer.

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How is the King's cancer treatment going three months after diagnosis?

The King's medical team are "sufficiently pleased" with his progress after he was diagnosed with cancer in February.

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Son's death in terror attack 'still feels so raw'

Jan and Gary Furlong want action from authorities after their son and two other men were murdered.

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'Questions for PSNI' over Simpson investigation

Katie Simpson, 21, died in Altnagelvin Hospital following an incident in Lettershandoney in August 2020.

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Post Office paid widow in instalments for silence

The Horizon scandal inquiry reveals details of the biggest miscarriage of justice in UK legal history.

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Far-right Israeli minister Ben-Gvir in car crash

The controversial National Security Minister was taken to hospital after his car overturned.

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Sadiq Khan apologises to Chief Rabbi

Mr Khan says he is "sorry for any hurt" caused over remarks he made in a recent interview.

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Emma Stone wants people to use her real first name

Emma chose the name change because Emily Stone - her real name - was taken by another actor.

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Chelsea have to be 'perfect' against Barca - Hayes

Emma Hayes says Chelsea have to be “perfect” to be able to progress from their Women’s Champions League semi-final against Barcelona.

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Blinken says China helping fuel Russian threat to Ukraine

The US Secretary of State was speaking to the BBC at the end of a three-day trip to China.

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WW2 veterans share frontline memories with pupils

The group of veterans gathered at the Union Jack club in Waterloo with pupils from London schools.

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World's biggest 3D printer whirs into action

It's hoped giant device will be able to print homes, bridges, boats and wind turbines.

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Yousaf will not resign as Scotland's first minister

Humza Yousaf says he is confident of winning a no-confidence vote next week despite opposition calls for him to quit.

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Former ICJ head explains court’s ruling on Gaza genocide case

Joan Donoghue speaks to BBC Hardtalk about the case brought by South Africa to the ICJ over alleged violations of the Genocide Convention by Israel.

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'Disgusted' Milkins throws cue after missed red

Robert Milkins throws his cue to the ground in disgust after missing a red during his World Snooker Championship second-round match against David Gilbert.

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Peter Kay 'can't believe' new arena's latest delay

The comedian's appearances at Manchester's troubled Co-op Live venue are postponed for a second time.

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Veteran who survived 'hell on Earth' dies aged 101

Walter Nixon was 20 when he served on the frontline at the Battle of Anzio in Italy in 1944.

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Teacher admits murdering partner and burying body

Fiona Beal sent messages to Nicholas Billingham's friends using his mobile phone, a trial hears.

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Klopp likes the way Slot's Feyenoord play football

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says he likes the way Feyenoord manager and potential successor Arne Slot's team play football.

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  中新社吉隆坡4月26日电 彭博社于25日报道称,马来西亚政府可能考虑允许在柔佛州设立赌场。马来西亚官方近两日数度对此予以否认。

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  中新社莫斯科4月26日电 (记者 田冰)俄罗斯中央银行26日宣布,维持基准利率16%不变。俄央行同时将2024年国内生产总值(GDP)增长预期上调至2.5%-3.5%。

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John Lewis job applicants get questions beforehand

The retail group hopes giving candidates sight of questions will make process fairer.

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Who is Ash Regan, the woman who could be key to Yousaf's fate?

The Alba Party MSP could play a crucial role in whether Humza Yousaf continues as first minister.

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Paris Olympics 2024: The make or break year for the Games?

What Parisians think about the event and the legacy it could leave

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  中新社圣保罗4月26日电 题:巴西圣卡塔琳娜州官员盼再续“熊猫缘”

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美国一季度经济增速大幅放缓 美媒:明显失去增长势头

  中新网4月26日电 综合报道,根据美国商务部的预估数据,今年第一季度该国经济增速仅为1.6%,低于市场普遍预期,也是自2022年第二季度以来的最低水平。

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  中新网北京4月26日电(记者 莫红娥)近期,美西方一些政客和媒体频繁炒作“中国产能过剩论”。对此,北京外国语大学国际商学院院长牛华勇在接受中新网采访时表示,在市场经济条件下,供给和需求是竞争和匹配的关系,如果全球生产和贸易的自由竞争体系起作用,价格机制会自动调节供给,市场出清,不存在“过剩”问题。

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  中新网4月26日电 据越南通讯社报道,越南共产党第十三届中央委员会26日召开会议,同意王庭惠辞去越共中央政治局委员和越南国会主席职务。

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  当地时间4月26日下午,经越共中央会议决定,同意国会主席王庭惠辞职。(央视新闻客户端 总台记者 王宇)

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  中新网4月26日电 据卡塔尔半岛电视台报道,当地时间25日晚,也门胡塞武装发言人叶海亚·萨雷亚发表声明称,该组织袭击了一艘在亚丁湾的货船和以色列红海城市埃拉特。

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  中新网4月26日电 据美联社报道,当地时间25日,美国国防部表示,美国将从乍得和尼日尔撤出大部分军队。

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Sri Lanka to hand management of China-built airport to India, Russia companies

COLOMBO, April 26 (Reuters) - Sri Lanka will hand over management of its $209 million Chinese-built airport to two Indian and Russian companies, a cabinet statement said on Friday, as the island nation attempts to reduce losses from its state enterprises.

Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (MRIA), funded by China EXIM Bank, has stoked controversy since its opening in 2013 due to a low number of flights, environmentally sensitive location and persistent financial losses.

The airport's management will be handed over to Shaurya Aeronautics (Pvt) Ltd. of India and Airports of Regions Management Company of Russia for 30 years, a cabinet statement said, without mentioning the deal value.

Sri Lanka is negotiating with China EXIM Bank to restructure the airport loan, part of $4.2 billion borrowed for other infrastructure projects.

The airport was built during the tenure of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa who shifted the country closer to China and away from its traditional neighbour India. The airport is located in Rajapaksa's home town.

Sri Lanka defaulted on its foreign debt in May 2022 after the island nation's foreign exchange reserves fell to record lows triggering the worst financial crisis in more than seven decades.

Sri Lanka is working to reduce losses made by dozens of state owned companies after securing a $2.9 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which has helped stabilise the economy and move it closer to returning to growth in 2024 after two years. 

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  中新网4月26日电 据韩联社报道,韩国最大在野党共同民主党党首秘书室室长千俊镐当天同总统室政务首秘洪哲镐举行“尹李会”第三次筹备工作会议后表示,韩国总统尹锡悦和共同民主党党首李在明将于当地时间29日下午2点在龙山总统府举行会谈。

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  中新社北京4月26日电 综合消息:据以色列公共广播公司当地时间25日报道,以总理内塔尼亚胡批准了在加沙地带南部城市拉法开展地面行动的计划,但尚未授权以国防军开展行动。

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  中新社北京4月26日电 基辅消息:乌克兰最高拉达(议会)主席斯特凡丘克当地时间25日在社交媒体上说,最高拉达已收到乌克兰农业政策与粮食部部长索利斯基的辞呈。

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  中新网4月26日电 北京时间4月25日,搭载神舟十八号载人飞船的长征二号F遥十八运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射。26日清晨,神十八乘组抵达中国空间站,顺利入驻“天宫”。

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大雨损坏尼日利亚监狱 一百余名囚犯越狱

  中新网北京4月26日电 阿布贾消息:据路透社26日报道,尼日利亚首都附近的苏莱贾监狱近日被大雨损坏,至少118名囚犯趁机越狱。

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Pet Shop Boys: 'We should call our next tour Farewell'

The pop group look back on 40 years of chart success, and discuss their 15th album, Nonetheless.

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  中新网4月26日电 据德国《时代周报》25日报道,德国斯图加特市春季节庆期间疑似暴发诺如病毒疫情。市政府登记有727人在节庆活动中染病,目前已有5人确诊感染诺如病毒。

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  中新网4月26日电(魏晨曦 孟湘君)38年前的今天,一声巨响,一座城市沦为“地狱之城”,酿成人类和平利用核能史上最严重的事故之一。自此,“核灾难”一词走进公众视野。

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  菲律宾警方4月26日称,一名中国公民4月25日在八打雁省马比尼镇附近水域潜水时溺亡。(总台记者 黄铮铮)

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意大利威尼斯对一日游游客收取进城费 一次5欧元!

  中新网4月26日电 据路透社报道,当地时间4月25日,意大利水城威尼斯开始对入城一日游的游客收取5欧元入城费用,目的在于控制高峰期客流量。

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特朗普要求重新审理其所涉诽谤案 美法官:驳回

  中新网4月26日电 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,当地时间4月25日,美国一名联邦法官驳回了美国前总统特朗普提出的就作家卡罗尔诽谤案进行重新审理的请求,维持此前要求特朗普支付约8300万美元损害赔偿金的裁决。

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  中新网4月26日电 据乌克兰国家通讯社报道,当地时间4月25日,乌克兰最高拉达(议会)主席斯特凡丘克表示,最高拉达已收到乌克兰农业政策与粮食部部长索利斯基请求辞职的报告。

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  中新社柏林4月25日电 慕尼黑消息:2024中欧汽车产业发展论坛25日在德国慕尼黑举行。中欧各界共120位代表出席活动,共同探讨中欧汽车产业合作共赢之道。

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  中新网4月26日电 据路透社报道,美国国防部当地时间25日表示,美军已开始在加沙地带建造一个海上码头,以“加快人道主义援助物资进入加沙”。

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  中新网4月26日电 据俄罗斯卫星通讯社25日报道,俄罗斯副外长谢尔盖#8226;里亚布科夫对该媒体表示,如果美国采取实际措施没收俄罗斯资产,俄罗斯将考虑降低与美国的外交关系级别。

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美国今年第一季度经济增长1.6% 低于市场预期

  中新社华盛顿4月25日电 (记者 沙晗汀)美国商务部当地时间25日公布的首次预估数据显示,今年第一季度美国实际国内生产总值(GDP)按年率计算增长1.6%,低于市场普遍预期。

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  中新社巴黎4月25日电 (记者 李洋)当地时间4月25日,法国总统马克龙在巴黎索邦大学就欧洲政策发表演讲,强调欧洲须直面全球性挑战。

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  中新社莫斯科4月25日电 (记者 田冰)俄罗斯总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫25日表示,如果西方没收俄罗斯被冻结资产,俄方将会捍卫自己的利益。

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Weekly quiz: What did the Spice Girls sing at Posh's party?

Test how closely you have been paying attention to what has been going on over the past seven days.

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Trump witness more uncomfortable in cross-examination

Ex-tabloid publisher David Pecker is facing questions about how he worked with Trump during the 2016 election.

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  中新社莫斯科4月25日电 俄罗斯外交部25日召见拉脱维亚驻俄罗斯临时代办,宣布拉脱维亚驻俄使馆两名外交人员为“不受欢迎的人”。

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Who gets 15 hours of free childcare and how do I apply?

Parents in England can now access 15 hours of free weekly childcare for their two-year-olds.

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Sri Lanka weighs Open Skies amidst plans for national carrier privatization

Colombo, April 24 (Daily Mirror) - Sri Lanka is in a dilemma to decide whether to adopt an open skies policy or not in the event of divestiture of shares of the national carrier ‘SriLankan Airlines’, a top official said .

An Open Skies policy means liberalization and ease of access and rules of use of national airports for foreign airlines. It is joined in order to increase the tourist flow and to develop the potential as a regional air hub.

The government has now called for bids to privatize or restructure the national career .

The government, acting through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies called for Request for Qualification (RfQ) from potential investors for the acquisition of shares in SriLankan Airlines Limited. The deadline for submission of proposals ended at 2pm on Monday, April 22, 2024.

The RfQs received were considered by the Opening Committee appointed by the Special Cabinet Appointed Negotiating Committee. 6 RfQs were received from the following parties: 1. AirAsia Consulting Sdn. Bhd. 2. Dharshaan Elite Investment Holding (Pvt) Ltd 3. FITS Aviation (Private) Limited 4. Sherisha Technologies Private Limited 5. Treasure Republic Guardians Limited 6. Hayleys PLC

In the event of adoption of an open skies policy, the concept of national career will not be important since the country will be open for global airlines to operate based on economic, commercial conditions.

However, the availability of a national career is important to serve people when other airlines don’t operate given unattractive commercial conditions .

Asked whether the government will go for an open skies policy, a top official said it is yet to be decided .

“There are pluses and minuses of such a policy. We have to weigh the pros and cons. We are yet to decide on it,” he said.

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Racing event tragedy leaves seven dead including eight-year-old child

Colombo, April 21 (Daily Mirror) - The Fox Hill Super Cross 2024 racing event, held in Diyatalawa today (21), turned tragic as a race car veered off the track, resulting in the deaths of seven individuals including an eight-year-old child and leaving over 20 others hospitalized with injuries.

According to Police Media Spokesman, DIG Nihal Thalduwa, the accident occurred when two race cars lost control and collided with a group of spectators.

The deceased are residents of Avissawella, Matara, Akuressa and Seeduwa.

The injured who were rushed to the Diyatalawa Base Hospital are currently receiving treatment.

Furthermore, three individuals who sustained critical injuries have been transferred to the Badulla Hospital.

In light of the mishap, the rest of the races at the event have been cancelled.

The 28th edition of the Fox Hill Super Cross, organized by the Sri Lanka Military Academy Diyatalawa in collaboration with Sri Lanka Automobile Sports (SLAS), commenced in Diyatalawa on Sunday, April 21st.



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SL on alert on possible genocide allegations by Canada

Colombo, April 18 (Daily Mirror) - Sri Lanka is still at a loss to thwart the efforts by a city council in Canada to construct what it called a Tamil genocide monument, and to counter the allegations by the Canadian politicians, an informed source said .

Brampton city council in Canada has approved the final design for the Tamil Genocide Memorial, a monument the city promised three years ago, according to foreign media.

The media said it is a 4.8-metre tall stainless steel monument built in Chinguacousy Park in the Bramalea area to commemorate the lives lost in the Sri Lankan civil war — what many people in the Tamil community call a genocide. Canada's Parliament unanimously voted to recognize May 18 as Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day in 2022.

A well placed diplomatic source said that Sri Lanka remains on high alert as Canadian leaders may make genocide allegations next month when the country marks the war victory. Last year, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s genocide accusations sparked a diplomatic dispute between the two nations. Sri Lanka responded with protests by summoning the Canadian envoy. A well-placed diplomatic source informed Daily Mirror yesterday that the Sri Lankan government is keen to ascertain whether such allegations will be repeated this time, despite previous protests by Sri Lanka. “Canadian leaders have a history of making such allegations, even though the Canadian federal government has concluded that the events in Sri Lanka during the war do not amount to genocide,” the official said.

However, the official said Sri Lanka had been unable to thwart the efforts by the Brampton city council to construct the monument. The Canadian Federal government which rejected genocide allegations, however, has no jurisdiction over the city council making it difficult for Sri Lanka to stop the move.

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How do interest rates affect me?

Bank of England interest rates have an impact on the mortgage, loan and savings rates for millions of people.

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How much are prices rising for you? Try our calculator

Use our calculator to find out how much the cost of living is going up in your household.

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Tax payers poised to cough up Rs.45 Mn on another debate on Easter attack

Colombo, April 16 (Daily Mirror) -  Tax payers will have to cough up as much as Rs. 45 million as the cost of conducting yet another three-day parliamentary debate on the Easter Sunday attack for the fourth time, with uncertainty looming whether it will be a meaningless exercise with key questions unanswered once again.

Previously, three such debates took place in the House, but failed to answer the question regarding the mastermind behind the attack. People, mostly the victims are still disturbed by speculation and demand justice in the form of ascertaining the truth behind the whole saga.

The Business Committee of Parliament that met on on April 5 decided to have a three day debate on the Easter Sunday attacks during the first week of sessions after the Sinhala and Tamil New year.

Accordingly the debate is scheduled for April 25,26 and 27. It is going to take place in the backdrop of remarks by former President Maithripala Sirisena that he was ready to divulge exclusive details about the Easter Sunday carnage. He even implicated the name of a country in the neighbourhood.


The main opposition Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) demanded this debate in the hope of fixing Mr. Sirisena to reveal the truth as the then Head of State in charge of national security. 

The House debated on the Easter Sunday mayhem in 2019 for the first time. The House debated on the report of the presidential commission which probed the attacks in March 2021. Another debate took place just after Channel 4 of UK came out with a documentary on the Easter Sunday attacks in September, 2023. Accordingly the debate which is set to begin on April 24 is the fourth one on the subject.

The debate which is to begin on April 24 is to cost the public Rs 45 million if one goes by the remark made by Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena who claimed that the three day debate on the no faith motion against him cost Rs.45 million in March this year. Though most of the opposition members have repeatedly said there is a mastermind behind the attack, no one has named any person.

One time Minister of Public Security Sarath Weerasekera once revealed in Parliament that Naufer Mawlavi was the mastermind behind the attack. State Minister of Defence Premitha Bandara Tennakoon who commented on the matter said a parliamentary debate on the Easter Sunday attack will be a meaningless exercise as what is said in the House is not legally binding. “One can utter anything using parliamentary privileges but none of it is legally bound,” he said.

He said there have been many questions raised but nothing has been achieved. He said Parliament cannot resolve matters pertaining to the Easter Sunday mayhem.

“It is the judiciary which prosecutes perpetrators and it has already begun that exercise. A case is being heard by a bench of three judges in the Supreme Court while a few other cases are also pending on the Easter Sunday mayhem,” he said. SJB MP Hector Appuhamy said the opposition merely accepted the debate. “We are aware that Parliament cannot do anything with regard to the mayhem. However, we will get the opportunity of talking and raising more questions during the debate. We can also question former President Maithripala Sirisena on his recent statements,” he said.

Member of the Communications Committee Archdiocese of Colombo Fr. Cyril Gamini who was skeptical on the matter said it is good if a debate brings out undisclosed facts but the fact of the matter is whether such a thing would happen. “It is good if new facts come out of the debate but the matter is whether such a thing happens. Such a thing has not happened during the earlier debates,” he said.

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Debt restructuring with bondholders hits a snag with disagreement on two areas

Colombo, April 16 (Daily Mirror) - Sri Lanka’s debt restructuring process with private bondholders is stuck with two aspects of disagreement, whereas it is well underway with bilateral creditors, a top official said yesterday.

Chief of Staff of the President Sagala Ratnayake told journalists that both parties, instructed by respective consultants, held two talks this year with each submitting proposals and counter-proposals.

He said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) cited the government’s proposals as compliant, whereas the bondholders’ proposals were not.

After that, he said there were four areas with disagreements were identified and subsequent negotiations resulted in narrowing them down to two.

Asked whether it was the local dealer or foreign dealers (bondholders) who disagreed, Mr. Ratnayake said these details could not be divulged. “We cannot come out with details on these factors as we have agreed to maintain confidentiality concerning discussions,” he said in this regard.

Also, he said discussions with private dealers are only a part of the debt restructuring programme. “We have had a successful round of negotiations with the Official Creditor Committee (OCC) which comprises bilateral creditors. Sri Lanka has also had a successful round of discussions with China as well. We have only to decide whether there is going to be a single agreement with OCC or we are going for individual agreement with each member state of the OCC,” he said in this regard. He assured that Sri Lanka has no issue with the bilateral creditors.

"We have only to sign agreements with OCC members," he said.

Referring to the sentiments expressed by the IMF, Mr. Ratnayake said all international donors including the IMF have expressed its satisfaction with the economic progress Sri Lanka has achieved lately. “However, IMF has made it clear that it will stick to its programme,” he said.

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Sri Lanka Navy brings ashore seized ICE, heroin worth Rs. 3.7 billion

Galle, April 14 (Daily Mirror) - The Sri Lanka Navy brought ashore the seized narcotics, including 179 kgs and 906 gms of Crystal Methamphetamine (ICE) and 83 kgs and 582 gms of heroin, which were seized yesterday in the seas approximately 133 nautical miles (about 246 kms) off Dondra, south of Sri Lanka.

The consignment of drugs, with an estimated street value exceeding Rs. 3,798 million, was seized during an intelligence operation conducted by the Sri Lanka Navy. A local multi-day fishing trawler, carrying six persons was intercepted during the operation. 

In addition, another local one-day fishing trawler with four persons was seized, suspected to be awaiting a mid-sea exchange of narcotics.

The Sri Lanka Coast Guard Ship (SLCG) Samudraraksha played a crucial role in arresting the suspects and seizing the narcotics on 12 April 2024. 

The Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera inspected the seized consignment at the Galle Harbour.

The Sri Lanka Navy and Coast Guard remain vigilant in patrolling and conducting search operations along the island's coast to thwart illegal activities, particularly drug trafficking via sea routes.

The seized haul included Crystal Methamphetamine and heroin, concealed in 17 sacks aboard the multi-day fishing trawler. Following a thorough search at the Galle Harbour, authorities recovered 17 more sacks containing the narcotics. 

The consignment, suspects and fishing trawlers were handed over to the Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB) for legal action.

The individuals involved in the operation, ranging in age from 23 to 54 years old are residents of areas such as Weligama, Imaduwa and Galle. 

Meanwhile, the Navy said that the total street value of the drugs seized in 2024 by the Sri Lanka Navy exceeds Rs. 9,300 million.

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SLPP to take disciplinary action against GL, others

Colombo, April 12 (Daily Mirror) - The Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) is to take disciplinary action against MP Prof. G.L. Peiris and others who have signed an agreement with the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB).

These MPs were elected to Parliament on the SLPP ticket. Later, they defected from the party and sat in opposition. A week ago, they signed an electoral pact with the main opposition, the SJB.

The SLPP, at its executive committee meeting, decided to initiate disciplinary action against them for signing an agreement with another party while being members elected on its ticket at the last election.

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Sri Lanka shows signs of recovery but must maintain reform momentum: ADB

COLOMBO, April 11- The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) annual flagship economic publication, the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) April 2024, forecasts Sri Lanka’s economy to record moderate growth of 1.9% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025 following 2 consecutive years of contractions.


According to the ADB, Sri Lanka is showing signs of recovery, with green shoots emerging in the second half of 2023 while inflation has decelerated to single digits, foreign exchange reserves continue to be built up, and the exchange rate has appreciated. Furthermore, tourist arrivals and remittance inflows continue to show a commendable recovery while supply conditions have improved. 


ADB’s growth forecast hinges on the continuation of reforms and better consumer and business sentiment. Timely completion of external debt restructuring will also support Sri Lanka’s debt sustainability efforts.


“Sri Lanka has made commendable progress in implementing difficult policy reforms and stabilizing the economy in 2023,” said ADB Deputy Country Director for Sri Lanka Utsav Kumar. 


“We are pleased to see the results of these reforms, with signs of recovery emerging. It is critical that Sri Lanka addresses the impact on the poor and vulnerable and also continues to implement reforms to address the underlying causes of the crisis and lay the foundation for fostering sustainable recovery, building resilience, and reviving growth.”


Addressing poverty vulnerabilities amid economic recovery is a major challenge faced by the country. Poverty gains eroded as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic crisis. As the economy stabilizes, the country must ensure that the most affected and vulnerable groups of people are supported, and high poverty incidence and income inequality are addressed. 


This calls for appropriate institutional and structural frameworks for an inclusive social protection system with improved targeting. Creating jobs and fostering sustainable livelihoods would go a long way toward alleviating poverty.

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Xi calls for fair, transparent environment for investment in Sri Lanka

Colombo, April 11 (Daily Mirror) - Chinese President Xi Jinping , in his recent meeting with Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, has reportedly stressed the need for ‘fair and transparent’ environment for Chinese companies to invest in Sri Lanka.

The Chinese leader had further mentioned that China is not happy about its friends being influenced by other countries unnecessarily when taking decisions.

However , in the meeting which a top source mentioned as friendly and cordial , the Chinese President did not refer to any third country in his remarks.

The Prime Minister recently undertook a tour of China between March March 25 and 30 to attend the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2024.

He held bilateral discussions during the visit .

Meanwhile , during a separate meeting, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang has raised concerns about Sri Lanka announcing a moratorium on foreign research vessels in its Exclusive Economic Zone (ECZ) targeting Chinese ships while entertaining a similar vessel from Germany in between.

Mr. Gunawardena has reportedly responded saying Sri Lanka allowed the German vessel only for replenishment . He said Sri Lanka could not decline such requests for replenishment according to the law.

He also said Sri Lanka would not allow any country to use its territory against the interests of any country.

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Ranil likely to contest presidential election under new symbol: Presidential advisor

Colombo, April 9 (Daily Mirror) - Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe is likely to contest the Presidential election under an entirely new symbol other than the elephant or flower bud, Senior Presidential Advisor and UNP senior Ashu Marasinghe said.

Professor Marasinghe told journalists that President Wickrmesinghe will represent a number of parties as a national candidate.

“People such as Minister Prasanna Ranatunga has said many including himself have an issue supporting Mr. Wickremeisnghe if he contests the Presidential election under the elephant symbol. Likewise, we in the UNP too have an issue with him contesting under the pohotuwa. Therefore Mr. Wickremeisnghe is expected to contest under a new symbol,” he said.

He said more than 80 percent of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) will be supporting Mr. Wickremesinghe at the next Presidential election. 

“We welcome the proposal made by SJB MP Talatha Athukorala that both the SJB and the UNP should unite. We expect others in the SJB to support Mr. Wickremeisnghe even if SJB leader Sajith Premadasa decides against such a move,” he said.

Also he said it is not possible to hold both the Presidential election and the general election on the same day according to the Constitution.

Further, he claimed that Sri Lanka’s economy has begun to recover with foreign reserves growing up to USD 5 billion, while the tourism sector has experienced an unexpected gain during this year.

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Sri Lanka hard-pressed against time to conclude agreements for debt restructuring

Colombo, April 9 (Daily Mirror) - Sri Lanka is hard-pressed against time to reach agreements with creditors including bondholders before June, when the third tranche of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) extended fund facility is expected, Daily Mirror learns.

Sri Lanka is expected to get the next tranche of US $ 337 million in June after the third review of the programme.

Before that, Sri Lanka has to sign the MoU with the Paris Club of Nations on restructuring bilateral debts while signing a separate agreement with China for the same purpose but on terms acceptable to all the bilateral creditors.

Asked about the latest developments, a government source said the government to finalize the agreements in principle with commercial creditors including bondholders before that.

Besides, the presidential election is scheduled to be conducted later this year. The Election Commission is expected to issue the gazette notification calling for the election by the end of June, making it even more challenging for the government to finalize the debt restructuring process.

Sri Lanka declared bankruptcy in April, 2022 and since then the country has defaulted payments of US $ 6 billion.

The government is planning to settle 37 per cent of debts within the first six years after the resumption of debt servicing in keeping with the agreements to be reached, 51 per cent within 6- 20 years and the remaining 12 per cent after 20 years.

Cabinet spokesman Minister Bandula Gunawardane said whoever wins the election, debt servicing will continue according to the plan to be approved.

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How much is the state pension worth now?

Payments to pensioners have risen by 8.5% following the government's "triple lock" pledge.

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What to do if you are in debt and need help

What help and options are available to people struggling with debt repayments?

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Can my landlord put up my rent, keep my deposit or evict me?

UK renters have seen increases of 10% and two million are behind or struggling to pay.

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