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Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has begun his diplomatic tour of Australasia by meeting with his New Zealand counterpart at Parliament House.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Winston Peters greeted Wang, the most senior Chinese politician to visit New Zealand since his last trip in 2017.
新西兰副总理兼外交部长温斯顿·彼得斯(Winston Peters)迎接了王毅,王毅是自2017年上次访问新西兰以来访问新西兰的最高级中国政治家。

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“We are honoured to host you here in the Grand Hall at the New Zealand parliament, the heart of New Zealand’s democracy,” Peters said in comments to begin their formal meeting.

“There have been some significant developments since we last met, not least a global pandemic that impacted both our countries.

“Today is a valuable opportunity to reflect on the challenges and opportunities that are now before us.”

In a statement this evening, Peters said today’s talks were “wide-ranging and enabled engagement on many facets of New Zealand’s relationship with China, including trade, business, and people-to-people links”.

“Alongside areas of cooperation, it was important to acknowledge areas of difference such as human rights, including the situation in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet.”

Peters and Wang also highlighted the two countries’ “shared interest in a secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific region and raised concerns over increased tensions in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait”.

“New Zealand places great importance on supporting the current international rules-based order. We emphasised the constructive role China can play in responding to regional and international security challenges such as the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas conflicts and deescalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula.”

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A tale of two nations

New Zealand and Australia are formal allies but the two countries have distinct relationships with Beijing.

Australia has had a more adversarial relationship, particularly under the government of Scott Morrison, who labelled China as a bully engaged in “economic coercion”.
澳大利亚的关系更具对抗性,特别是在斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)政府的领导下,莫里森将中国称为从事“经济胁迫”的恶霸。

In 2020, China levied trade tariffs which cost Australian business an estimated AU$20 billion (NZ$21.6 billion), which have since been eased to about one-tenth of that value.

New Zealand has enjoyed the benefits of strong economic ties in recent years, as the first developed country to sign a bilateral free trade deal with Beijing in 2008.

While in Wellington, Yang also held brief meetings with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Trade Minister Todd McClay.
在惠灵顿期间,杨洁篪还与总理克里斯托弗·卢克森(Christopher Luxon)和贸易部长托德·麦克雷(Todd McClay)举行了简短的会晤。

“China looks forward to working with the two countries to deliver on the common understandings between the leaders, enhance strategic communication, deepen mutual trust, advance exchanges and co-operation, promote the steady and sustained growth of the China-New Zealand and China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnerships and contribute to world peace, stability and prosperity,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said.

– Additional reporting by 1News
– 1News的补充报道

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分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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