星期四, 6月 27, 2024


Featured 双语 澳纽资讯 移民留学
  • New Zealand has been named one of the top eight safe havens for millionaires in the world.
  • Investment migration advisory firm Henley & Partners predicts that a record number of millionaires and billionaires will move to new countries over the coming year.
    投资移民咨询公司Henley & Partners预测,未来一年将有创纪录数量的百万富翁和亿万富翁移居新的国家。
  • New Zealand’s golden visa scheme and safety and security are said to be among the factors that make it attractive to wealthy individuals.

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New Zealand has been named one of the world’s top safe havens for millionaires, at a time when many of the world’s wealthiest people are choosing to uproot their lives and move their assets overseas.

new report by investment migration advisory firm Henley & Partners, producers of a widely-publicised annual passport ranking, predicts that a record number of millionaires and billionaires will move to new countries over the coming year.
投资移民咨询公司Henley & Partners的一份新报告预测,未来一年将有创纪录数量的百万富翁和亿万富翁移居新的国家。

“An unprecedented 128,000 millionaires are expected to relocate worldwide this year, eclipsing the previous record of 120,000 set in 2023,” the firm’s head of private clients, Dominic Volek, said. “As the world grapples with a perfect storm of geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainty and social upheaval, millionaires are voting with their feet in record numbers.”
该公司的私人客户主管多米尼克·沃莱克(Dominic Volek)表示:“预计今年全球将有史无前例的128,000名百万富翁搬迁,超过2023年创下的120,000名百万富翁的纪录。“随着世界努力应对地缘政治紧张局势、经济不确定性和社会动荡的完美风暴,百万富翁正在以创纪录的人数正以脚投票。”

The UAE is expected to attract the most millionaires, defined as individuals with liquid investable wealth of at least US$1 million (NZ$1.63 million). Some 6700 wealthy migrants are expected to settle in the Emirates by the end of the year, with large inflows from the UK and Europe.

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