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Snow around the Homer Tunnel in Fiordland (file). Photo: Supplied
峡湾地区荷马隧道周围的积雪(档案)。 照片:提供

Snow, wind and rain warnings have been issued as a cold easterly front develops across the motu with wild weather forecast until Wednesday.

An orange heavy rain warning is in force for North Otago, Dunedin, Clutha and northern Tasman with up to 100mm of rain expected to fall, causing MetService to warn of streams and rivers potentially rising rapidly.
奥塔哥北部、但尼丁、克鲁萨和塔斯曼北部的橙色暴雨警告已经生效,预计降雨量将达到 100 毫米,导致 MetService 警告溪流和河流可能迅速上涨。

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Inland parts of Otago and the South Canterbury High Country are also under heavy snow warnings, with up to 35cm likely to fall above 400m. Snow warnings are in place for most high level roads in the South Island.

MetService said travel disruption is possible, as is damage to trees and powerlines.

“If you must travel, drive cautiously, and ensure you have snow chains, sleeping bags, warm clothing, and emergency items,” it said in a statement.

Wind gusts in Westland and Fiordland may reach 120km/h on Tuesday and Wednesday, and both regions are under an orange strong wind warning.

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High sided vehicles and motorbikes were warned to take extra care driving in these conditions and people should secure items on their property that might be at risk of being blown away, MetService said.

Road snowfall warnings are in place for:

  • Lewis Pass (SH7) 刘易斯隘口 (SH7)
  • Arthur’s Pass (SH73) 亚瑟隘口 (SH73)
  • Porters Pass (SH73) 搬运工隘口(SH73)
  • Lindis Pass (SH8) 林迪斯隘口(SH8)
  • Crown Range Road 皇冠岭路
  • Milford Road (SH94) 米尔福德路 (SH94)
  • Dunedin to Waitati Highway (SH1)
    但尼丁至怀塔蒂公路 (SH1)

A heavy snow watch is also in place for North Canterbury high country and the foothills north of the Rangitata River and inland areas of Otago and Southland, as well as eastern Fiordland.

Rain watches are also in place for Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Marlborough, Canterbury, Westland and Southland.


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MetService meteorologist Lewis Ferris said a large weather system is bringing a lot of rain to eastern Southland in particular, along with a risk of widespread snow in the southern parts of the South Island.
气象服务气象学家刘易斯·费里斯(Lewis Ferris)表示,一个大型天气系统正在给南部地区东部带来大量降雨,同时南岛南部地区也有大面积降雪的风险。

“With the system moving in it is bringing in that rain first, however we have already seen some snow already turning up at Homer Tunnel, though that is quite elevated,” Ferris said.

“It is through into Tuesday that we expect that snow to fall lower as cooler air moves in and that will affect southern parts of the South Island.”

Meanwhile, there is also a strong wind warning for the central North Island, with drivers of lighter or high-sided vehicles and motorcycle riders between Rangipo and Waiouru advised to take extra care.


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MetService is forecasting 18 to 33 hours of heavy snowfall in some areas.


Parts of the South Island are due to be battered by heavy rain and snowfall.


Aucklanders can expect Monday to be a day of two halves, getting wetter as the day goes on.

“It won’t be so bad on the bike ride into school, but there’ll be isolated showers in the afternoon,” MetService forecaster Gerard Bellam told Stuff on Sunday.
“骑自行车上学不会那么糟糕,但下午会有孤立的阵雨,”MetService预报员Gerard Bellam周日告诉Stuff

A high of 16C and a low of 12C can be expected in Tāmaki Makaurau.
预计 奥克兰的最高气温为 16 摄氏度,最低气温为 12 摄氏度。

Those in the capitalwill see showers before dawn and rain developing into the afternoon.

A high of 14C and a low of 11C are forecast for Wellington, which is “a few degrees above average for this time of year”, Bellam said.


分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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