(双语)涉嫌杀害 Yanfei Bao 的凶手出庭

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Chinese national Tingjun Cao who faces a murder charge. Photo: RNZ / Nate McKinnon
中国公民 Tingjun Cao 面临谋杀指控。 照片:RNZ / Nate McKinnon

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The man charged with the murder of Yanfei Bao has appeared in court for the first time since her remains were found last month.
被控谋杀Yanfei Bao (音译:鲍燕飞)的男子自上个月发现她的遗体以来首次出庭。

Police discovered Bao’s body in a shallow grave on private farmland in Canterbury’s Greenpark area a year after she went missing.

The 44-year-old real estate agent was last seen in the Christchurch suburb of Hornby in July last year.
这位 44 岁的房地产经纪人最后一次露面是在去年 7 月在基督城郊区的 Hornby。

Chinese national Tingjun Cao, 53, appeared for a call-over in the High Court at Christchurch on Friday morning, via audio visual link.
周五上午,53 岁的中国公民Tingjun Cao,(音译:曹廷军)通过视听链接在基督城高等法院出庭接受传讯。

His trial is scheduled to begin in October.
他的审判定于 10 月开始。

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分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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