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(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

What is the cocktail all the celebrities are drinking at the US Open? And how do I make one?

On a muggy New York evening spent on sticky stadium seats, you’re going to want something refreshing.

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Emergency services respond to fire alarm at Auckland University

An image shows multiple fire trucks outside the university.

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Mount Ruapehu death: Local iwi place rāhui over ski area

Local iwi has placed a rāhui over the ski area of the mountain.
当地的毛利部落在山的滑雪区上放置了一个 rāhui。

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Wairoa floods: ‘Pure luck’ that residents were evacuated amid communication breakdown

Juanita Savage was woken by her daughter at 4am, and checked her emails. If she hadn’t, the outcome could have been very different.
Juanita Savage 在凌晨 4 点被她的女儿叫醒,并查看了她的电子邮件。如果她没有这样做,结果可能会大不相同。

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Auckland man jailed over date rape drug seizure

Kiston Henderson was also sentenced over a courier shipment of an ingredient used to make methamphetamine.
Kiston Henderson 还因快递运送用于制造甲基苯丙胺的成分而被判刑。

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Man dead after accident at ski field

A man has died after a skiing incident at Mount Ruapehu’s Tūroa Ski field.
一名男子在鲁阿佩胡山的 Tūroa 滑雪场发生滑雪事故后死亡。

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Wellington immigration lawyer Joanne Cottrell struck off for aiding and abetting migrants
惠灵顿移民律师乔安妮·科特雷尔 (Joanne Cottrell) 因协助和教唆移民而被开除

One man was promised a job as an engineer but ended up working as a painter.

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Dispute over accommodation sours family’s study trip to New Zealand

Row shines a light on the need for visitors to exercise caution when entering private contractual agreements for accommodation in the country.
Row 指出,游客在签订该国住宿的私人合同协议时需要谨慎行事。

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The Voices in the Shadows featuring Tāme Iti makes stunning global premiere in Rotorua
由 Tāme Iti 主演的《The Voices in the Shadows》将在罗托鲁瓦全球首演

Review: Voices in the Shadows examines Māori, Pacific and Palestinian indigeneity.

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Alpine guide turns weed-buster to clear Christchurch cliffs

John Entwisle, 79, can be found abseiling Barnett Park in a bid to help regenerating bush.

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Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has thrown Māori health outcomes back onto ‘the floor’ – Bayden Barber
总理克里斯托弗·卢克森 (Christopher Luxon) 将毛利人的健康状况重新摆在“地板上” – Bayden Barber

OPINION: In the present setting, the Government’s move is an outrage and overreach.

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Philip Polkinghorne murder trial live updates: Defence finishes evidence

Philip Polkinghorne is accused of strangling his wife, Pauline Hanna.
菲利普·波尔金霍恩 (Philip Polkinghorne) 被指控勒死了他的妻子宝琳·汉娜 (Pauline Hanna)。

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David Seymour claims teachers took lunches off students, asks Ministry of Education to investigate

Students couldn’t call their parents because of school cell phone ban.

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Weather live: Snow for parts of South Island – power outages, road and school closures
天气直播:南岛部分地区下雪 – 停电、道路和学校关闭

The Transport Agency is warning people to take caution on roads across the Central Otago area.

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Graeme Dingle Foundation 2024 Drop For Youth: Three barbers go skydiving for charity at 12,000ft
格雷姆·丁格尔基金会 2024 年青春之滴:三位理发师在 12,000 英尺处为慈善事业跳伞

The Barber Shack aims to raise $4500 for the Graeme Dingle Foundation.
Barber Shack 旨在为 Graeme Dingle 基金会筹集 4500 美元。

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George the Farmer book sets popular with primary school kids
George the Farmer 书籍套装深受小学生欢迎

Rabobank competition gives educational book sets to 100 NZ primary schools.
Rabobank 竞赛为 100 所新西兰小学提供教育书籍套装。

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Philip Polkinghorne murder trial: Pauline Hanna had increased suicide risk, trial told

A psychiatrist defence witness says her behaviour could have contributed to suicidal thoughts.

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Rapiro Beach homicide: Police seek sightings of vehicles

Police investigating a potential Northland homicide want to hear from anyone who might have seen either of two vehicles linked to the case.
调查一起潜在的 Northland 凶杀案的警方希望听到任何可能看到与此案有关的两辆车中的任何一辆的人的意见。

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4 magnitude earthquake rattles North Canterbury
4 级地震震撼北坎特伯雷

According to GeoNet the quake was centred 15km south-east of Amberley.
据 GeoNet 称,地震的中心位于安伯利东南 15 公里处。

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Hawke’s Bay police need help to find red car that hit fences, cut power

Police say the car struck a barrier, multiple fences and a power box on Haumoana Road last night.
警方表示,这辆车昨晚撞上了 Haumoana 路的障碍物、多个栅栏和一个电源箱。

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美国大选:要理解特朗普愤怒的辩论表现 只需阅读他第一本书中的两句话即可


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New centre for children with disabilities opens in Palmerston North, despite ‘distressing’ funding changes

An expert says changes to disability support funding risks some children going backwards. One charity is doing its best to intervene.

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Abuse in Care: Police won’t discuss work undertaken as result of inquiry

Commissioners recommended police review or re-investigate cases of abuse – but police won’t say whether they’ve done so.

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吉斯本 车辆撞上阿瓦普尼的建筑物

警方在早上 7 点左右接到报警,道路已经关闭。

Gisborne: Vehicle crashes into building at Awapuni

Police were called about 7am and the road is closed.

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豪莫阿纳事件: 车祸造成 “大面积损坏 “和断电


Haumoana incident: Crash causes ‘extensive damage’ and power cut

Police are looking for the red car which is believed to have considerable damage.

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天气:南岛部分地区出现 “相当大的积雪”,有停电报告


Weather: ‘Fair bit of snow’ building in parts of South Island, power outages reported

And as for snow in Auckland next week? Unlikely.

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Morgana O’Reilly: ‘The way you look is part of your currency’

The Kiwi actress opens up to Anika Moa about hustling to turn her show into a movie – and working in a foot fetish bar.

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Southland council staff monitored for speeding in work cars 856 times

Environment Southland monitoring shows hundreds of speed limit breaches.

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NZ Herald comments: The stories open for discussion today

Want to have your say on our stories? Here’s how.

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ACT Party leader David Seymour: ‘I’m a (not so) secret admirer of Raygun’

The ACT Party leader and former Dancing with the Stars contestant has revealed he is a massive fan.

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Ngā Manu Kōrero: Te Kanawa Wilson continues the legacy of Nga Taiatea Wharekura

Te Kanawa Wilson continues Nga Taiatea Wharekura’s legacy.

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Reports and alarm bells: Staff monitored for speeding in work cars

Environment Southland staff exceeded the speed limit by more than 20km/h nearly 30 times in just three months.

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Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction: Unique cyclone vintage on offer from ‘Gabrielle Cellar’

Wine comes complete with the ‘finest Hawke’s Bay silt’.

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Far North Mayor Moko Tepania says Government should pay for Māori ward referendums – On the Tiles

Councils around the country have raised concerns about the cost of holding the polls.

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Kay Deakin: Hawke’s Bay hairdressing queen retires after 56 years in industry

‘She told me I had too many brains to be a hairdresser. I decided to prove her wrong.’

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Rangatahi Māori launch ‘musical assault on the plague of colonisation’

Theia’s latest album is “a call to action”, and it’s not the only one.

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Why New Zealand celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival in spring

The celebration is a harvest festival, marked when the moon appears to be at its brightest in the northern hemisphere sky.

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Police assurances of public safety after bus driver attacks

After a spate of attacks on bus drivers, authorities say public transport is still safe.

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Is NZ intelligence helping Israel wage war in Gaza? Lawyers call for inquiry

In a letter to the inspector-general of intelligence and security, they said the country was in danger of aiding international crimes.

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Daughter of former All Black admits hit and run death

Helena Cribb, the daughter of Ron Cribb, was charged over the hit and run death of 65-year-old Jason Collins.

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Why New Zealand celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival in spring

Celebration is a harvest festival that is marked when the moon appears to be at its brightest in the northern hemisphere sky.

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Complaints against employers soar even as migrant numbers drop

The number of new migrant workers has plummeted to the lowest level since the border re-opened two years ago – but complaints against employers have soared to record levels.

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Couple convicted of exploiting migrants have convictions thrown out

Anthony Swarbrick and Christina Kewa-Swarbrick have had their convictions quashed because the trial judge “forcefully suggested” what the jury should find.

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现在,对一些房主的有关健康住宅的达标规定期限已延至 2025 年 7 月 1 日,这些标准措施包括,在起居区至少有一个主要的供暖来源,以及在厨房和浴室安装排风扇。

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