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Thousands gather as Peru’s late leader lies in state

Alberto Fujimori, who ruled Peru with an iron fist during the 1990s, died aged 86 on Wednesday.
在 1990 年代以铁腕统治秘鲁的阿尔贝托·藤森 (Alberto Fujimori) 于周三去世,享年 86 岁。

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Richard Osman: I’m terrible at playing detective

The top-selling author says he is not as successful as he would like to be at solving TV crime shows.

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Prince Harry turns 40 on Sunday with eyes focused on his future
哈里王子周日迎来 40 岁生日,他着眼于自己的未来

The milestone has prompted a slew of media stories and speculation back in Britain about what his future career might hold.

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Ban on rental bidding wars is on the way – but will it work?
禁止租赁竞价战即将到来 – 但它会奏效吗?

Renter groups say the plans are a positive step but warn more action will be needed to tackle unaffordable rents.

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Trump rules out another presidential debate against Harris

Two days after the pair’s first showdown, the Republican says his Democratic rival only wants a rematch because he won.

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Miss Universe Fiji voting drama continues, as authorities investigate its Australian organisers

There has been accusations of racism, vote-rigging, conflicts of interest and “conspiracy theories” – and that’s just from the “official” Miss Universe Fiji organisation.

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Stephen Lawrence would have been 50 today. Is there still a chance to get justice for him?
斯蒂芬·劳伦斯 (Stephen Lawrence) 今天应该 50 岁了。还有机会为他讨回公道吗?

On the day Stephen Lawrence would have turned 50, how there may be an opportunity to secure justice.
在斯蒂芬·劳伦斯 (Stephen Lawrence) 50 岁的那一天,如何有机会伸张正义。

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Northern Lights seen across parts of UK

Forecasters say to look to the northern horizon for the best chance of spotting the lights.

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Winter fuel payment cut impact was not assessed, says Starmer
Starmer 说,没有评估冬季燃料付款削减的影响

Sir Keir Starmer says it was not legally necessary to carry out analysis on changes to the payment.
基尔·斯塔默爵士 (Sir Keir Starmer) 表示,在法律上没有必要对付款的变化进行分析。

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Citizens’ jury backs assisted dying law change

The panel of 28 felt it was important to give people choice, but only if they were terminally ill.
由 28 人组成的小组认为,让人们选择很重要,但前提是他们身患绝症。

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Bomb threat in city at heart of Trump immigrant rumours sparks evacuation

The threat came two days after Donald Trump repeated a false claim immigrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating people’s pets.

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Hospital staff ‘disciplined’ over missing Andrew plaque

The plaque’s disappearance sparked a “significant event” investigation by health officials in Belfast.

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Russia claims start of fightback in Kursk region

Moscow says it has recaptured 10 settlements seized by Ukrainian forces in a cross-border campaign.
莫斯科表示,它已经夺回了乌克兰军队在跨境行动中占领的 10 个定居点。

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The Papers: UK missiles ‘vital’ to stop Putin, and ‘nanny Starmer’s ad ban’

Friday’s papers cover a mix of stories, including the upcoming UK and US talks on the war in Ukraine.

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Russia can end war now, says PM as Putin warns West

Keir Starmer made the comments as he travelled to Washington for talks with US President Joe Biden.
基尔·斯塔默 (Keir Starmer) 在前往华盛顿与美国总统乔·拜登 (Joe Biden) 会谈时发表了上述评论。

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FBI search for ‘all Lockerbie victims’ ahead of suspect’s US trial

A US judge is considering whether to allow remote access to the trial for people directly and emotionally affected by the case.

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  中新网9月13日电 据联合国官网消息,当地时间12日,联合国贸易和发展会议发布报告称,自2023年10月以色列对加沙地带展开军事行动以来,巴勒斯坦被占领土遭受了严重的经济破坏。

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Britain’s crime minister has bag stolen at police conference

Diana Johnson was attending the Police Superintendents’ Association conference in central England.
戴安娜·约翰逊 (Diana Johnson) 正在英格兰中部参加警司协会 (Police Superintendents’ Association) 会议。

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Donald Trump says no to another debate with Kamala Harris

The Republican candidate posted on his social media site, Truth Social, saying he would not participate in another presidential debate.
这位共和党候选人在他的社交媒体网站 Truth Social 上发帖称,他不会参加另一场总统辩论。

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‘We got married on Friday 13th – in a cemetery’
“我们于 13 日星期五在墓地结婚”

Mathew and Hannah Parfitt tied the knot on Friday 13th in a room once used to lower coffins.
Mathew 和 Hannah Parfitt 于 13 日星期五在一个曾经用于放下棺材的房间里喜结连理。

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美法官驳回涉特朗普两项指控 特朗普律师:又一次胜利!

  中新网9月13日电 综合外媒报道,当地时间12日,美国佐治亚州一名法官驳回了2020年佐治亚州选举干扰案中针对前总统、2024年共和党总统候选人特朗普的两项刑事指控,以及另一项针对特朗普盟友的指控。

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Cancer patient misses checkups in ‘cut off’ village

People in Llangwm near Usk, Monmouthshire, say the issue is causing them a number of difficulties.
蒙茅斯郡乌斯克附近 Llangwm 的人们说,这个问题给他们带来了许多困难。

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Farmers and students star in China’s viral new football league

The Guizhou Village Super League is a small football festival that has grown in popularity in China

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‘Undemocratic overkill’ in Pakistan as Imran Khan’s followers push to free him

Protests and arrests mark the latest flashpoint in a fierce game of cat and mouse between Pakistan’s political parties.

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Royal Observatory’s photographer of the year won with eclipse image

Baily’s beads, a galaxy shot from Namibia and a nebula that took 260 hours to capture are among winners.
贝利的珠子、从纳米比亚拍摄的星系和花了 260 小时才捕捉到的星云都在获奖者之列。

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Hull to face Korda in opening Solheim Cup match

England’s Charley Hull and America’s world number one Nelly Korda will face each other in Friday’s opening match of this year’s Solheim Cup in Virginia.

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美国30年期贷款利率降至6.2% 创19个月来最低值

  中新社华盛顿9月12日电 (记者 沙晗汀)美国住房金融机构房地美(Freddie Mac)当地时间12日公布数据显示,美国30年期固定抵押贷款平均利率降至6.2%,是自2023年2月以来最低值。

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  中新网9月13日电 据法新社报道,当地时间9月12日,西非国家塞内加尔总统巴西鲁·迪奥马耶·法耶发表全国电视讲话,宣布解散国民议会,并表示将于11月17日举行立法选举。

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  中新网9月13日电 据摩洛哥媒体、英国广播公司(BBC)报道,摩洛哥卫生部当地时间9月12日宣布,在该国南部城市马拉喀什发现一例猴痘确诊病例。

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‘Sport’s trial of the century to begin’: Premier League v Man City on 115 charges
“体育的世纪审判即将开始”:英超 VS 曼城 115 项指控

Man City’s trial on 115 charges of breaking Premier League rules is set to begin on Monday. BBC Sport looks at why it matters and how we got here.
曼城对 115 项违反英超规则的指控的审判将于周一开始。BBC Sport 关注了它为什么重要以及我们是如何走到这一步的。

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  中新网9月13日电 据“今日俄罗斯”(RT)报道,当地时间12日,俄罗斯总统普京警告称,取消对乌克兰使用西方武器的限制将直接导致美国及其盟友介入与俄罗斯的冲突,俄方将根据所面临的威胁做出适当决定。

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  中新网9月13日电 据《纽约时报》报道,当地时间9月12日,美国共和党总统候选人、前总统特朗普在与现任副总统、民主党总统候选人哈里斯进行首次总统辩论后表示,他不会再与哈里斯举行下一场总统选举辩论。

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  中新网9月13日电 据美国广播公司(ABC)援引美国地质调查局消息,当地时间9月12日上午,美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶地区发生4.7级地震,震中位于马利布。

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Ban on junk food TV adverts before 9pm to come in next year
明年晚上 9 点前禁止垃圾食品电视广告

Labour has confirmed it will implement the ban that the previous Conservative government committed to.

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Scarratt to make 100th England start against NZ

Centre Emily Scarratt will start her 100th game for England on Saturday against New Zealand in the first fixture at the newly-named Allianz Stadium.
中锋艾米丽·斯卡拉特 (Emily Scarratt) 将于周六在新命名的安联体育场对阵新西兰的第一场比赛中首发她为英格兰的第 100 场比赛。

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David Hockney backs Bradford City of Culture project

The first part of the city’s year-long programme of cultural events for 2025 is unveiled.
该市 2025 年为期一年的文化活动计划的第一部分揭幕。

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Mystery tremors were from massive nine-day tsunami
神秘的震动来自为期 9 天的巨大海啸

Scientists launched an investigation after being baffled by seismic signals picked up across the world

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Harvey Weinstein charged in New York with additional crimes, prosecutor says

It comes as the Manhattan district attorney’s office prepares to retry the former movie mogul following the reversal of his rape conviction.

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Weekly quiz: Who blew out the Paralympic flame?

Test how closely you’ve been paying attention to what has been going on over the past seven days.
测试您对过去 7 天发生的事情的关注程度。

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Vaughan takes 11 wickets as Somerset boost title hopes
沃恩拿下 11 个三柱门,萨默塞特提升冠军希望

Somerset spinners Archie Vaughan and Jack Leach combine to bowl Surrey out and keep the Taunton side’s title hopes alive.
萨默塞特旋转器阿奇·沃恩 (Archie Vaughan) 和杰克·利奇 (Jack Leach) 联手将萨里淘汰出局,并保持汤顿队的冠军希望。

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Haas drive ‘a step towards’ dream F1 world championship – Bearman

British teenager Ollie Bearman speaks to BBC Sport ahead of the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, where he replaces Kevin Magnussen for Haas. Bearman previously stepped in for Carlos Sainz at Ferrari, and will race full-time for Haas next season.
英国少年奥利·比尔曼在阿塞拜疆大奖赛前接受了 BBC 体育的采访,他在那里取代凯文·马格努森换下了哈斯。Bearman 之前曾代替法拉利的 Carlos Sainz,下赛季将全职为 Haas 比赛。

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Ten Hag rejects Ronaldo criticism over ambition

Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag dismisses Cristiano Ronaldo’s latest criticism and says the outside noise around the club does not bother him.
曼联主帅埃里克·滕哈格(Erik ten Hag)驳斥了克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)的最新批评,并表示俱乐部周围的外界噪音并没有打扰他。

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Norris wants title win ‘by fighting and beating’ Verstappen

Lando Norris says he wants to try to earn the world title on merit, despite McLaren asking his team-mate Oscar Piastri to support the Briton if necessary.

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How healthy is the NHS?
NHS 的健康状况如何?

The Prime Minister says the NHS must “reform or die” after damning report.
首相表示,在谴责报告后,NHS 必须 “改革或死亡”。

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Police ‘did not breach standards’ over boy’s death

The police watchdog ends its probe into the deaths of Bronson Battersby and his father in Skegness.
警方监督机构结束了对布朗森·巴特斯比 (Bronson Battersby) 和他父亲在斯凯格内斯 (Skegness) 之死的调查。

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UK weather: Arctic air will give way to a warmer weekend

It has turned cold this week with ground frosts and snow over Scottish mountains – but higher temperatures are on the way.
本周天气变冷,苏格兰山区出现地面霜冻和降雪 – 但更高的气温即将到来。

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Why Starmer’s NHS reforms may give you a sense of deja-vu
为什么斯塔默的 NHS 改革可能会让您有一种似曾相识的感觉

The PM is promising major change, but this is not the first time such ideas have been tried

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Police minister’s purse stolen at police conference

Thieves struck while Diana Johnson spoke at the annual Police Superintendents’ Association conference.
戴安娜·约翰逊 (Diana Johnson) 在年度警司协会会议上发表讲话时,窃贼袭击了。

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Randall and Hopkirk star Kenneth Cope dies aged 93
兰德尔和霍普柯克的明星肯尼斯·科普去世,享年 93 岁

The actor also appeared in Brookside, The Bill, Coronation Street and That Was The Week That Was.
这位演员还出现在 Brookside、The Bill、Coronation Street 和 That’s The Week That Was 中。

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SpaceX employee, tech billionaire conduct first spacewalk in Polaris mission
SpaceX 员工、科技亿万富翁在 Polaris 任务中进行首次太空行走

“From here, Earth sure looks like a perfect world,” billionaire says after floating in space.

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‘Earth sure looks like a perfect world’: First private spacewalk a success

Isaacman said the Earth looked like a “perfect world” as he stepped out into space for the first time.

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  中新社悉尼9月12日电 题:“无论抱熊猫还是抱考拉,我都乐在其中”

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  中新社悉尼9月12日电 (记者 顾时宏)武夷山水走进悉尼——南平市茶文化澳大利亚推广活动12日在悉尼中国文化中心开幕。

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  中新社曼谷9月12日电 (记者 李映民)泰国总理佩通坦12日在国会特别会议上宣布新内阁20项政策。

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以军炸学校致数十人伤亡 以色列要求辛瓦尔撤离加沙遭拒绝

  中新网9月12日电 综合外媒报道,当地时间11日,以色列军队继续轰炸加沙地带中部努赛赖特一所学校,导致数十人伤亡,其中包括6名联合国工作人员。与此同时,以色列高级官员透露,以色列提出让巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)领导人辛瓦尔安全离开加沙,条件是哈马斯释放所有人质并放弃对加沙地带的控制权。消息人士称,该提议已被哈马斯拒绝。

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最新研究推翻充满争议“生态自杀”理论 重新审视拉帕努伊岛人口史

  中新网北京9月12日电 (记者 孙自法)国际学术期刊《自然》最新发表一篇基因组学论文称,曾被称为复活节岛的拉帕努伊岛(Rapa Nui)的古代人口衰退,不太可能是由一次自杀造成的人口崩溃事件导致的,从而推翻了充满争议的“生态自杀”理论。这一研究结果为该岛人口史提供了新知。

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  中新网首尔9月12日电 (记者 刘旭)据韩联社报道,韩国统计厅12日发布的一份报告显示,韩国单人户家庭所占比重将于2037年超过40%。

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  中新社日本京都9月12日电 (记者 朱晨曦)第15次中日韩文化部长会议12日在日本京都召开。中国文化和旅游部副部长张政、日本文部科学大臣盛山正仁、韩国文化体育观光部第一次官龙昊声出席会议。

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  中新网阿斯塔纳9月12日电 (记者 单璐)哈萨克斯坦内务部当地时间12日发消息称,哈警方于近期在阿拉木图市捣毁4个跨境电信网络诈骗窝点,抓获52名犯罪嫌疑人,其中包括47名外国人和5名哈萨克斯坦人。

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Australia threatens fines for social media giants enabling misinformation

The government said it would make tech platforms set codes of conduct governing how they stop dangerous falsehoods spreading, to be approved by a regulator.

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Taylor Swift and Post Malone win biggest award of VMAs 2024 and other key moments
Taylor Swift 和 Post Malone 赢得 2024 年 VMA 和其他关键时刻的最大奖项

The show began with a nod to an iconic moment. Here are the highlights from the 2024 show.
时装秀以对标志性时刻的致敬开始。以下是 2024 年展会的亮点。

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SpaceX-Polaris crew poised to attempt first private spacewalk
SpaceX-Polaris 机组人员准备尝试首次私人太空行走

A group of private astronauts is set to carry out the first private spacewalk in orbit on Thursday from a SpaceX capsule.
周四,一群私人宇航员将从 SpaceX 太空舱进行首次私人太空行走。

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Is NZ intelligence helping Israel wage war in Gaza? Lawyers call for inquiry

In a letter to the inspector-general of intelligence and security, they said the country was in danger of aiding international crimes.

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  中新网9月12日电 据美国《新闻周刊》报道,当地时间11日,北美防空司令部(NORAD)在阿拉斯加附近发现2架俄罗斯军用飞机后,美国紧急出动战斗机将其拦截。

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联合国工作人员在加沙罹难 哈马斯欢迎继续停火谈判

  中新社北京9月12日电 综合消息:以色列军队11日轰炸加沙地带中部努赛赖特一所学校,致至少18人遇难。6名联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)工作人员在针对该学校及周边地区的两次空袭中身亡。

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日方公布对NHK中国籍播音员处理结果 NHK会长被要求辞职

  中新网9月12日电 综合日媒报道,针对日前日本广播协会(NHK)的一名中国籍雇员在播报新闻时,脱稿用中文播报“钓鱼岛是中国领土”一事,日本总务省9月11日对NHK进行了“行政指导”处分,NHK内部也公布了针对高层的处理结果。

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美国务卿与英外交大臣访乌 称将提供大额援助

  中新社北京9月12日电   基辅消息:当地时间11日,美国国务卿布林肯与英国外交大臣拉米在访问乌克兰期间宣布,美英两国将分别向乌克兰提供约7亿美元和约6亿英镑的援助。

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Parts of Hanoi remain flooded as landslides hit northern Vietnam

Several Hanoi districts remained inundated on Thursday as floods and landslides continued to affect areas in northern Vietnam.

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  中新网9月12日电 据日本广播协会(NHK)12日报道,日本儿童家庭厅最新统计显示,日本全国在2023年共有56名儿童被虐待致死。

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  中新网9月12日电 781起——这是美国《纽约客》网站所调查搜集的美军在伊拉克、阿富汗等地可能犯下的战争罪行数量。

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印度古吉拉特邦15人死于不明疾病 发烧病例不断增加

  中新网9月12日电 据《印度斯坦时报》当地时间9月11日报道,印度当局表示,过去八天,古吉拉特邦卡奇地区已有15人死于不明疾病。

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Smiling King Charles accepts ‘healing’ group hug from Black Ferns
微笑的查尔斯国王接受 Black Ferns 的“治愈”集体拥抱

King Charles III was hug-bombed by the New Zealand Women’s rugby team at a Buckingham Palace reception.

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  中新网里约热内卢9月12日电  当地时间11日,总部位于巴西里约热内卢的矿业巨头淡水河谷宣布,公司已开始对大瓦尔任1号(Vargem Grande1)项目的湿式选矿作业进行调试,这将使位于巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州的大瓦尔任综合运营区的铁矿石年产能增加约1500万吨。

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  中新网9月12日电 据俄新社当地时间12日报道,摇滚乐队平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)联合创始人、英国知名歌手罗杰·沃特斯接受采访时谈及美国在乌克兰危机中扮演的角色。沃特斯认为,美国并不在乎普通乌克兰民众的死活。

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驻日美军性侵案频发 日本冲绳知事向美政府抗议

  中新网9月12日电 据日本共同社及日本广播协会(NHK)报道,当地时间9月11日,正在美国访问的日本冲绳县知事玉城丹尼与美国国务院及国防部的有关官员会面,就冲绳县内接连曝出的驻冲绳美军士兵性侵案件提出直接抗议。

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UN Palestinian refugee agency says six staffers killed in two air strikes in Gaza

It is the highest death toll among its staff in a single incident, UNRWA says.

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Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement draws 9 million ‘likes’

Trump dismissed the popstar’s endorsement of his opponent saying Swift may ‘pay a price’ for it.

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Haitian immigrants fueled Springfield’s growth – and now a US presidential debate

Two men followed different paths from Haiti to this struggling Midwestern industrial city that suddenly finds itself at the centre of the US presidential race.

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Biden, Harris and Trump visit September 11 site in New York

Instead of formal remarks, the ceremony at the “ground zero” site where planes brought down the World Trade Center’s twin towers included family members reading the names of those killed 23 years ago.
在飞机摧毁世贸中心双子塔的“归零地”举行的仪式上,家属宣读了 23 年前遇难者的名字,而不是正式讲话。

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The Harris VS Trump Debate… and a Taylor Swift Endorsement!

And why is “THEY’RE EATING THE DOGS” trending on X?
为什么 “THEY’RE EATING THE DOGS” 在 X 上流行起来?

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The great gene editing debate: can it be safe and ethical?

A UK law allowing gene-edited food has been paused and some British scientists fear being overtaken.

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A tent city next to Mayfair: Why cutting homelessness might be harder than before

Governments have tackled the problem in the past, but will doing so prove more difficult today?

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Why is the Pope doing a long tour when he’s so frail?

His packed trip to Asia involves three countries in which Catholics are a minority.

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Good as gold: Olympic athletes who couldn’t make the cut today are quick enough for gold decades earlier

Zoe Hobbs runs fast enough to come first at every Olympics until 1964. A gold medal time in the 100m freestyle in 1996 wouldn’t get you out of the heats now. Here’s how much things have changed.
佐伊·霍布斯 (Zoe Hobbs) 跑得足够快,直到 1964 年在每届奥运会上都获得第一名。1996 年 100 米自由泳的金牌成绩现在不会让你从预赛中脱颖而出。以下是事情发生了多少变化。

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