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Men show photos of Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-general of Hezbollah, as people demonstrate against Israel and the attack on Lebanon at Palestine square in Tehran on 28 September 2024. Photo: ATTA KENARE / AFP
题图:2024 年 9 月 28 日,男子在德黑兰巴勒斯坦广场展示真主党秘书长哈桑·纳斯鲁拉 (Hassan Nasrallah) 的照片,人们在德黑兰巴勒斯坦广场示威反对以色列和对黎巴嫩的袭击。 照片:ATTA KENARE / AFP

The Israeli military said on Saturday it had killed Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in an airstrike on the group’s central headquarters in the southern suburbs of Beirut a day earlier.
【澳纽网编译】以色列军方周六表示,一天前,真主党领导人赛义德·哈桑·纳斯鲁拉(Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah)在贝鲁特南郊的中央总部遭到空袭,将其击毙。

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The Iran-backed Hezbollah has yet to issue any statement on the status of Nasrallah, who has led the group for 32 years.
伊朗支持的真主党尚未就领导该组织 32 年的纳斯鲁拉的地位发表任何声明。

The Israeli military “eliminated … Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization,” Israeli army spokesperson Avichay Adraee wrote in a statement on X.
以色列军队“消灭了……真主党恐怖组织领导人哈桑·纳斯鲁拉 (Hassan Nasrallah),“以色列军队发言人阿维猜·阿德雷 (Avichay Adraee) 在 X 上的一份声明中写道。

“Hassan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world,” the Israeli military said in a post on X on Saturday.
“哈桑·纳斯鲁拉(Hassan Nasrallah)将无法再恐吓世界,”以色列军方周六在 X 上的一篇帖子中说。

Israel launched a new wave of airstrikes on Beirut’s southern suburbs and other areas of Lebanon on Saturday, a day after carrying out the massive attack on the southern suburbs of Beirut known as Dahiyeh.
周六,以色列对贝鲁特南部郊区和黎巴嫩其他地区发动了新一轮空袭,此前一天,以色列对贝鲁特南部郊区 Dahiyeh 进行了大规模袭击。

Reuters witnesses heard more than 20 airstrikes before dawn on Saturday. Abandoning their homes in the southern suburbs, thousands of Lebanese congregated in squares, parks and sidewalks in downtown Beirut and seaside areas.
路透社目击者在周六黎明前听到了 20 多次空袭。成千上万的黎巴嫩人放弃了他们在南部郊区的家园,聚集在贝鲁特市中心和海滨地区的广场、公园和人行道上。

“They want to destroy Dahiye, they want to destroy all of us,” said Sari, a man in his 30s who gave only his first name, referring to the suburb he had fled after an Israeli evacuation order. Nearby, the newly displaced in Beirut’s Martyrs Square rolled mats onto the ground to tried to sleep.
“他们想摧毁达希耶,他们想摧毁我们所有人,”萨里说,他是一名 30 多岁的男子,他只透露了自己的名字,指的是他在以色列下达疏散令后逃离的郊区。附近,贝鲁特烈士广场(Martyrs Square)的新流离失所者将垫子滚到地上试图睡觉。

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Israel’s military said early on Saturday that about 10 projectiles had crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory and that “some” had been intercepted. A statement from the military did not identify the projectiles, which it said were detected after sirens sounded in the Upper Galilee area.
以色列军方周六早些时候表示,大约有 10 枚炮弹从黎巴嫩进入以色列领土,“一些”已被拦截。军方的一份声明没有确定这些炮弹的身份,称这些炮弹是在上加利利地区响起警报后发现的。

An unprecedented five hours of continuous strikes early on Saturday followed Friday’s attack, by far the most powerful by Israel on Beirut during nearly a year of war with Hezbollah. It marked a sharp escalation of a conflict that has involved daily missile and rocket fire between the two sides.

The latest escalation has sharply increased fears the conflict could spiral out of control, potentially drawing in Iran, Hezbollah’s principal backer, as well as the United States.


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A portrait of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah hangs on the wall of a heavily damaged apartment in the Hadath neighbourhood of Beirut's southern suburbs on September 28, 2024 in the aftermath of overnight Israeli airstrikes on the outskirts of the Lebanese capital. Israeli fighter jets bombarded the southern suburbs of Beirut overnight into September 28, sending panicked families fleeing massive strikes that were reportedly targeting Nasrallah. (Photo by AFP)

A portrait of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah hangs on the wall of a heavily damaged apartment in the Hadath neighbourhood of Beirut’s southern suburbs on 28 September 2024 in the aftermath of overnight Israeli airstrikes on the outskirts of the Lebanese capital. Photo: AFP
2024 年 9 月 28 日,以色列对黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特郊区郊区发动连夜空袭后,黎巴嫩南部郊区哈达斯社区一间严重受损的公寓墙上挂着真主党领导人哈桑·纳斯鲁拉的肖像。 图片:法新社

Israel has not said whether it tried to hit Nasrallah, but a senior Israeli official said top Hezbollah commanders were targeted.

“I think it’s too early to say… Sometimes they hide the fact when we succeed,” the Israeli official told reporters when asked if the strike on Friday had killed Nasrallah.

Earlier, a source close to Hezbollah told Reuters that Nasrallah was alive. Iran’s Tasnim news agency also reported he was safe. A senior Iranian security official told Reuters that Tehran was checking his status.

The Israeli military said in a statement that it had killed the commander of Hezbollah’s missile unit, Muhammad Ali Ismail, and his deputy Hossein Ahmed Ismail.
以色列军方在一份声明中表示,他们已经杀死了真主党导弹部队的指挥官穆罕默德·阿里·伊斯梅尔(Muhammad Ali Ismail)和他的副手侯赛因·艾哈迈德·伊斯梅尔(Hossein Ahmed Ismail)。

Smoke rises from the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted the southern Lebanese village of Khiam on September 25, 2024. Lebanon said 23 people were killed and dozens injured in Israeli strikes across Lebanon September 25, the third day of major Israeli raids in the country as fighting with Hezbollah has intensified. (Photo by Rabih DAHER / AFP)


Death toll rises 死亡人数上升

Hours before the latest barrage, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations that his country had a right to continue the campaign.
在最近一次袭击发生前几个小时,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)告诉联合国,他的国家有权继续这场运动。

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“As long as Hezbollah chooses the path of war, Israel has no choice, and Israel has every right to remove this threat and return our citizens to their homes safely,” he said.

Several delegations walked out as Netanyahu approached the lectern. He later cut short his New York trip to return to Israel.

Lebanese health authorities confirmed six dead and 91 wounded in the initial attack on Friday – the fourth on Beirut’s Hezbollah-controlled southern suburbs in a week and the heaviest since a 2006 war.
黎巴嫩卫生当局证实,在周五的最初袭击中,有 6 人死亡,91 人受伤,这是一周内对贝鲁特真主党控制的南部郊区的第四次袭击,也是自 2006 年战争以来最严重的一次袭击。

The toll appeared likely to rise much higher. There was no word on casualties from the later strikes. More than 700 people were killed in strikes over the past week, authorities said.
死亡人数似乎可能会上升得更高。没有关于后来的袭击造成的伤亡的消息。当局表示,过去一周有 700 多人在空袭中丧生。

Hezbollah’s al-Manar television reported seven buildings were destroyed. Security sources in Lebanon said the target was an area where top Hezbollah officials are usually based.
真主党的 al-Manar 电视台报道称,有 7 座建筑物被毁。黎巴嫩的安全消息人士表示,目标是真主党高级官员通常所在的地区。

Hours later, the Israeli military told residents in parts of Beirut’s southern suburbs to evacuate as it targeted missile launchers and weapons storage sites it said were under civilian housing.

Hezbollah denied any weapons or arms depots were located in buildings that were hit in the Beirut suburbs, the Lebanese armed group’s media office said in a statement.

Alaa al-Din Saeed, a resident of a neighbourhood Israel identified as a target, told Reuters he was fleeing with his wife and three children.
被以色列确定为目标的社区居民阿拉·阿尔丁·赛义德 (Alaa al-Din Saeed) 告诉路透社,他正带着妻子和三个孩子逃离。

“We found out on the television. There was a huge commotion in the neighbourhood,” he said. The family grabbed clothes, identification papers and some cash but were stuck in traffic with others trying to flee.

“We’re going to the mountains. We’ll see how to spend the night – and tomorrow we’ll see what we can do.”

Around 100,000 people in Lebanon have been displaced this week, increasing the number uprooted in the country to well over 200,000.
本周,黎巴嫩约有 100,000 人流离失所,使该国流离失所的人数增加到超过 200,000 人。

Israel’s government has said that returning some 70,000 Israeli evacuees to their homes is a war aim.
以色列政府表示,将大约 70,000 名以色列撤离人员送回家园是一项战争目标。


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Fear the fighting will spread

Hezbollah has fired hundreds of rockets and missiles against targets in Israel, including Tel Aviv. The group said it fired rockets on Friday at the northern Israeli city of Safed, where a woman was treated for minor injuries.

Israel’s air defence systems have ensured the damage has so far been minimal.

Iran, which said Friday’s attack crossed “red lines”, accused Israel of using U.S.-made “bunker-busting” bombs.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Washington was not informed of that strike beforehand. President Joe Biden was being kept abreast of developments.
美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀 (Lloyd Austin) 表示,华盛顿事先没有收到那次袭击的通知。乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统一直在了解事态发展。

At the UN, where the annual General Assembly met this week, the intensification prompted expressions of concern including by France, which with the US has proposed a 21-day ceasefire.
在本周召开年度联合国大会的联合国会议上,局势加剧引发了包括法国在内的担忧,法国与美国提议停火 21 天。

“This must be brought to an end immediately,” French Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere told a Security Council meeting.
“这必须立即结束,”法国大使尼古拉斯·德·里维埃(Nicolas de Riviere)在安理会会议上说。

At a New York press conference, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “We believe the way forward is through diplomacy, not conflict… We will continue to work intentionally with all parties to urge them to choose that course.”
美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)在纽约举行的新闻发布会上说:“我们相信前进的道路是通过外交,而不是冲突……我们将继续有意识地与各方合作,敦促他们选择这条路线。

Hezbollah opened the latest bout in a decades-long conflict with a missile barrage against Israel immediately following the 7 October attack on Israel by the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza last year.
去年 10 月 7 日巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯在加沙对以色列发动袭击后,真主党立即对以色列发动了导弹袭击,这是长达数十年的冲突中的最新一轮较量。

来源:-Reuters – 路透社

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