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Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s Wellington apartment has been sold. Photo: RNZ/ Nate McKinnon
总理克里斯托弗·卢克森 (Christopher Luxon) 的惠灵顿公寓已售出。 摄影:RNZ/ Nate McKinnon

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has responded to media attention on the capital gains he made from selling his Wellington apartment, saying he expected no less and had nothing to hide in terms of his success.
【澳纽网编译】总理克里斯托弗·卢克森 (Christopher Luxon) 回应了媒体对他出售惠灵顿公寓所获得的资本收益的关注,称他对自己的成功期望不低,没有什么可隐瞒的。

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“Let’s be clear, I’m wealthy,” he told Newstalk ZB’s Heather du Plessis Allan this morning.
“让我们明确一点,我很富有,”他今天早上告诉 Newstalk ZB 的 Heather du Plessis Allan。

Online property records show the apartment in the Kate Sheppard complex opposite Parliament sold on 8 September but is still pending settlement. It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
在线房产记录显示,位于议会对面的 Kate Sheppard 综合大楼的公寓已于 9 月 8 日售出,但仍有待交割。它有两间卧室和两间浴室。

No sale price is yet available, but the apartment was last sold for $795,000 in September 2020 – about a month prior to Luxon becoming the Botany MP. It is estimated the property to be valued at between $745,000 and $890,000.
目前还没有销售价格,但该公寓最后一次以 795,000 纽币的价格售出是在 2020 年 9 月——大约在 Luxon 成为Botany 议员前一个月。据估计,该物业的价值在 745,000 纽币至 890,000 纽币之间。

While Prime Ministers usually reside in Premier House while in Wellington, Luxon until this point had stayed in his apartment, pointing to the need for superficial refurbishments at the official residence.

Du Plessis-Allan asked Luxon, “how do you feel about the fact that it was all over the TV news last night, how much you made”?
Du Plessis-Allan 问 Luxon:“你对昨晚电视新闻上铺天盖地的事实有何看法,你赚了多少钱”?

Luxon answered: “Well, I’ve come to expect that. As I said from my first day in politics, I’m a kid whose parents left school at 16, I went to university, did well in the world, successful, I get it. And I’ve chosen to come into politics because I want to add back to New Zealand.
卢克森回答说:“嗯,我已经开始预料到这一点。正如我从政的第一天起就说的,我是 16岁辍学父母的一个孩子,后来我上了大学,在世界上表现良好,成功了,我明白了。我选择从政,因为我想回馈新西兰。

“If we’re going to criticise people for being successful, let’s be clear – I’m wealthy.”

The Prime Minister’s Office confirmed on Monday morning that Luxon moved into Premier House over the weekend. Luxon on Monday afternoon said the upgrade was “real basic elementary maintenance”, and included replacing carpets and a new interior paint job. He didn’t provide a cost for the work, but it’s previously been reported to be north of $170,000.
总理办公室周一早上证实,卢克森在周末搬进了 Premier House。Luxon 周一下午表示,升级是“真正的基本初级维护”,包括更换地毯和新的室内油漆工作。他没有提供这项工作的费用,但此前有报道称费用超过 170,000 纽币。

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Luxon came under pressure for claiming an allowance to live in the apartment. MPs based outside of Wellington are able to claim up to $52,000 for their accommodation while they need to be at Parliament. But few Prime Ministers have claimed it, with Luxon being the first in at least 34 years.
Luxon 因申请住在公寓的津贴而面临压力。惠灵顿以外的议员在需要参加议会期间,可以申请高达 52,000 纽币的住宿费。但很少有总理去申请,卢克森是至少 34 年来的第一位。

He initially defended the move by calling it an “entitlement” and “within the rules”, but then U-turned, calling it a “distraction”.
他最初为这一举动辩护,称其为 “权利 ”和 “在规则范围内”,但随后掉头,称其为 “分散注意力”。

“I have decided today that I will no longer claim the allowance and will repay anything I have received since I became Prime Minister,” he said in March. It meant Luxon would pay back $13,000.
“我今天决定,我将不再申请津贴,并将偿还我成为总理以来收到的任何款项,”他在 3 月份说。这意味着 Luxon 将偿还 13,000 纽币。

A report released earlier this year from the Premier House Board indicated the house had a number of problems, including decades-old fittings and furnishings and poor insulation.
Premier House Board 今年早些时候发布的一份报告表明,这所房子存在许多问题,包括几十年前的配件和家具以及隔热不良。

The Kate Sheppard apartment isn’t the only property Luxon has recently sold. He sold a property in Onehunga last month.
Kate Sheppard 公寓并不是 Luxon 最近出售的唯一房产。他上个月卖掉了 Onehunga 的一处房产。

来源:NZ Herald

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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