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Locals and rescue teams at work in a damaged building following an overnight Israeli airstrike on the Ain al-Helweh refugee camp on the outskirts of Sidon City in Lebanon. Photo: AFP/ Mahmoud Zayyat
题图:以色列对黎巴嫩西顿市郊区的 Ain al-Helweh 难民营发动连夜空袭后,当地人和救援队在一栋受损的建筑物中工作。 摄影:法新社/Mahmoud Zayyat

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  • Israeli paratroopers and commandos have begun operations in neighbouring Lebanon, Israel says
  • The ground raids are ‘limited, localised and targeted’, Israel Defence Forces say
  • Flares and shelling have been reported in Lebanese border towns
  • Airstrikes hit Beirut southern suburbs overnight
  • Israel targeted a Palestinian Fatah movement commander in a refugee camp in Lebanon, Palestinian officials say
  • In Syria, Israeli strikes killed 3 civilians, the country’s state media says
    叙利亚官方媒体称,以色列的空袭造成 3 名平民死亡

Israel says its troops have launched raids inside Lebanon on Tuesday, starting its widely expected ground operations, after two weeks of devastating airstrikes against Hezbollah’s command structure and weapons sites.

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The Israeli military said the operations in Lebanon began on Monday night and involved paratroops and commandos from the elite 98th division, who were deployed to the northern front two weeks ago from Gaza where they had been fighting for months.
以色列军方表示,在黎巴嫩的行动于周一晚上开始,涉及来自精锐第 98 师的伞兵和突击队员,他们两周前从加沙被部署到北部前线,他们已经在那里战斗了数月。

It said its air force and artillery supported ground troops engaged in “limited, localised, and targeted ground raids” against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon villages that posed “an immediate threat to Israeli communities in northern Israel”.

A Lebanese security source told Reuters that Israeli units had crossed into Lebanon overnight for reconnaissance and probing operations.

Lebanese troops also pulled back from positions along the border, the source added. A Lebanese army spokesperson did not confirm or deny the movement.

Lebanon’s army has historically stayed on the sidelines of major conflicts with Israel, and in the last year of hostilities has not fired on the Israeli military.

The operation into Lebanon represents an escalation of the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Iran-backed militants that now threatens to suck in the US and Iran.

Local residents in the Lebanese border town of Aita al-Shaab reported heavy shelling and the sound of helicopters and drones overhead. Flares were repeatedly launched over the Lebanese border town of Rmeish, lighting up the night sky.
黎巴嫩边境城镇 Aita al-Shaab 的当地居民报告说,头顶上有猛烈的炮击以及直升机和无人机的声音。照明弹反复发射在黎巴嫩边境城镇 Rmeish 上空,照亮了夜空。


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A picture taken from northern Israel, along the border with southern Lebanon, on September 30, 2024 shows a fire following Israeli bombardment on an area of south Lebanon. The Israeli military said Tuesday troops have started "targeted ground raids" in villages of southern Lebanon. The incursions backed by airstrikes and artillery began "a few hours ago" and are targeting militant group Hezbollah "in villages close to the border" with Israel, a military statement said. (Photo by Jalaa MAREY / AFP)

A picture taken from northern Israel, along the border with southern Lebanon, on 30 September, 2024 shows a fire following Israeli bombardment on an area of south Lebanon. Photo: JALAA MAREY
2024 年 9 月 30 日从以色列北部与黎巴嫩南部边境拍摄的一张照片显示,以色列轰炸黎巴嫩南部的一个地区后发生火灾。 摄影: JALAA MAREY

Lebanon’s armed group Hezbollah said on Tuesday it had targeted Israeli troops across the border in Metula twice with artillery and rocket fire, but it made no mention of Israel’s launch of ground operations into Lebanon.

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An Israeli strike in Lebanon early on Tuesday targeted Mounir Maqdah, commander of the Lebanese branch of the Palestinian Fatah movement’s military wing – the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, according to two Palestinian security officials. His fate was unknown.
据两名巴勒斯坦安全官员称,周二早些时候,以色列在黎巴嫩发动的一次袭击针对的是巴勒斯坦法塔赫运动军事派别阿克萨烈士旅黎巴嫩分支的指挥官穆尼尔·马格达 (Mounir Maqdah)。他的命运未知。

The strike hit a building in the crowded Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp near the southern city of Sidon, the sources said. It marked the first strike on Lebanon’s largest Palestinian camp since cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel broke out nearly a year ago.
消息来源说,这次空袭击中了南部城市西顿附近拥挤的 Ain al-Hilweh 巴勒斯坦难民营的一栋建筑。这是自近一年前真主党和以色列之间爆发跨境敌对行动以来,黎巴嫩最大的巴勒斯坦营地遭到首次袭击。

In Syria, three civilians were killed and nine others injured in an Israeli airstrike on the capital Damascus, Syrian state media said on Tuesday citing a military source. Israel’s military said it does not comment on foreign media reports.
叙利亚官方媒体周二援引一名军方消息人士的话称,在叙利亚,以色列对首都大马士革的空袭造成 3 名平民死亡,另有 9 人受伤。以色列军方表示,他们不对外国媒体的报道发表评论。

Israel has been carrying out strikes against Iran-linked targets in Syria for years but has ramped up raids since the Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked Israel’s southern territory on 7 October, 2023.
多年来,以色列一直在对叙利亚境内与伊朗有关的目标进行打击,但自 2023 年 10 月 7 日巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯袭击以色列南部领土以来,以色列加大了袭击力度。

Hamas killed 1200 people and took about 250 hostage in its assault on Israel, according to Israeli tallies. Israel in response launched a massive assault on Hamas in Gaza, reducing most of the Palestinian territory to rubble, displacing most of its 2.3 million people and killing more than 41,300 Palestinians, according to the Gaza health ministry.
根据以色列的统计,哈马斯在对以色列的袭击中杀死了 1200 人,并劫持了大约 250 名人质。据加沙卫生部称,作为回应,以色列对加沙的哈马斯发动了大规模袭击,将巴勒斯坦大部分领土夷为平地,使其 230 万人口中的大多数流离失所,并造成 41,300 多名巴勒斯坦人死亡。

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Strikes on Beirut 对贝鲁特的打击

Israel’s ground invasion into Lebanon follows its deadly detonation of booby-trapped Hezbollah pagers, two weeks of airstrikes, and its killing on Friday of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, which dealt the group one of the heaviest blows in decades.
以色列对黎巴嫩的地面入侵是在致命引爆被诱杀的真主党寻呼机、为期两周的空袭以及周五杀死真主党领导人哈桑·纳斯鲁拉(Hassan Nasrallah)之后进行的,这对该组织造成了几十年来最沉重的打击之一。

The intensive air strikes have eliminated several Hezbollah commanders but also killed about 1000 civilians and forced one million to flee their homes, according to the Lebanese government.
据黎巴嫩政府称,密集的空袭已经消灭了几名真主党指挥官,但也杀死了大约 1000 名平民,并迫使 100 万人逃离家园。

Overnight, strikes hit Beirut’s southern suburbs, a security source said. A Reuters reporter witnessed a flash of light and a series of loud blasts about an hour after the Israeli military warned residents to evacuate areas near buildings it said contained Hezbollah infrastructure south of the capital.

In the past 24 hours, at least 95 people had been killed and 172 wounded in Israeli strikes on Lebanon’s southern regions, the eastern Bekaa Valley, and Beirut, Lebanon’s health ministry said early on Tuesday.
黎巴嫩卫生部周二早些时候表示,在过去 24 小时内,以色列对黎巴嫩南部地区、东部贝卡谷地和贝鲁特的袭击造成至少 95 人死亡,172 人受伤。

Hezbollah deputy leader Naim Qassem on Monday said “the resistance forces are ready for a ground engagement” adding that Hezbollah continued to fire rockets as deep as 150 km into Israeli territory.
真主党副领导人纳伊姆·卡西姆(Naim Qassem)周一表示,“抵抗力量已准备好进行地面交战”,并补充说,真主党继续向以色列领土发射深达 150 公里的火箭弹。

“We know that the battle may be long. We will win as we won in the liberation of 2006,” he said, referring to the last big conflict between the two foes.
“我们知道这场战斗可能会很漫长。我们将像在 2006 年解放中赢得的那样获胜,“他说,指的是双方之间的最后一次重大冲突。


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The White House and the US State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Israel’s ground operations in Lebanon, but on Monday, US President Joe Biden had called for a ceasefire.
白宫和美国国务院没有立即回应就以色列在黎巴嫩的地面行动发表评论的请求,但周一,美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)呼吁停火。

“I’m more worried than you might know and I’m comfortable with them stopping,” Biden told reporters when asked if he was comfortable with Israeli plans for a cross-border incursion. “We should have a ceasefire now.”

Israel last week rejected a proposal by the US and France calling for a 21-day ceasefire on the Lebanon border to give time for a diplomatic settlement that would allow displaced civilians on both sides to return home.
以色列上周拒绝了美国和法国提出的提议,该提议呼吁在黎巴嫩边境停火 21 天,以便为外交解决留出时间,让双方流离失所的平民能够返回家园。

The UN special coordinator to Lebanon Jeanine Hennis wrote on X: “Amid the firing of missiles and rockets, dropping of bombs, and conduct of raids, the machinery of war fails to address the underlying issues. And thus the risk of dooming another generation to the same fate is very real, yet again.”
联合国黎巴嫩问题特别协调员珍妮·亨尼斯 (Jeanine Hennis) 在 X 上写道:“在发射导弹和火箭、投掷炸弹和进行突袭中,战争机器未能解决根本问题。因此,让另一代人注定面临同样命运的风险是非常真实的,而且又一次。

来源:Reuters  路透社

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