(双语)特拉维夫枪击和持刀袭击造成 7 人死亡

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Seven people have been killed in a shooting and knife attack in Tel Aviv, police in Israel have confirmed.
【澳纽网编译】以色列警方证实,特拉维夫发生枪击和持刀袭击事件,已造成 7 人死亡。

Several others were injured – some seriously – when a gunman opened fire at members of the public in the Jaffa area.

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The deadly attack began in a rail carriage and continued on the platform, local police said in a statement.

Footage posted on social media showed motionless bodies strewn on the street.

Police said the attackers were “neutralised” by members of the public and described the motive as “terror”.

 EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock Police inspect the scene of the attack
EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock

The identities of the perpetrators have not been released. Some Israeli media outlets earlier reported the death toll as eight, though it is unclear if this included the attackers.
肇事者的身份尚未公布。一些以色列媒体早些时候报道称,死亡人数为 8 人,但尚不清楚这是否包括袭击者。

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The shooting occurred shortly before an Iranian missile attack against Israel began.

Police at the scene were seen taking cover as missiles and air defence rockets flew over the city and air raid sirens blared.

Witnesses described the shooting, including Benjamin Ratzon, who told the Reuters news agency: “People were on the ground and they told me to bend down.
目击者描述了枪击事件,包括本杰明·拉松(Benjamin Ratzon),他告诉路透社:“人们倒在地上,他们让我弯下腰。

“I saw the terrorist facing me. He wanted to do something and the security forces arrived to the scene and they ran towards him.”

 EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock Armed police officers guard a cordon
EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock
Israeli police officers guarded a cordon near the site of the attack


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Another witness told the Jerusalem Post they initially mistook the gunfire for fireworks before realising “it was something much worse”.

They added: “There were many gunshots. We dropped to the floor, and people were crying. I saw someone bleeding on the ground.”

A shop owner said they quickly closed their shutters upon seeing “crowds of people running and shouting ‘terror attack'”.

Haartez quoted an eyewitness who was at a synagogue at the time of the attack.

“Among the worshippers were medics who volunteer at the MDA (Israel’s ambulance service).
“礼拜者中有在 MDA(以色列救护车服务)做志愿者的医务人员。

“We treated a man who was wounded in the synagogue and then ran to the street to help others who were wounded.”


分类: 国际新闻

(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 English/Chinese World News

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