
摄影纵横 编辑精选

题图:肖恩-格罗斯与 “生命之群”。肖恩-格罗斯/年度野生动物摄影师

Shane Gross with The Swarm of Life.Shane Gross/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

A ‘swarm’ of tadpoles named the world’s best wildlife photo

From a record-breaking 60,000 entries from 117 countries and territories, the winner of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition has been announced.
【澳纽网编译】从来自 117 个国家和地区的创纪录的 60,000 份参赛作品中,年度野生动物摄影师大赛的获胜者已经揭晓。

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Canadian marine conservation photojournalist, Shane Gross, has won the top prize for this stunning image of the underworld life of western toad tadpoles.
加拿大海洋保护摄影记者 Shane Gross 凭借这张描绘西部蟾蜍蝌蚪冥界生活的惊人照片获得了最高奖。

Called The Swarm of Life, the image was captured on Vancouver Island, British Columbia after several hours of snorkelling. This particular type of frog is a near-threatened species due to habitat destruction and predators, and an estimated 99% of the tadpoles do not survive to adulthood.
这张名为“生命之群”的照片是在经过几个小时的浮潜后在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华岛拍摄的。由于栖息地破坏和捕食者,这种特殊类型的青蛙是一种近乎受威胁的物种,估计 99% 的蝌蚪无法存活到成年。

Kathy Moran, chair of the jury, said the photo is a “mix of light, energy and connectivity between the environment and the tadpoles”
评审团主席凯西·莫兰 (Kathy Moran) 表示,这张照片是“光线、能量以及环境与蝌蚪之间联系的混合体”

“Over the last few years, the competition has highlighted environments and species that are often overlooked yet provoke the same wonder and delight when shared as the more typically photographed wildlife and wild places.”

亚历克西斯-廷克-特萨瓦拉(Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas)与《枯木下的生命》。亚历克西斯-廷克-特萨瓦拉斯/年度野生动物摄影师Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas with Life Under Dead Wood.Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

The Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year prize was awarded to Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas from Germany for his image of a tiny springtail and a fruiting slime mould.来自德国的亚历克西斯-廷克-特萨瓦拉斯(Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas)获得了 “年度最佳青年野生动物摄影师 ”奖,他拍摄的作品是一条小春尾草和一种正在结果的粘菌。

There were also 18 category winners, with a selection below.
还有 18 个类别的获胜者,以下是部分获奖者。

Last year’s competition was won by a stunning image of an “otherworldly”-looking living fossil. Laurent Ballesta’s photo of a tri-spine horseshoe crab accompanied by a trio of golden trevallies was the victor.
去年的比赛以一张看起来“超凡脱俗”的活化石的惊人图像获胜。Laurent Ballesta 拍摄的三脊马蹄蟹和三只金鲹的照片获胜。

The competition is celebrating its 60th anniversary and the Wildlife Photographer of the Year is developed and produced by the Natural History Museum, London.
该比赛正在庆祝其 60 周年,年度野生动物摄影师由伦敦自然历史博物馆开发和制作。

Earlier this year, the judges showcased those Highly Commended photos of the year.

Frontier of the Lynx by Igor Metelskiy, Russia. Winner, Animals in their Environment. Bentis of the Lynx,作者:Igor Metelskiy,俄罗斯。获胜者,环境中的动物。Igor Metelskiy, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Igor Metelskiy,年度野生动物摄影师
The Demolition Squad by Ingo Arndt, Germany. Winner, Behaviour: Invertebrates. The Demolition Squad 作者:Ingo Arndt,德国。获胜者,行为:无脊椎动物。Ingo Arndt, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Ingo Arndt,年度野生动物摄影师

The Artful Crow by Jiří Hřebíček, Czech Republic. Winner, Natural Artistry. 《狡猾的乌鸦》(The Artful Crow),作者:Jiří Hřebíček,捷克共和国。自然艺术奖得主。Jiří Hřebíček , Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Jiří Hřebíček , 年度野生动物摄影师
A Diet of Deadly Plastic by Justin Gilligan, Australia. Winner, Oceans: The Bigger Picture. A Diet of Deadly Plastic,贾斯汀·吉利根 (Justin Gilligan),澳大利亚。获奖者,Oceans: The Bigger Picture。Justin Gilligan, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Justin Gilligan,年度野生动物摄影师
Hope for the Ninu by Jannico Kelk, Australia. Winner, Impact Award. 《Ninu 的希望》,作者:Jannico Kelk,澳大利亚。获奖者,影响力奖。Jannico Kelk, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Jannico Kelk,年度野生动物摄影师
Wetland Wrestle by Karine Aigner, US. Winner, Behaviour: Amphibians and Reptiles. Wetland Wrestle,作者:Karine Aigner,美国。获奖者,行为:两栖动物和爬行动物。Karine Aigner, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Karine Aigner,年度野生动物摄影师
Old Man of the Glen by Fortunato Gatto, Italy. Winner, Plants and Fungi . 《峡谷老人》(Old Man of the Glen),意大利 Fortunato Gatto 著。植物与真菌类优胜者 .Fortunato Gatto, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Fortunato Gatto,年度野生动物摄影师
Under the Waterline by Matthew Smith, UK/Australia. Winner, Underwater. Under the Waterline,作者:Matthew Smith,英国/澳大利亚。获胜者,水下。Matthew Smith, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Matthew Smith,年度野生动物摄影师
A Tranquil Moment by Hikkaduwa Liyanage Prasantha Vinod, Sri Lanka. Winner, Behaviour: Mammals. A Tranquil Moment 作者:Hikkaduwa Liyanage Prasantha Vinod,斯里兰卡。获胜者,行为:哺乳动物。Hikkaduwa Liyanage Prasantha Vinod, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Hikkaduwa Liyanage Prasantha Vinod,年度野生动物摄影师
Tiger in Town by Robin Darius Conz, Germany. Winner, Urban Wildlife.Tiger in Town 作者:Robin Darius Conz,德国。城市野生动物奖得主。Robin Darius, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Robin Darius,年度野生动物摄影师

On Watch by John E Marriott, Canada. Winner, Animal Portraits.加拿大 John E Marriott 的注视。动物肖像奖得主。
Practice Makes Perfect by Jack Zhi, USA. Winner, Behaviour: Birds.熟能生巧 作者:Jack Zhi,美国。获胜者,行为:鸟类。Jack Zhi, Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Jack Zhi,年度野生动物摄影师
来源: Stuff

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