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An unconfirmed image circulating on social media purports to show a site of an explosion in the Tehran area in the early hours of October 26, 2024, as Israel announces it is carrying out ‘precise strikes’ on Iranian military targets. (Social media: used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)
题图:社交媒体上流传的一张未经证实的图片据称显示,2024 年 10 月 26 日凌晨,以色列宣布正在对伊朗军事目标进行“精确打击”,德黑兰地区发生爆炸。(社交媒体:根据版权法第 27a 条使用)

Fresh wave of Israeli strikes reported in Iran; military sites near Tehran said targeted

IDF says airstrikes – 4 weeks after Iran fired 200 missiles at Israel – are response to regime’s attacks; no change to home front rules; Iranian sources threaten ‘proportional reaction’

The IDF says it has completed its overnight airstrikes against Iranian military sites in response to Iran’s attacks on Israel in recent months, including the 200 ballistic missiles on October 1.
【澳纽网编译】以色列国防军表示,他们已经完成了对伊朗军事基地的夜间空袭,以回应伊朗近几个月来对以色列的袭击,包括 10 月 1 日的 200 枚弹道导弹。

The name of the operation is dubbed by the military “Days of Repentance.”

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Israel’s retaliatory strike against Iran earlier this evening targeted “multiple military targets across Iran and outside populated areas,” a senior Biden administration official says.

While the US was not a participant in the attack, President Joe Biden and his national security team worked with their Israeli counterparts over recent weeks to encourage Jerusalem “to conduct a response that was targeted and proportional with low risk of civilian harm.”

“That appears to have been precisely what transpired this evening,” the senior US official says during a briefing with reporters.

During his call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week, Biden encouraged the Israeli premier “to design a response that served to deter further attacks against Israel while reducing risk of further escalation. That is our objective, and it’s Israel’s objective,” the official says.
在上周与以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)通话时,拜登鼓励以色列总理“设计一种应对措施,以阻止对以色列的进一步袭击,同时降低进一步升级的风险。这是我们的目标,也是以色列的目标,“这位官员说。

“Should Iran choose to respond, we are fully prepared to once again defend against any attack,” the US official stresses, pointing to the recent US deployment of THAAD missile defense batteries to Israel.

“This should be the end of this direct exchange of fire between Israel and Iran,” the US official says, adding that “Israel has made clear to the world that its response is now complete.”

“Accordingly, we will call on all countries of influence to press Iran to stop these attacks against Israel so that we can move beyond this direct cycle of attacks over the coming days,” he says.

The US official says Washington remains prepared to lead the effort to bring about ceasefires in Lebanon and Gaza, and has been engaged in those efforts in recent days.


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Iran says its air defense system successfully countered Israel’s attacks but that “limited damage” was caused to some locations.

In a statement, the Iranian air defense says Israel attacked military targets in the provinces of Tehran, Khuzestan and Ilam.

In this image taken from video released by the IDF on October 26, 2024, military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari announces that the IDF is conducting strikes on military targets in Iran. (Israel Defense Forces via AP)

In this image taken from video released by the IDF on October 26, 2024, military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari announces that the IDF is conducting strikes on military targets in Iran. (Israel Defense Forces via AP)
这张图片取自以色列国防军于 2024 年 10 月 26 日发布的视频,军方发言人丹尼尔·哈加里 (Daniel Hagari) 少将宣布,以色列国防军正在对伊朗的军事目标进行打击。(以色列国防军通过美联社)

Following the completion of Israel’s strikes in Iran, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in an English-language statement warns that if Iran was to “make the mistake” of escalating further, Israel would respond.

“I can now confirm that we have concluded the Israeli response to Iran’s attacks against Israel,” he says in a video statement disturbed to foreign media.

“We conducted targeted and precise strikes on military targets in Iran — thwarting immediate threats to the State of Israel. The Israel Defense Forces has fulfilled its mission,” Hagari says.

“If the regime in Iran were to make the mistake of beginning a new round of escalation — we will be obligated to respond,” he continues.

“Our message is clear: All those who threaten the State of Israel and seek to drag the region into a wider escalation — will pay a heavy price. We demonstrated today that we have both the capability and the resolve to act decisively — and we are prepared — on offense and defense — to defend the State of Israel and the people of Israel,” Hagari adds.

According to the military, dozens of Israeli Air Force aircraft, including fighter jets, refuelers, and spy planes, participated in the strikes some 1,600 kilometers from Israel.
据军方称,数十架以色列空军飞机,包括战斗机、加油机和间谍飞机,在距离以色列约 1,600 公里的地方参与了空袭。

The aircraft safely returned to Israel following the “complex” operation, it says.

The strikes were carried out in several waves over the course of several hours, in various areas of Iran.

The IDF says the strikes targeted Iranian military sites, including air defense batteries and ballistic missile manufacturing sites — those used in direct Iranian attacks on Israel on October 1 and April 14.
以色列国防军表示,这些空袭的目标是伊朗的军事基地,包括防空系统和弹道导弹制造基地——这些基地用于伊朗在 10 月 1 日和 4 月 14 日对以色列的直接袭击。

Additionally, the military says the strikes have given the IAF “wider freedom of aerial action in Iran,” and that it has a wide bank of targets that it can hit in future operations if required.

The damage caused by the strikes will be revealed in time, the IDF says, adding that Iran has paid a price for its attacks on Israel.

The IDF is holding an assessment now on a potential Iranian response to the attack, but as of now, there are no changes to guidelines for civilians.

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以色列国防军表示,在伊朗向以色列发射 200 枚导弹 4 周后,空袭是对该政权袭击的回应;主场规则没有变化;伊朗消息来源威胁要进行“比例反应”

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The Washington Post reports that Israeli strikes on Iran are expected to last several more hours, citing a person briefed on Israel’s military plans.

The source says among the military sites being targeted are air defenses and missile production plants.

An unconfirmed image circulating on social media purports to show a site of an explosion in the Tehran area in the early hours of October 26, 2024, as Israel announces it is carrying out ‘precise strikes’ on Iranian military targets. (Social media: used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)
社交媒体上流传的一张未经证实的图片据称显示,2024 年 10 月 26 日凌晨,以色列宣布正在对伊朗军事目标进行“精确打击”,德黑兰地区发生爆炸。(社交媒体:根据版权法第 27a 条使用)

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All three of Israel’s main TV stations are reporting a second wave of Israeli strikes on Iran. Channel 12 quotes non-state reports in Iran saying Israeli raids are taking place in eastern Tehran and at an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps command facility.
以色列的三家主要电视台都报道了以色列对伊朗的第二波打击。第 12 频道援引伊朗的非国家报告称,以色列的袭击正在德黑兰东部和伊斯兰革命卫队指挥设施进行。

Iran is prepared to respond to any Israeli “aggression,” Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency says, citing sources.

“There is no doubt that Israel will face a proportional reaction for any action it takes,” Tasnim quotes the sources as saying.

According to AFP reporters, continuous explosions and light trails are visible across the sky in central Tehran following the new blasts.

Reuters quotes local media saying that four further explosions were heard in eastern Tehran and that “air defense is still active” in the capital.

The ongoing attack is expected to be a one-night affair, ABC News reports. ABC also cites a source who says there are no Israeli casualties or damage to warplanes reported thus far.
据 ABC 新闻报道,正在进行的袭击预计将持续一晚。ABC 还援引一位消息人士的话说,到目前为止,没有报告以色列人员伤亡或战机损坏。

Channel 12 also reports that the first wave of Israeli airstrikes targeted missile production and air defense facilities.
第 12 频道还报道称,以色列的第一波空袭针对导弹生产和防空设施。

Yisrael Ziv, a former head of the IDF’s Operations Directorate, calls the Israeli strikes “historic,” and says Israel has for hours been doing “whatever it wants” in the skies of Iran, targeting some of its most important military targets.
以色列国防军行动局前负责人伊斯雷尔·齐夫 (Yisrael Ziv) 称以色列的袭击是“历史性的”,并表示以色列几个小时以来一直在伊朗上空“为所欲为”,针对其一些最重要的军事目标。

The fact that Israel has solely targeted military targets “presents Iran with a dilemma” regarding its response, Ziv says.
Ziv 说,以色列只针对军事目标的事实“使伊朗在应对方面陷入两难境地”。

WASHINGTON — US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin held a call with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, a US defense official says, after Israel announced strikes on targets in Iran.
华盛顿——美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)表示,在以色列宣布对伊朗目标进行打击后,美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)与以色列国防部长约夫·加兰特(Yoav Gallant)举行了通话。

The US official, who speaks on condition of anonymity, doesn’t immediately provide details on Austin and Gallant’s conversation, including what they discussed, how long the call was or what time it took place.

The IDF says that a drone from Lebanon impacted in the Western Galilee, after sirens sounded in communities along the Mediterranean coast.

There are no reports of injuries.

Suspected drone alerts are activated in the northern coastal cities of Nahariya and Acre.
北部沿海城市 Nahariya 和 Acre 启动了可疑无人机警报。


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Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency reports that several military bases in the Tehran area were targeted in Israeli strikes. It specifies that several bases in the western and southern areas of the capital were attacked.

Iranian media also says there are no fires or explosions reported at a key refinery south of the capital. “There are no reports of fire or explosions at a Tehran refinery,” Tasnim news agency reports.

Iranian state TV, meanwhile, says operations at Tehran’s airports, including Imam Khomeini International airport, are continuing as usual.

“Operations at Imam Khomeini International Airport and Mehrabad Airport are normal and they continue to operate according to the schedule,” the state TV presenter says, citing the chiefs of Mehrabad and Imam Khomeini airports.


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(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 English/Chinese World News

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