
新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选
There are 14 new community cases. 

The new cases are in Auckland and Upper Hauraki, just one is unlinked.


Here are the key figures from today’s case update:
* 14 new community cases have been reported.
* 报告了 14 例新的社区病例。
* One of these is a household contact in Whakatīwai – the rest are in Auckland.
* 其中之一是在 Whakatīwai 的家庭联系人 – 其余在奥克兰。
* Just one case is unlinked to the cluster, most are household contacts or known close contacts.
* 只有一个病例与集群无关,大多数是家庭接触者或已知的密切接触者。
* There are now 1085 cases in this outbreak – 773 in Auckland and 17 in Wellington have recovered.
* 此次疫情目前有 1085 例病例——奥克兰 773 例和惠灵顿 17 例已经康复。
* The Section 70 notice for Hauraki communities south of Miranda and above Maramarua, including Kaiaua and Whakatīwai will be reviewed daily but is, for now, in place until Friday.
* 针对 Miranda 以南和 Maramarua 以上的 Hauraki 社区(包括 Kaiaua 和 Whakatīwai)的第 70 条通知将每天进行审查,但目前将持续到周五。

Live: Jacinda Ardern, Ashley Bloomfield give Covid-19 update as Level 3 looms for Auckland


The new cases are in Auckland and Upper Hauraki, just one is unlinked.


This takes the number of cases in this outbreak to 1085. Of these, 773 in Auckland and 17 in Wellington have recovered.
这使此次爆发的病例数达到 1085 例。其中,奥克兰 773 例和惠灵顿 17 例已经康复。

Of yesterday’s cases, nine were infectious in the community.
在昨天的病例中,有 9 例在社区中具有传染性。

There are now 10 linked subclusters in this outbreak – two are active, seven are contained and one is dormant. There are 11 unlinked subclusters – three are active, three are contained and five are dormant.
在这次爆发中,现在有 10 个相互关联的子集群 – 两个处于活动状态,七个被控制,一个处于休眠状态。 有 11 个未链接的子集群 – 三个处于活动状态,三个受限制,五个处于休眠状态。

There are 15 cases in hospital, four of these are in ICU.

At yesterday’s five unlinked cases, four have close geographically links to households with cases. One is still under investigation.

在昨天的五个无关联病例中,有四个与有病例的家庭在地理上有密切的联系。 一个还在调查中。

Bloomfield said they’re expecting a further 50 or 60 cases in the coming week.
布卢姆菲尔德说,他们预计下周还会有 50 或 60 起病例。

He “strongly encouraged” people living in the focus areas to get vaccinated. There are two vaccination clinics close to testing stations in the region – one is at Maramarua Rugby Football Club.
他“强烈鼓励”生活在重点地区的人们接种疫苗。 该地区的检测站附近有两家疫苗接种诊所 – 其中一家位于 Maramarua Rugby Football Club。

Interviews have been undertaken with the vast majority of students who are contacts at the impacted school.

More wastewater testing will be completed in the Hauraki region in the coming days.


They’re giving further advice to those covered by the new Section 70 notice.
他们正在为新的第 70 条通知所涵盖的人提供进一步的建议。

People in these regions will be able to cross the boundary, if required, for essential reasons.

Bloomfield said it’s important people know what they can and can’t do under this notice.

A Waikato community at the centre of three positive Covid-19 cases will become its own bubble joining a “bespoke” set of temporary restrictions until Friday this week.
处于三个 Covid-19 阳性病例中心的怀卡托社区将成为自己的泡泡,加入一套“定制”的临时限制措施,直到本周星期五。

Over 200,000 swabs have been taken in primary care since August 18.

自 8 月 18 日以来,已在初级保健机构采集了超过 200,000 份拭子。

Bloomfield thanked primary care workers for their efforts.


Even though Auckland is moving to level 3, there are still travel restrictions in place.
尽管奥克兰已降至 3 级,但仍有旅行限制。

They will be allowing one-off journeys for people to attend funerals or to visit a dying relative.

This travel will require an exemption from the Ministry of Health. This exemption is limited to immediate family members. They must test negative within 72 hours of travel.
这种旅行需要获得卫生部的豁免。 此豁免仅限于直系亲属。 他们必须在旅行后 72 小时内检测为阴性。

On a positive note, Bloomfield said Pfizer’s trial of the Covid vaccine in kids aged 5-11 shows a favourable immune response and safety profile. This information is still limited, but it’s “promising news”, he said.

Bloomfield 表示,从积极的方面来说,辉瑞在 5-11 岁儿童中进行的 Covid 疫苗试验显示出良好的免疫反应和安全性。 他说,这些信息仍然有限,但它是“有希望的消息”。

The trial included around 200,000 kids with a lower dose administered around three weeks apart.
该试验包括大约 200,000 名儿童,其中间隔大约三周服用较低剂量。

Bloomfield said they’ll follow the usual rigorous approval process here once Pfizer submits the necessary data.
Bloomfield 表示,一旦辉瑞提交了必要的数据,他们将在这里遵循通常的严格审批程序。

Now to Ardern. She said the best way to continue to “flush out” mystery cases is to “test, test, test.”
现在到阿登。 她说,继续“清除”神秘病例的最佳方式是“测试、测试、再测试”。

She said it’s pleasing to see a lift in testing across Auckland, but it is critical testing rates remain high.

They’re encouraging everyone in the Clover Park neighbourhood to go down to the sports bowl today to get tested.
他们鼓励 Clover Park 附近的每个人今天都去sports bowl 进行测试。

They believe there are cases in the region with a geographical relationship.


Ardern said this is a rigorous and cautious approach.
Ardern 表示,这是一种严谨而谨慎的做法。

It’s not a large area, but there have been enough cases in a small area.

Even people who don’t have symptoms are encouraged to get tested.

Our Covid success has been based on people being compliant.
我们 Covid 的成功基于人们的合规性。

There have been the odd rule breaks, which put people at risk.

The maximum infringement fee is moving from $3000 to $4000 for individuals. For businesses, it will increase to $12,000.
个人的最高违规费用从 3000 纽币提高到 4000 纽币。 对于企业,它将增加到 12,000 纽币。

The changes will take effect from November.

这些变化将从 11 月开始生效。

Ardern said this has been in response to people’s view the infringement regime didn’t reflect the severity of these rule breaks.
Ardern 表示,这是为了回应人们的看法,违规制度没有反映这些违规行为的严重程度。

Aucklanders going back to work in level 3 are encouraged to get vaccinated today.
鼓励在 3 级恢复工作的奥克兰人今天接种疫苗。

This will help protect you, your work mates and customers.

79 per cent of Auckland’s eligible population have had at least one dose.
奥克兰 79% 的合格人口至少接种过一剂疫苗。

Every unvaccinated person poses a risk. Ardern put out a challenge – get to 90 per cent before Cabinet meets to decide the next alert level steps on October 4.

每个未接种疫苗的人都会带来风险。 Ardern 提出了一个挑战——在 10 月 4 日内阁会议决定下一个警报级别之前达到 90%。

There are walk-in and drive-through vaccine options around Auckland open today. There are 25 more clinics expected to come on board this week.
今天奥克兰附近有步入式和免下车式疫苗选择。 预计本周将有 25 家诊所加入。

New Zealand Post is giving its staff and members of the public the chance to get vaccinated at its centre in Highbrook.
新西兰邮政正在为其员工和公众提供在Highbrook 中心接种疫苗的机会。

She said it’s up to us to get out and get vaccinated.

Ardern said fines for rule breaks need to reflect the gravity of the situation.

On to the infected prisoner, Ardern said they know how and when they were infected, but they’re working to see if any rules were broken. They’re focusing, for now, on contact tracing.
对于受感染的囚犯,Ardern 说他们知道自己是如何以及何时被感染的,但他们正在努力查看是否有任何规则被违反。 目前,他们专注于接触者追踪。

Genome sequencing has linked the two cases. Ardern broadly defined it as a workplace.

基因组测序将这两种情况联系起来。 Ardern 将其广义地定义为工作场所。

Regardless of whether or not the person was infected in the car, Ardern said there need to be tight rules that keep the person being transported Covid-free until they reach their destination.
Ardern 表示,无论此人是否在车上被感染,都需要制定严格的规定,确保被运送的人在到达目的地之前没有感染新冠病毒。

They’re looking into changes that could cover off this potential area of risk.

Overall 13.8 per cent of our cases have been among Māori, 68.1 per cent among the Pacific community.
总的来说,我们的病例中有 13.8% 是毛利人,68.1% 来自太平洋社区。

Every case is a concern and they need to do everything they can to track down cases.


Bloomfield said Māori providers have been really helpful in helping them reach those affected in this outbreak.

The Section 70 order is in place through to Friday, for now. Given yesterday’s great response, it will be reviewed daily. Bloomfield said they won’t keep it in place any longer than it needs to be.
目前,第 70 条的命令一直持续到周五。 鉴于昨天的热烈反响,我们将每天对其进行审查。 布卢姆菲尔德说,他们不会把它放在不需要的地方。

Bloomfield is concerned if people are trying to deliberately avoid security arrangements in hospital, putting staff and patients at risk.

Ardern said the person who evaded security would understand the magnitude of what happened.

Ardern 说,逃避安全检查的人会理解所发生的事情的严重性。

Regarding the person who left Auckland to collect a caravan, Ardern said people need to be responsible.
对于离开奥克兰去接大篷车的人,Ardern 说人们需要负责。

She broadly described level 2 as continuing to stay on alert. There might be people who have legitimate reasons to travel who may test positive.

她广泛地将 2 级警报描述为继续保持警惕。 可能有些人有正当理由旅行,但他们可能检测是呈阳性的。

Over 160,000 NewZealanders have come back through MIQ. One minister has left the country and come back through the MIQ system.
超过 160,000 名新西兰人通过 MIQ 返回。 一位部长通过 MIQ 系统离开国家并返回。

James Shaw and a few others will be given a small number of MIQ spaces in order to attend a climate change summit overseas.
James Shaw(绿党党魁) 和其他一些人将获得少量 MIQ 房间,以便参加海外气候变化峰会。

Ardern said there’s a balance to be struck between making sure Kiwis can return home and enabling a minister to represent New Zealand at important negotiations.
Ardern 表示,在确保新西兰人可以返回家园和让部长在重要谈判中代表新西兰之间需要取得平衡。

Shaw wasn’t getting an emergency allocation. Ardern said they have the ability to secure small group bookings in some instances. She said this would be a “small number” of rooms, but she wouldn’t put a number on it.
肖没有得到紧急配额。 Ardern 表示,在某些情况下,他们有能力确保小团体预订。 她说这将是“少数”房间,但她不会在上面写上数字。

Ardern said she doesn’t intend for Shaw to take anyone’s emergency allocation.
Ardern 说她不打算让 Shaw 占用任何人的紧急配额。

Ardern has no plans to go overseas.

She said they’ve been selective in the way they’ve used travel for ministers.

When there are mystery cases, they need to test to make sure no cases have been missed. Testing is a tool that can be used alongside public health restrictions.

当出现神秘病例时,他们需要进行测试以确保没有遗漏任何病例。 测试是一种可以与公共卫生限制一起使用的工具。

She said limiting contact without others remains critical.

If people keep turning up to get their first doses, it’s possible to reach 90 per cent vaccinate rates in a short period of time.
如果人们继续接种第一剂疫苗,则有可能在短时间内达到 90% 的疫苗接种率。

Ardern said family and friends need to help encourage others to get vaccinated. She said talking about it and providing information was what it would take to get the outstanding cohorts across the line.
Ardern 说家人和朋友需要帮助鼓励其他人接种疫苗。 她说谈论它并提供信息是让优秀的队列跨越线所需要的。

There are six vaccination buses on the road in the Auckland region. Ardern said that number will grow to 12 soon.

奥克兰地区的道路上有六辆疫苗接种巴士。 Ardern 说这个数字很快就会增加到 12。

Ardern wouldn’t comment directly on Judith Collins’ meeting at a cafe without a mask. She said it’s up to everyone to follow the rules.
Ardern 不会直接评论 Judith Collins 在咖啡馆不戴口罩的会面。 她说每个人都应该遵守规则。

Ardern said the community would expect penalties would sit higher than what they had.
Ardern 表示,社区预计处罚会高于他们的处罚。

Ardern is confident those involved in deciding penalties know what they’re doing. The Government’s job is to ensure there’s an infringement regime that reflects the seriousness of these rule breaks.
Ardern 相信参与判罚的人知道他们在做什么。 政府的工作是确保有一个能够反映这些违规行为严重性的侵权制度。

Bloomfield said the preferred arrangement for vaccinations for 12 to 15-year-olds is that a parent attends to provide consent.
布卢姆菲尔德说,为 12 至 15 岁儿童接种疫苗的首选安排是父母参加并且同意。


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(20日)Covid-19 NZ 更新:奥克兰将于明晚午夜降为3级。内含新闻发布会中英直播内容