(11月1日)(中英)新西兰新冠Delta疫情:创纪录社区新增病例 162 例,奥克兰 156 例,怀卡托 5 例,北地1例。

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


The Ministry of Health has reported 162 new community cases of Covid-19 today – a new daily record.

卫生部今天报告了 162 例新的 Covid-19 社区病例,这是一项新的单日记录。

The latest cases come ahead of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s 4pm press conference revealing Cabinet’s alert level decisions for Auckland and Waikato. Both regions are in alert level 3.

最新病例发布在总理杰辛达·阿登 (Jacinda Ardern) 下午 4 点的新闻发布会之前,该新闻发布会披露内阁对奥克兰和怀卡托的警戒级别决定。 两个地区都处于警戒级别 3。

There is one new case to report in Northland today, bringing the total number of cases for the region to 13. All of the cases are isolating at home with public health oversight.

今天北地有一个新病例要报告,使该地区的病例总数达到 13 例。所有病例都在接受公共卫生监督的情况下在家中隔离。

Of the other new cases, 156 are in Auckland and five in Waikato.

在其他新病例中,奥克兰有 156 例,怀卡托有 5 例。

One more staff member of Edmonton Meadows Care Home in Henderson has tested positive, meaning the total number of staff cases is now two.


Three staff members on a Covid-19 ward at North Shore Hospital have tested positive for the virus.

北岸医院 Covid-19 病房的三名工作人员的病毒检测呈阳性。

A health ministry spokesperson has confirmed that the three workers returned positive tests after Labour Weekend.


The source of the transmission was now being investigated and the hospital had undertaken a precautionary review of its ward systems.


Testing of staff had not revealed any further infections amongst workers.


The spokesperson said all staff working in the Covid-19 ward were double vaccinated, wore appropriate PPE and underwent health screening at the start of every shift.

发言人说,在 Covid-19 病房工作的所有员工都接种了两剂疫苗,穿戴了适当的个人防护装备,并在每次轮班开始时接受了健康检查。

They also underwent regular surveillance testing.


The first case amongst workers in this latest outbreak was identified through staff surveillance.


Mt Albert Grammar principal ‘confident’ after student tests positive
The principal of an Auckland college is “really confident” the school community is safe after a student tested positive for Covid-19.
在一名学生的 Covid-19 检测呈阳性后,奥克兰一所学校的校长“非常有信心”学校社区是安全的。

The Mt Albert Grammar School student attended classes from October 26 to 28.
阿尔伯特山文法学校的学生于 10 月 26 日至 28 日上课。

Principal Patrick Drumm emailed parents on Sunday evening, saying the school would be closed on Monday to identify close contacts.
Between October 26 and 28, 1400 students attended the school, but 95 per cent of them have received one or more Covid jabs, Drumm said.
Drumm 说,在 10 月 26 日至 28 日期间,有 1400 名学生就读于这所学校,但其中 95% 的学生接受了一次或多次 Covid 注射。

Two more community cases surface in the King Country
King Country又有两起社区病例浮出水面

The mayor of Ōtorohanga has revealed there are two more community cases of Covid-19 in his district.
Ōtorohanga 市长透露,他所在的地区还有两个 Covid-19 社区病例。

Mayor Max Baxter said he had the two cases confirmed by the Waikato District Health Board chief executive Kevin Snee on Monday morning.
市长 Max Baxter 说,他在周一早上得到了怀卡托地区卫生委员会首席执行官 Kevin Snee 确认的两个病例。

“Both cases are linked and are in isolation now, so hopefully it can be contained.”

Nine new Waikato locations of interest on Monday morning

A number of Waikato businesses have been named locations of interest in the Covid-19 Delta community outbreak.
许多怀卡托企业已被指定为 Covid-19 Delta社区爆发的关注地点。

Kawhia Hotel, Kawhia General Store, and Kawhia Motors were all added to the Ministry of Health’s list on Monday morning.
周一早上,Kawhia Hotel、Kawhia General Store 和 Kawhia Motors 都被添加到卫生部的名单中。

Oparau Roadhouse in Te Awa, SuperValue Ngāruawāhia, Countdown Nawton, Kiwi Fresh Hamilton, and Melville Price Cutter in Hamilton were also named locations of interest.
蒂阿瓦的 Oparau Roadhouse、SuperValue Ngāruawāhia、Countdown Nawton、Kiwi Fresh Hamilton 和汉密尔顿的 Melville Price Cutter 也被列为感兴趣的地点。
In Auckland, Pak ‘n Save in Clendon Park was visited by a Covid-19 case on October 27.

在奥克兰,10 月 27 日,Covid-19 病例去过克伦登公园的 Pak’n Save。

Government to consider alert levels at Cabinet, update public at 4pm
政府考虑内阁的警报级别,下午 4 点向公众更新

The Government will consider the current alert levels and restrictions at its Cabinet meeting on Monday, after over 300 Covid-19 cases were found in the community over the weekend.
在周末在社区发现 300 多起 Covid-19 病例后,政府将在周一的内阁会议上考虑当前的警报级别和限制。

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will announce any change to the restrictions at a post-cabinet press conference at 4pm.
总理杰辛达·阿登(Jacinda Ardern)将在下午 4 点的内阁后新闻发布会上宣布对限制的任何更改。

A written update on vaccines and cases will be released at 1pm.
有关疫苗和病例的书面更新将于下午 1 点发布。
It is unlikely that much will change in the short-term, as the Government has all-but sworn off going back to alert level 4 for Auckland, but is also seeing rising case numbers in the city that would make a drop in alert levels tricky.

短期内不太可能发生太大变化,因为政府几乎誓言将奥克兰恢复到 4 级警报,但也看到该市病例数不断增加,这将使降低警报级别变得棘手 .

(11月1日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News