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Auckland and Waikato restrictions to ease

Waikato will move to “step 2” of level 3 restrictions at 11.59pm on Tuesday. Auckland will move to step 2 as well, a week later, on November 9.
怀卡托将于周二晚上 11 点 59 分进入第 3 级限制的“第 2 步”。 奥克兰也将在一周后的 11 月 9 日进入第 2 步。

What will change?


At Step 2:
在第 2 步
  • Retail can operate, with customers able to enter premises, wearing face coverings and keeping 2 metres apart
  • 零售可以营业,顾客可以进入场所,戴上口罩并保持 2 米的距离
  • Public facilities like libraries and museums can reopen, with face coverings and 2-metre physical distancing required
  • 图书馆和博物馆等公共设施可以重新开放,但需要戴口罩并保持 2 米的社交距离
  • Outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people can go ahead.
  • 最多 25 人的户外聚会可以继续进行。

PM Jacinda Ardern and Dr Ashley Bloomfield give Covid-19 update

总理 Jacinda Ardern 和 Ashley Bloomfield 博士提供 Covid-19 更新

The case of a person who travelled from Christchurch to Tonga and tested positive could be a historic case, Bloomfield said.


Bloomfield said it is a concern that 40-50 per cent of new cases are Māori. At the same time, the proportion of Pacific people among the new cases has declined since the outbreak started.

布卢姆菲尔德说,令人担忧的是,40-50% 的新病例是毛利人。 与此同时,自疫情爆发以来,太平洋人在新增病例中的比例有所下降。

While case numbers have reached quite a high level, the number of people in hospital is not increasing at the same rate, Bloomfield said.


We are doing well on vaccinations. Ninety per cent is a milestone, it is not an end point, Bloomfield said.

我们在疫苗接种方面做得很好。 布卢姆菲尔德说,90% 是一个里程碑,而不是终点。

Cases will go up, Ardern said.


While cases are growing, vaccinations have the ability to keep numbers down overall, and are keeping hospitalisations down, Ardern said.


Previously we worked hard to eliminate every case, but Delta has forced us to change our approach. Vaccines mean we can still have similar goals, Ardern said.

以前我们努力消除每一个病例,但 Delta 迫使我们改变我们的方法。 阿德恩说,疫苗意味着我们仍然可以有类似的目标。

Waikato cases have remained linked. Another easing of restrictions recommended. Retail can open doors from 11.59pm tomorrow, Ardern said.

怀卡托的病例仍然存在联系。 建议再次放宽限制。 Ardern 说,零售店可以从明天晚上 11 点 59 分开始营业。

For Auckland vaccination rates offer greater protection now, Ardern said.

Ardern 说,奥克兰的疫苗接种率现在可以提供更好的保护。

Cabinet has decided in principle to move Auckland to level 3 step down 2 from 11.59pm next Tuesday, Ardern said.

阿德恩说,内阁原则上决定将奥克兰从下周二晚上 11 点 59 分开始降级为 3 级第二步。

That means retail can return, public facilities can open, and gatherings outdoors can increase to 25, Ardern said.

Ardern 说,这意味着零售可以恢复,公共设施可以开放,户外聚会可以增加到 25 次。

We are in a transition now and that is tough, Ardern said.


We don’t need to be afraid. We have more tools now than we did when we started, Ardern said.

我们不需要害怕。 Ardern 说,我们现在拥有比刚开始时更多的工具。

Ultimately, we are going to be ok, Ardern said.

最终,我们会没事的,Ardern 说。

In the rest of NZ, alert levels will remain the same for now, Ardern said. Containing the outbreak to Auckland had given us time, but we can’t contain it forever.
阿德恩说,在新西兰其他地区,警戒级别目前将保持不变。 控制奥克兰的疫情给了我们时间,但我们不能永远控制它。

We will continue to try to extinguish future cases, but she did not want people to think Delta could be kept in one place only for good.
我们将继续努力扑灭未来的病例,但她不希望人们认为 Delta 只能永远留在一个地方。

The growth in cases is not unexpected for where we are in the outbreak, Ardern said. But we are still seeing very manageable hospitalisations, and that was the impact vaccination was having on the outbreak, Ardern said.

阿德恩说,就我们目前所处的疫情爆发地而言,病例的增长并不出人意料。 但是我们仍然看到非常可控的住院治疗,这就是疫苗接种对疫情爆发的影响,Ardern 说。

There had been two deaths in the nearly three months into the current outbreak, Bloomfield said. That low number of deaths reflected three things. Firstly vaccination, secondly the young age of those admitted to hospital, and improvements in the way patients are treated and new treatments available.
布卢姆菲尔德说,在当前爆发的近三个月内,已有两人死亡。 如此低的死亡人数反映了三件事。 首先是疫苗接种,其次是入院者的年轻化,以及患者治疗方式和新疗法的改进。

Talking about the decision about Auckland, Ardern said the health advice was not to move to lower restrictions this week.
谈到关于奥克兰的决定,Ardern 表示,卫生部门建议本周不要采取降低限制的措施。

Asked about moving next week, health experts had said there was a previous risk assessment that adding in retail next week would not lead to a marked increase in cases. Also vaccination levels would have increased, and leaving the lowering of restrictions until then would allow school reopening to bed in.

当被问及下周动向时,健康专家表示,之前的风险评估表明,下周增加零售不会导致病例显着增加。 疫苗接种水平也会增加,在此之前放宽限制将允许学校重新开学。

The simple message is that if you want to be able to go to an event, a restaurant, a cafe, to be able to travel overseas, you will need to be vaccinated, Ardern said.
Ardern 说,简单的信息是,如果你想要去参加活动、去餐厅、咖啡馆,或者去海外旅行,你就需要接种疫苗。

You will need to be vaccinated soon if you want to engage in any of those things over summer.

An application from Pfizer for the vaccine to be approved for children aged 5-11 was expected in the next two weeks, Bloomfield said.

Bloomfield 说,预计辉瑞将在未来两周内申请批准该疫苗用于 5-11 岁儿童。

NZ teams were already gathering information about providing the vaccine for 5-11-year-olds, Bloomfield said. A recommendation on provisional approval could not be made until a formal application was made by Pfizer.
布卢姆菲尔德说,新西兰团队已经在收集有关为 5-11 岁儿童提供疫苗的信息。 在辉瑞提出正式申请之前,无法提出关于临时批准的建议。

There would be a challenge for Pfizer to manufacture enough of the vaccines for children to meet worldwide demand. Bloomfield said he was confident NZ was in the game around ordering them.
辉瑞将面临一个挑战,即为儿童生产足够的疫苗以满足全球需求。 布卢姆菲尔德说,他相信新西兰会参与订购它们。

It seemed Pfizer had managed enough vaccines for children for the US so far, but he would know about timing until the application was made and there were discussions with Pfizer.

Today’s briefing has now ended.

