(13日)新西兰社区新增175例,奥克兰159例,怀卡托8例,塔拉纳基5例, 北地2例, 陶波1例

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选

【澳纽网编译自NZ Herald】

There are 175 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today.

今天社区中有 175 例新的 Covid-19 病例。

The Ministry of Health said today’s cases include five in Taranaki first announced on Thursday but today officially added to the case numbers.

卫生部表示,今天的病例包括周四首次宣布的塔拉纳基的 5 例,但今天正式增加了病例数。

Most are in Auckland, 159. Eight are in Waikato, five in Taranaki, two in Northland and one in Lakes (Taupō).

大多数在奥克兰,159 人。8 人在怀卡托,5 人在塔拉纳基,2 人在北地,1 人在湖区(陶波)。

There are also two cases at the border, one of which is historical.


There are 93 people in hospital, nine of whom are in ICU or HDU. The number of people in hospital is up from 85 yesterday.

有93人住院,其中9人在ICU或HDU。 住院人数比昨天的85人有所增加。

The average age of those in hospital is 51.

住院患者的平均年龄为 51 岁。

There are no unexpected wastewater detections.


Regional New Zealand is again in the Covid-19 spotlight after a person in Taupō tested positive for the virus.

在陶波的一个人对该病毒呈阳性反应后,新西兰地区再次成为 Covid-19 的焦点。

The Ministry of Health has confirmed the case after Taupō mayor David Trewavas revealed it this morning. He urged residents to get tested and, if they haven’t yet, vaccinated.

在陶波市市长大卫·特雷瓦瓦斯今天上午透露后,卫生部已经确认了该病例。 他敦促居民接受检测,如果还没有接种疫苗。

The case follows the discovery on Thursday night of six infected people – all linked to each other and to the Auckland outbreak – in Stratford. The Taranaki town, which remains at alert level 2, had 10 days earlier been the location of positive wastewater tests.

该病例是在周四晚上在斯特拉特福发现六名感染者之后发生的,他们彼此相关,并且都与奥克兰疫情有关。 仍处于 2 级警戒级别的塔拉纳基镇在 10 天前曾是废水检测呈阳性的地点。

Auckland, where the Delta variant was first detected on August 17, remained the location of the vast majority of new cases yesterday – 181 of 201 announced yesterday were in the city.

奥克兰是 8 月 17 日首次发现 Delta 变种的地方,昨天仍然是绝大多数新病例的所在地——昨天宣布的 201 例中有 181 例在该市。

Waikato, part of which is, like Auckland, under step 2 of alert level 3 restrictions, had 15 new cases yesterday.

怀卡托(Waikato)和奥克兰一样,属于三级警报限制的第 2 步,昨天有 15 例新病例。

Northland, entirely back in level 2 after part of the Far North spent just over a week in level 3, continues to have a small number of daily cases – four were reported yesterday.

在远北地区的一部分在第 3 级中度过了一个多星期后,Northland 完全回到了第 2 级,每天仍有少量病例——昨天报告了 4 例。

The remaining case yesterday was one of the six infected people in Stratford, with the remaining five cases to be included in today’s numbers. One out of the six had been vaccinated, authorities said.

昨天剩余的病例是斯特拉特福的六名感染者之一,其余五例将包括在今天的数字中。 当局说,六分之一的人接种了疫苗。

The Stratford cases, identified after a tip-off from a member of the public and tested after days of persuasion by health officials, have close contacts in Wairarapa. They’re being tested.

斯特拉特福病例是在一名公众的举报后确定的,并在卫生官员的劝说下进行了几天的测试,在怀拉拉帕有密切接触者。 他们正在接受测试。

More than 5 million people have died globally since Covid-19 was first detected almost two years ago, including 33 in New Zealand. Image / NZMEMore than 5 million people have died globally since Covid-19 was first detected almost two years ago, including 33 in New Zealand. 自大约两年前首次发现 Covid-19 以来,全球已有超过 500 万人死亡,其中 33 人在新西兰 Image / NZME

There have also been wastewater detection scares in Gisborne and Napier this month, despite there being no MIQ facilities or known cases of Covid-19 self-isolating in either location.

尽管没有 MIQ 设施或已知的 Covid-19 自我隔离案例,但本月在 Gisborne 和 Napier 也出现了废水检测恐慌。

Detections were found between November 1 and November 3, but none since.

检测是在 11 月 1 日至 11 月 3 日之间发现的,但此后没有发现。

The virus hasn’t been detected in other parts of the country in the last week, but warnings have been sounded that it was coming to all of New Zealand – most recently by Taranaki District Health Board medical officer of health Dr Jonathan Jarman, following the Stratford cases.

上周,该病毒尚未在该国其他地区被发现,但已经发出警告说它正在蔓延到整个新西兰——最近一次是由塔拉纳基地区卫生委员会的卫生官员乔纳森·贾曼博士 (Dr Jonathan Jarman) 在 斯特拉特福病例。

公共卫生主任卡罗琳·麦克埃尔奈博士说,昨天有 81 人住院,其中 11 人在 ICU,但医院系统正在应对。

重症监护室已满 70%,呼吸机容量为 15%。



在昨天住院的人中,有 51 人未接种疫苗,20 人接种了一剂,一名接种了第二剂——但在被感染前不到 14 天——还有 5 人完全接种了疫苗。



反政府抗议者今天上午晚些时候在奥克兰和惠灵顿等城市开始低速集会,奥克兰约有 200 辆汽车,惠灵顿有 50 辆。


最新的 Talbot Mills Research 民意调查也显示出公众的强烈支持——78% 的人同意为卫生工作者接种疫苗,76% 的人同意为教师接种疫苗。

新西兰有资格接种疫苗的人中有 90% 至少接种了一剂。 80% 的人已完全接种疫苗。

12 岁以下的孩子还不能接种疫苗,但从周三开始,3 级地区的学校可以再次向 1 至 10 年级的所有孩子敞开大门。高年级的学生已经回到了教室。

学校管理的规则包括将孩子们放在不同的、稳定的群体中,不要混在一起,在可行的情况下使用物理距离,并要求 4 年级及以上的孩子在室内戴口罩。

卫生总干事阿什利·布卢姆菲尔德 (Ashley Bloomfield) 博士上周表示,他们预计辉瑞将“在未来几周内”向 Medsafe 申请儿童疫苗。

如果 Medsafe 暂时批准,内阁将就使用做出最终决定。

“如果它通过这些批准程序——或者如果以及何时——在 2022 年,它将被提供”。


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