world news

(7月24日) (滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报

English News 国际新闻 滚动新闻 编辑精选





France 1-0 Netherlands: Eve Perisset scores extra-time winner from the spot

France overcome a stubborn Netherlands as they beat the defending champions in extra time to reach the semi-final of Euro 2022.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 9:54 am(NZT)

Ukraine war: Missile strike puts grain deal in doubt

The deal hangs in the balance after missiles hit the port of Odesa in a widely condemned attack.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 9:22 am(NZT)

Wildfire rages near Yosemite National Park

Thousands of homes are under threat as “explosive fire behaviour” challenges firefighters.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 8:08 am(NZT)

World Athletics Championships: Nia Ali crashes out of 100m hurdles in heats

Reigning champion Nia Ali crashes out of 100m hurdles heats at the World Championships in Eugene.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 8:04 am(NZT)

Dover and Eurotunnel queues: Gridlock persists for travellers to France

Travellers using both the Eurotunnel in Folkestone and ferries from Dover face lengthy delays.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 6:28 am(NZT)

Evian Championship: Brooke Henderson leads by two shots before final day

Canada’s Brooke Henderson leads the Evian Championship in France by two strokes on 17 under par before the final day of action.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 5:57 am(NZT)

England v South Africa: Katherine Brunt becomes record wicket-taker in convincing win

England overcame an improved performance from South Africa to comfortably win the second Twenty20 by six wickets at Worcester.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 5:34 am(NZT)

Brexit blamed for delays as British truckers and travelers face gridlock at Dover

Brexit has contributed to travelers being stuck in gridlock at the start of the summer holidays at the port of Dover, French and UK officials have said, as a war of words escalates between the two countries over hours-long delays at the border.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 24 Jul 2022 | 5:24 am(NZT)

Tour de France: Jonas Vingegaard set for victory as Wout van Aert wins stage 20

Wout van Aert wins the stage 20 time trial as team-mate Jonas Vingegaard all but seals Tour de France victory on the penultimate day.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 5:08 am(NZT)

Iran floods: At least 21 killed in southern Fars province

Flash floods in the southern Fars province were made worse by drought-ridden soil.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 4:41 am(NZT)

Teresa Xu: Chinese woman loses court case over bid to freeze eggs

Teresa Xu took legal action after a Beijing hospital refused to freeze her eggs as she is not married.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 3:29 am(NZT)

Monkeypox: WHO declares highest alert over outbreak

More than 16,000 cases have been reported from 75 countries, the organisation says.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 3:23 am(NZT)

The Rings of Power: Lord of the Rings TV show wows fans at Comic-Con

The Rings of Power, Amazon Prime’s Lord of the Rings spin-off, is the costliest TV show to date.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 3:22 am(NZT)

Here’s why the NASA logo is on so many backpacks, t-shirts, sneakers and hats

On any given day, a thirty minute walk around New York City can yield at least a few NASA logo sightings. They’re on backpacks, t-shirts, sneakers, hats, sweatshirts, phone cases, tote bags and jackets.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 24 Jul 2022 | 12:51 am(NZT)

Trump and Pence host rival rallies in Arizona

They back competing candidates in the race to be the Republican nominee for the state governorship.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Jul 2022 | 12:17 am(NZT)

China women: Killer of popular vlogger Lamu executed

The woman was set on fire by her former husband while she was livestreaming from her kitchen.

Source: BBC News – Home | 23 Jul 2022 | 11:48 pm(NZT)

Texas wind turbine catches fire after lightning strike

Footage of a wind turbine in Crowell, Texas shows the aftermath of a lightning strike.

Source: BBC News – Home | 23 Jul 2022 | 9:02 pm(NZT)

WWE chief McMahon retires amid sexual misconduct allegations

Vince McMahon led the wrestling firm for decades but this year faced sexual misconduct allegations.

Source: BBC News – Home | 23 Jul 2022 | 8:37 pm(NZT)

Wildlife photography: Magic of Skomer’s puffins captured

As puffin breeding season draws to a close, Drew Buckley shares his photos of the birds.

Source: BBC News – Home | 23 Jul 2022 | 6:16 pm(NZT)

2022-07-24 05:36:05
2022-07-23 23:03:53
综述:美国报告儿童感染猴痘病例 欧洲药管局建议批准天花疫苗防猴痘
新华社北京7月23日电 综述:美国报告儿童感染猴痘病例 欧洲药管局建议批准天花疫苗防猴痘
2022-07-23 23:01:09
2022-07-23 22:21:10
2022-07-23 20:55:58
俄乌局势进展:俄乌分别签署“粮食协议” 美追加对乌军援
中新社北京7月23日电 综合消息:为解决从黑海港口外运农产品问题,当地时间22日,俄罗斯、乌克兰在土耳其伊斯坦布尔分别与土耳其和联合国签署协议,各方对此表示欢迎。乌总统泽连斯基当地时间22日就俄乌谈判表示,乌方未做好准备。美国白宫当地时间22日宣布,美再向乌提供价值2.7亿美元的军事援助。
2022-07-23 20:54:56
中新网努尔苏丹7月23日电 当地时间23日,哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫与乌克兰总统泽连斯基举行电话会谈。
2022-07-23 20:49:38
2022-07-23 20:46:00
中新网7月23日电 据秘鲁《公言报》报道,秘鲁卫生部当地时间22日报告,秘鲁的猴痘确诊病例已上升到143例。其中秘鲁首都利马的病例数最多,达125例。
2022-07-23 20:30:49
当地时间7月23日,乌克兰南方作战指挥部确认两枚“口径”巡航导弹击中敖德萨港,另有两枚导弹被防空部队击落。(总台记者 王斌)
2022-07-23 20:29:07
乌克兰UNIAH通讯社23日援引乌农业政策和粮食部发言人消息称,当天被轰炸的敖德萨港口是用于粮食运输的。由于负责装运粮食的是乌克兰基础设施部,目前港口具体有多少粮食暂不能披露。该发言人称预计明天或后天装运第一批货物。(总台记者 王斌)
2022-07-23 19:36:31
2022-07-23 19:33:53
据《外交政策》杂志(Foreign Policy)22日援引美国官员的话报道,美国驻非洲各国大使馆已经面临人员短缺问题。
2022-07-23 19:30:05
美国华盛顿州发生枪击事件 至少1人死亡5人受伤
中新网7月23日电 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,当地时间23日凌晨,美国华盛顿州伦顿市中心发生一起枪击事件,造成至少1人死亡、5人受伤。
2022-07-23 18:33:37
东西问·中外对话 | 世界是否正在陷入衰退?
2022-07-23 18:27:55
日本内阁官房长官感染新冠 曾与岸田文雄会面
中新网7月23日电 据日本富士新闻网报道,日本政府23日表示,内阁官房长官松野博一感染新冠病毒,目前正居家疗养。
2022-07-23 17:50:42
新华社萨拉热窝7月22日电 专访:疫情中诞生,随时代向前——访波黑巴尼亚卢卡大学汉学系主任吉嘉娜·斯特维奇
2022-07-23 17:49:45
2022-07-23 17:49:17
2022-07-23 17:49:13
2022-07-23 17:48:08
总台记者探访丨美国经历40年来最严重通货膨胀 民众对未来悲观

(7月23日) (滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报