Grandchildren of partition survivors on how stories about the traumatic event have affected them.
The sale of a popular conservative Spanish station comes as Republicans and Democrats vie for Latino votes.
Singapore’s historic decision to decriminalise homosexuality has opened a fresh chapter of contention.
Test your knowledge of the news these last few days – 10 questions, 10 seconds each. Go!
The lawsuit asks that “further review of seized materials” be halted until a watchdog can be appointed.
Liverpool’s winless start to the season continued with a disappointing loss at Manchester United but is there a quick fix or are the results a real cause for concern?
Manchester United’s win over Liverpool is “just the start” of a new era at the club, says manager Erik ten Hag.
Vladimir Putin calls the 29-year-old’s death a “vile, cruel crime” but Ukraine denies any involvement.
The billionaire has subpoenaed Twitter’s co-founder in hope it will help him end his deal to buy the site.
Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag shows courage of convictions as his side lift mood of crisis to beat Liverpool.
Southern Brave’s George Garton says he is still feeling the effects of long Covid seven months on and has had to “learn to breathe again”.
Who provides the same air of expectancy as David Ginola? Who should be playing on the European stage? Find out in Garth Crooks’ latest Team of the Week.
Jagtar Singh Johal, a Sikh activist from Scotland, was seized by Indian police in 2017 and remains in jail.
Marizanne Kapp explains to BBC Sport why the growth of women’s cricket has vindicated her teenage decision to focus on the sport.
Manchester United produce an outstanding display to defeat Liverpool and give manager Erik ten Hag his first Premier League victory at a thunderous Old Trafford.
Legendary striker Ellen White has left her mark on English football – this is how she will be remembered.
Casemiro is introduced as a Manchester United player before the club’s home game with rivals Liverpool on Monday after joining from Real Madrid.
Thousands of Manchester United fans march to Old Trafford before Monday night’s game against Liverpool in protest of the club’s ownership.
A mistaken forecast saw the postponement of a huge fireworks display planned to celebrate a national day.
A man suffers blows to the head and back as he is pinned to the ground by officers in Arkansas.
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has called on Iran to explain why traces of enriched uranium were found at previously undeclared nuclear research sites three years ago.
All passengers and crew were rescued before the 40-metre vessel disappeared into the sea.
Raila Odinga narrowly lost the presidential election, with 48.8% of the vote to William Ruto’s 50.5%.
The infectious disease specialist became the most famous doctor in the US during the pandemic.
Sanna Marin took the test to allay concerns after several videos showed her dancing at a party.
The cancellations are aimed at minimising disruption to flights over the winter.
A lot has happened since Gulf Arab states downgraded ties with Iran in January 2016 when an angry mob stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran and set fire to it following the Saudi execution of a prominent Shiite cleric.
Vladimir Putin calls the 29-year-old’s death a “vile, cruel crime” but Ukraine denies any involvement.
Supporters of the former prime minister are camped outside his home in a show of solidarity with him.
The heart of Pedro I, Brazil’s first emperor, will be exhibited to mark 200 years of independence.
Unlike the Disney version, Wasim Akram is alleged to have kept much of his gains for himself.
Women have uploaded videos of themselves dancing after party videos of Sanna Marin were leaked.
Since the start of August, 31 ships have taken grain out of Ukraine’s ports. A lot is going to Ethiopia.
Sandra Ortiz struggles to talk about her family’s restaurant without breaking down into tears.
The cinema chain, which also owns Picturehouse, says it has struggled with poor ticket sales.
Sukhwinder Singh is moving his house 152.4m (500 ft) away because it’s in the way of an expressway.
China’s coal imports from Russia jumped 14% in July from a year earlier to their highest in at least five years, as China bought discounted coal while Western countries shunned Russian cargoes over its invasion of Ukraine.
At least 32 people have died since Friday in flash flooding and landslides triggered by heavy monsoonal rains in two of India’s northern states.
2022-08-23 06:17:28
一段时间以来,新冠肺炎疫情对经济的影响被部分试图以“躺平”换取经济增长的国家淡化,仿佛“只要不主动提,影响就最小”。不过,随着一轮轮疫情持续不断冲击,一些国家不得不在“防控”和“解封”间来回横跳,疫情对其经济增长的拖累依然严重。 |
2022-08-23 05:27:02
技术限制意指中国 日本“随美起舞”损人害己
《日本经济新闻》近日报道称,日本政府正在收紧对外国研究人员和留学生的入境审查。在日本停留必需的证明文件将包括海外旅行经历、在日期间资金来源等。此举的目的是,在相关人员入境日本前,确认其是否有可能将高密级科研成果或技术带往海外。 |
2022-08-23 04:37:46
首相也确诊 日本第七波疫情有多猛?
首相也确诊 日本第七波疫情有多猛? |
2022-08-23 04:26:02
中新社联合国8月22日电 (记者 王帆)应本月轮值主席中国倡议,联合国安理会22日就“加强对话合作,维护共同安全”举行公开会。中国常驻联合国代表张军主持会议,并在发言中就战略稳定问题阐述立场,强调稳定的战略安全环境是维护共同安全的底线。 |
2022-08-23 04:24:42
新华社耶路撒冷8月22日电(记者王卓伦 张天朗)以色列22日首次向巴勒斯坦人开放以第二大国际机场拉蒙机场,约40名巴勒斯坦人当天从该机场乘坐航班前往塞浦路斯城市拉纳卡。 |
2022-08-23 04:24:38
新华社德黑兰8月22日电(记者高文成)伊朗外交部发言人卡纳尼22日说,伊朗与沙特阿拉伯就关系正常化进行的会谈到目前为止是积极的,已经取得了很好的进展。 |
2022-08-22 23:50:10
中新社柏林8月22日电 德国联邦统计局22日公布的数据显示,经季节性调整,德国7月对欧盟以外国家出口环比下降7.6%。据德媒报道,这是该数值此前连续三次上涨后首次出现下跌。 |
2022-08-22 23:10:46
新华社洛杉矶8月21日电 综述:美国政府对猴痘疫情防控不力遭批评质疑 |
2022-08-22 23:10:21
新华社柏林8月22日电 综述:新冠疫情下的德国“双元制”职业教育 |
2022-08-22 23:05:28
中新社莫斯科8月22日电 俄罗斯联邦安全局22日表示,该局已破获俄罗斯女记者达里娅·杜金娜被害案。该局称,该案由乌克兰情报部门策划实施,执行者为乌克兰公民,并在犯罪后逃往爱沙尼亚。 |
2022-08-22 22:16:56
中新社努尔苏丹8月22日电 综合消息:吉尔吉斯斯坦总统新闻处22日表示,总统扎帕罗夫宣布,为悼念在俄罗斯乌里扬诺夫斯克州交通事故中遇难的吉公民,将8月23日设为全国哀悼日。 |
2022-08-22 22:13:04
巴基斯坦前总理、正义运动党主席伊姆兰·汗22日获得高等法院为期3天的保释,以避免他在涉嫌违反巴《反恐怖主义法》的案件中被捕。 |
2022-08-22 22:02:25
据日本富士新闻网8月22日报道,日本内阁官房长官松野博一在当日的记者会中表示,确诊感染新冠病毒的日本首相岸田文雄预计于8月31日恢复正常工作。(总台记者 何欣蕾) |
2022-08-22 22:02:13
美猴痘疫苗未真正惠及高风险人群 美媒:美卫生系统不公且缺乏透明度
海外网8月22日电 美国有线电视新闻网17日报道,尽管美国猴痘疫苗的供应量不断增加,但仍然没有证据表明疫苗正在覆盖风险最高的人群。舆论认为美国卫生系统普遍存在不公平现象,缺乏透明度和问责制,不能获得民众信任。 |
2022-08-22 22:01:35
【编者按】 |
2022-08-22 22:00:02
美国欠阿富汗的钱什么时候还?这个问题越来越需要美国给出一个明确答案。 |
2022-08-22 21:58:20
中新网8月22日电 据塔斯社报道,当地时间22日,俄罗斯总统普京在向汽车爆炸中丧生的记者杜金娜的家人表示慰问。 |
2022-08-22 21:56:39
俄媒:杜金娜车上的爆炸装置被远程引爆 将对犯罪执行者发起通缉
中新网8月22日电 据塔斯社报道,当地时间22日,俄执法部门表示,达莉亚#8226;杜金娜遇害时所驾驶汽车上的爆炸装置是被远程引爆的。 |
2022-08-22 21:49:38
(抗击新冠肺炎)8月15日至21日,菲律宾日均确诊3412例 |
2022-08-22 21:45:54
中新社北京8月22日电 综合消息:乌克兰总统泽连斯基21日称,如果俄罗斯审判在马里乌波尔的乌克兰被俘人员,那么俄罗斯将失去与乌克兰谈判的可能性。英国首相约翰逊21日与美国总统拜登、法国总统马克龙及德国总理朔尔茨举行电话会谈,共同强调确保乌克兰核设施安全的重要性。 |
2022-08-22 21:45:00
中新网北京8月22日电 综合消息:当地时间21日,美国总统拜登与英国首相约翰逊、法国总统马克龙、德国总理朔尔茨通话,就俄乌局势与伊核问题展开讨论。 |
2022-08-22 20:48:00
中新网8月22日电 据路透社报道,当地时间22日,英国刑事律师协会表示,参与刑事审判的英格兰和威尔士律师已投票决定自9月5日起无限期罢工,此举恐将对法庭案件造成大范围干扰。 |
2022-08-22 19:54:15
美民众负面情绪高涨 74%选民认为美国正朝错误方向发展
中新网8月22日电 美国侨报网报道,一项由NBC新闻发起的最新民意调查显示,全美有74%的选民认为,美国正朝着错误的方向发展,仅有21%的选民认为美国朝着正确的方向前进。 |
2022-08-22 19:48:18
俄联邦安全局告破杜金娜案 称系乌特勤部门所为
中新网8月22日电 据俄新社报道,当地时间22日,俄联邦安全局表示,俄社会学家杜金之女杜金娜遇害案告破,是由乌克兰特勤部门准备和实施的。 |
2022-08-22 18:04:21
【环球网报道 记者 乌元春】8月22日是俄罗斯国旗日。据塔斯社报道,俄罗斯总统普京当日发表视频讲话称,俄罗斯国旗将永远是俄罗斯人民的神圣象征。 |
2022-08-22 17:25:23
阿富汗卢格尔省暴雨引发洪水 已致至少20人死35人伤
中新网8月22日电 据外媒报道,阿富汗东部卢格尔省近日遭遇特大暴雨及洪灾。当地官员21日称,目前洪灾已在48小时内造成该省至少20人死亡,35人受伤,3000多所房屋被毁,2000多公顷田地被淹。 |