Investigators say the former leader made threats against state officials following a political rally.
France’s Caroline Garcia and Croatian Borna Coric both create history in the finals of the Cincinnati Masters.
Anonymous users share women’s intimate photos and personal details on a major social media site – BBC Panorama finds.
A school for tech entrepreneurs will open its doors in April 2023 in the Tokushima town of Kamiyama.
Kashmiri Hindus who returned to the region as part of a resettlement programme want to leave again.
Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney are the real-life stars of Welcome to Wrexham, a documentary series about their first season as football club owners
When police in Texas offered to buy back unwanted firearms, gun owners of all kinds showed up.
The once thriving city of Bamenda has been destroyed by fighting between secessionists and Cameroon’s government.
Hefty rewards are offered to volunteers to sign up as the army sees significant losses in Ukraine.
The US and South Korea are doing drills to practise fighting a war against an increasingly hostile North Korea.
Robert Lewandowski scores twice on his 34th birthday as Barcelona win at Real Sociedad for their first La Liga win of the season.
Britain, France, Germany and the US stress the need for nuclear safety as fighting rages in Ukraine.
Fierce rivals Manchester United and Liverpool meet at Old Trafford on Monday after underwhelming starts to the season by both clubs.
Bodies are found after the Qattarat al-Imam Ali shrine was hit by a landslide in the Karbala region.
France forward Kylian Mbappe scores after eight seconds on his way to a hat-trick as Paris St-Germain thrash Lille 7-1.
Anthony Joshua says he let himself down with his bizarre post-fight antics after losing to Ukraine’s Oleksandr Usyk on Saturday.
The 1973 Open champion Tom Weiskopf, who lived with pancreatic cancer for two years, dies at the age of 79.
Manchester City produce a brilliant fightback as they recover from 3-1 down to draw at Newcastle in a pulsating match featuring six goals and an overturned red card.
“This needs to stop,” the boxer says, as two are arrested over Rico Burton’s stabbing in Altrincham.
Darya Dugina died in car bombing that may have targeted her father, philosopher Alexander Dugin.
It’s the home of notorious drug trafficker Pablo Escobar, and the origin of legendary Santa Marta Gold — once the most sought-after varieties of weed in the United States — named after Colombia’s Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range.
North Korea imported more than 1 million facial masks and 15,000 pairs of rubber gloves from China in July, shortly before declaring victory over Covid-19, Chinese trade figures show.
2022-08-20 06:50:26
这边“拱火” 那边“降温” 美欧对乌军援现“温差”
欧洲国家内部不仅在对俄制裁问题上存在分歧,与美国看法不一致;事实上,对于向乌克兰提供军事支持,欧洲也已经与美国呈现出了“温差”——美国还在持续不断地输送武器“拱火”,而近期欧洲从行动到舆论都已慢慢“降温”。 |
2022-08-20 05:43:56
据法新社报道,法国军方近日发布声明称,8月15日,驻扎在马里的“新月形沙丘”行动最后一支部队离开了马里,进入尼日尔。这标志着法国从西非国家马里完成撤军,结束9年反恐军事行动。法国方面称,法国军队将继续在非洲和国际社会的支持下,在非洲萨赫勒地区打击恐怖主义。 |
2022-08-20 05:08:50
当地时间8月19日,美国三大股指收盘下跌。道琼斯工业平均指数下跌0.86%,标准普尔500指数下跌1.29%,纳斯达克综合指数下跌2.01%。 |
2022-08-20 04:26:55
据欧洲-地中海地震中心消息,当地时间20日,尼泊尔和印度的边境地区附近发生5.1级地震,震源深度15公里。 |
2022-08-20 03:54:23
■俄称欧洲最大核电站多次遭袭可能中断发电 |
2022-08-20 03:27:25
据美国地质调查局地震信息网消息,当地时间19日,南非奥克尼东北偏北7公里处发生4.7级地震,震源深度5公里。 |
2022-08-20 03:26:09
乌克兰真理报19日报道称,乌克兰农业政策和食品部当天宣布,乌克兰已经收获了2340万吨早熟谷物,占总播种面积的55%,约610万公顷。其中小麦1740万吨,大麦530万吨,豌豆24.37万吨。 |
2022-08-20 03:24:49
当地时间8月19日,美国白宫发表正式声明,表示美国将向乌克兰提供价值7.75亿美元的军事援助。(央视记者 张颖哲) |
2022-08-20 03:15:06
马晓霖(浙江外国语学院教授) |
2022-08-20 03:00:27
俄哈总统索契举行会谈 讨论双边战略伙伴关系
中新社莫斯科8月19日电 (记者 田冰 张硕)俄罗斯总统普京19日在俄南部海滨城市索契会见到访的哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫。两国元首就俄哈战略伙伴关系及国际热点问题进行探讨,双方特别强调应加强经贸领域投资合作。 |
2022-08-20 02:43:08
新华社莫斯科8月19日电(记者黄河)俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气)19日表示,“北溪-1”天然气管道31日起将停止供气3天。 |
2022-08-20 02:27:11
当地时间19日,朔尔茨第二次接受调查委员会正式质询。他表示,他对该税务程序“毫无影响”,同时他还表示不记得与银行高层的谈话内容。 |
2022-08-20 01:55:31
顶不住抗议 德国宣布降低天然气增值税税率
眼下,欧洲人无暇他顾,通胀危机和能源危机已经让他们焦头烂额。在德国,为应对天然气短缺问题,德国政府及政府持有股份的能源供应商决定向消费者收取天然气附加费,此举引发民众的不满情绪。18日,德国政府想出了一个招儿来安抚民众。 |
2022-08-20 01:54:13
缅甸仰光发生两起爆炸 已致至少6人死亡
当地时间8月19日17时许,缅甸仰光基民丹镇区一栋民房中发生爆炸,导致6人死亡,目前爆炸原因仍在调查中。 |
2022-08-20 01:53:01
美国启动基础设施法案2800万美元投资计划 推进水力发电研发
美国能源部当地时间8月19日发表声明,宣布政府启动两党基础设施法案中2800万美元的预算投资,用于推进水力发电作为清洁能源主力的研发项目,以实现2035年无碳电力和到2050年净零排放的目标。 |
2022-08-20 01:26:39
新华社华盛顿8月19日电 综述:美国人道主义劣迹遭国际社会谴责 |
2022-08-20 01:23:11
孟加拉湾5艘渔船发生倾覆 仍有至少16人下落不明
据孟加拉国媒体报道,当地时间8月19日中午至晚上,有五艘拖网渔船在孟加拉湾的不同地点倾覆。截至目前,已有54名渔民获救,仍有至少16人失踪。(总台记者 何治锦) |
2022-08-20 01:04:40
中新社莫斯科8月19日电 (田冰 刘璟瑶)俄罗斯总统普京19日应邀与法国总统马克龙通电话,主要就乌克兰局势,特别是扎波罗热核电站安全问题交换了意见。 |
2022-08-20 00:14:34
乌克兰国家通讯社19日报道称,乌克兰第一副总理兼经济部长尤利娅·斯维里登科(Yuliya Svyridenko)表示,经济部预计到年底乌克兰国内生产总值将下滑35%-40%。 |
2022-08-20 00:13:12
泰国旅游与体育部长皮帕19日在曼谷发布了第11届亚太经合组织(APEC)旅游部长会议及相关会议成果。APEC成员将致力于恢复和建设亚太地区旅游业更加美好的未来,以重振旅游业带动各行业发展。 |