(即时多来源) 中英中国要闻 (Rolling) Chinese/English China News

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UK firms may be barred from funding emerging tech in hostile countries

Minister says move being considered over concerns UK money could finance projects that undermine national security

Ministers are considering blocking British investors from funding emerging technologies in hostile countries if they believe the technology could pose a threat to UK security, the deputy prime minister has said.

Oliver Dowden said on Thursday the government would consult on curbing British investment abroad, after becoming concerned that money from the UK could be used to finance projects that could undermine national security.

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Five of the best books to understand modern China

From a poetic memoir of social repression to a study of the lasting impact of the Cultural Revolution – these titles are a good place to start if you want to know more about the country and its people

It is the world’s second-biggest economy, the next big threat to global security and a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that is increasingly making its power felt beyond its borders. But the most important part of China is the population of 1.4 billion diverse, tricky and resilient people whose choices are often very distant from the decision-makers in Beijing. These books are an introduction to the forces that have shaped China’s recent past and the people living in its present.


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UK proposes crackdown on foreign security risks to university sector

Deputy PM says government will examine new curbs around technology sharing and call in vice-chancellors

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  中新社北京4月18日电 针对美方官员称中国制造“债务陷阱”,中国国家国际发展合作署新闻发言人李明18日表示,没有一个国家因与中国合作而陷入债务危机,也没有任何一个合作伙伴认为中国制造了“债务陷阱”。

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  中新网北京4月18日电 (记者 余湛奕)全国人大常委会副委员长蔡达峰18日在京会见由德国基民盟议会党团副主席、前联邦卫生部长施潘率领的德国联邦议院议员代表团。双方就推动两国关系发展、加强立法机构交往等交换了意见。(完)

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  中新网拉萨4月18日电 (泽塔雍措)18日,“幸福西藏沧桑巨变”纪念西藏民主改革65周年系列主题新闻发布会在拉萨召开。

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  中新网北京4月18日电(朱贺)由斯洛文尼亚摄影师马蒂阿士·坦契奇(Matja#382; Tan#269;i#269;)带来的“云中观星”摄影展18日起在北京蔡冠深文化交流中心·白云馆开幕。展览将持续至5月8日。

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第二届鼎台妈祖文化节举办 港澳台等地信众齐聚

  【港澳台专线】第二届鼎台妈祖文化节举办 港澳台等地信众齐聚

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Germany’s doomed China strategy

The corporatist spell must soon break

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  中新网青岛4月18日电(胡耀杰 张孝鹏)青岛市科学技术局18日发布消息称,联合国“海洋科学促进可持续发展十年”(海洋十年)第五批研究计划和项目情况日前公布,由中国科学院海洋研究所牵头,联合印尼、菲律宾等多个国家海洋研究机构共同申请的“多重胁迫下海洋生态系统健康”(HOMES)国际合作计划,正式获批联合国“海洋十年”项目。

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台湾水情吃紧 近七成水库蓄水量不足四成

  中新社台北4月18日电 台湾各地水情紧张,据台当局水利部门统计,全台21座供给民生用水的水库中近七成蓄水量不到40%,桃园石门水库仅剩24.3%。

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农业大省吉林将迎播种期 气象专家建议中西部抢墒播种

  中新网长春4月18日电(记者 郭佳)吉林省气象局18日在长春召开大田适宜播种期新闻发布会。气象专家预计,4月24日至30日,吉林省自西向东将陆续进入适宜播种期,建议中西部地区适时抢墒播种。

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  中新社台北4月18日电(记者 刘舒凌)作为晶圆代工龙头企业,台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司(简称“台积电”)总裁魏哲家18日表示,今年全球晶圆代工业产值增长预期将由1月估算的20%下调到14%至19%之间。

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  中新社杭州4月18日电(记者 王逸飞)2024未来数商大会18日在杭州余杭区举行。会上发布《余杭区数据要素生态指数报告(2023年度)》,这是中国首个区级数据要素生态指数。

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山东聚力搭建“新载体” 铸牢中华民族共同体意识


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  中新网沈阳4月18日电(记者 王景巍)18日,东北“三省一区”交通运输执法协作试点示范工作启动仪式在沈阳举行。辽宁省副省长王利波出席会议并讲话。交通运输部法制司一级巡视员王永胜,辽宁省交通运输厅厅长冯万斌,辽宁省、吉林省、黑龙江省、内蒙古自治区交通运输厅及相关单位和部门负责同志参加活动。

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  中新社北京4月18日电 题:中文怎样连接两大文明古国?

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  中新社上海4月18日电 题:中国车手“突围”为何关乎F1的未来?

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  中新网4月18日电 据“中国民政”微信公众号消息,近日,民政部养老服务司发现有不法分子假冒民政部养老服务司名义开展所谓“颐养家园建设”等活动,相关行为涉嫌诈骗。对此,民政部养老服务司声明如下:

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【讲习所·中国与世界】世界看好中德两大经济体深化合作 彼此成就


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US, Japan and South Korea seek to limit dollar’s rise

Tokyo and Seoul voice ‘serious concerns’ after currencies hit by shift in interest rate expectations

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  中新社雅加达4月18日电(记者 李志全)当地时间4月18日,印尼当选总统普拉博沃在雅加达会见中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅。

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  中新社雅加达4月18日电(记者 李志全)当地时间4月18日,印尼总统佐科在雅加达会见中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅。

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  新华社雅加达4月18日电(记者叶平凡 陶方伟)当地时间4月18日,印尼总统佐科在雅加达会见中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅。

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  中新社北京4月18日电(记者 张素)记者从中国最高人民法院获悉,4月18日,湖北省黄冈市中级人民法院一审公开开庭审理了中国人民银行原党委委员、副行长范一飞受贿一案。

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  中新社雅加达4月18日电(记者 李志全)当地时间4月18日,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅在雅加达同印尼外长蕾特诺举行会谈。

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美国计划对中国钢铝产品采取新的限制措施 商务部回应

  中新网4月18日电 据商务部网站消息,商务部新闻发言人就美宣布对中国钢铝产品限制措施应询答记者问。

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In Numbers: China's economic indicators in Q1 of 2024

In Numbers: China's economic indicators in Q1 of 2024

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Chinese youth ramp up efforts in culture protection

Younger generations in China show keen interest in cultural elements, from traditional dancing to costumes, echoing President Xi Jinping’s remarks on culture protection.

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Blurred [sovereign debt restructuring] lines

Would an official sector creditor by any other name be treated as sweetly?

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李强在第135届中国进出口商品交易会巡馆时强调 让广交会这个“金字招牌”不断焕发新的时代风采

  新华社广州4月18日电 4月18日,国务院总理李强在第135届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)企业馆巡馆。他强调,要深入落实习近平总书记关于办好广交会的重要指示精神,深化改革开放,坚持创新发展,推动广交会越办越好,让广交会这个“金字招牌”不断焕发新的时代风采。

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Australia plans for a ‘less certain’ future in Asia — one where the US may not remain the dominant force

The US talks of Aukus as ‘binding’ the allies for decades to come, but Richard Marles says Australia must become more ‘self-reliant’

Australia’s defence overhaul has accelerated some projects and cut others and has already prompted a plea from China to abandon a “cold war mentality”.

But as the dust settles on a plan to increase overall military spending, the Albanese government has also sent some significant signals on how it sees the future of the Indo-Pacific region – and these aren’t exactly how Australia’s top security ally, the US, might see things.

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  中新社北京4月18日电 4月18日,中国国家副主席韩正在北京会见美国旧金山市市长布里德。

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Say hi to Tong Tong, world's first AGI child-image figure

Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI) created the world's first virtual child-image figure named Tong Tong, based on artificial general intelligence (AGI) technology.

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Shanxi apricots exported to Russia for first time

A batch of 5,428 kilogram fresh apricots produced in Yuncheng, north China's Shanxi Province have been exported to Russia, the first overseas export of this fruit in the province, according to Shanxi customs.

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石泰峰在湖北调研时强调 进一步推动落实统战工作责任制 把加强党的全面领导贯穿统战工作各领域全过程

  新华社武汉4月18日电 4月15日至17日,中共中央政治局委员、中央统战部部长石泰峰在湖北调研时强调,要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚定拥护“两个确立”、坚决做到“两个维护”,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于做好新时代党的统一战线工作的重要思想,进一步推动落实统战工作责任制,确保党中央关于统战工作各项决策部署落到实处。

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First batch of participating companies for 7th CIIE unveiled

The first batch of 252 companies and institutions to be present at the 7th China International Import Expo was unveiled on Thursday, when the exhibition embraced its 200-day countdown.

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Insights | Accompanying journalist in Scholz's delegation finds China's changes 'overwhelming'

As his three-day China trip was nearing its end on Tuesday evening, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's visited the Goethe-Institut China, a German cultural center in Beijing, and a typical Beijing-dish restaurant within the 798 Art District and interacted with representatives from the cultural and social sectors.

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Chinese yuan fourth biggest payment currency

The Chinese yuan has ranked as the world's fourth biggest payment currency for the fifth month in a row as of March, accounting for 4.69 percent of global payments by value, according to global financial messaging platform Swift.

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Iran oil exports hit 6-year high as west prepares sanctions

Surge in crude sales to China exposes limits of US and EU attempts to rein in Islamic republic

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China records big jump in foreign visitors

The number of foreigners visiting China in the first quarter of this year has increased by more than three times year-on-year, the National Immigration Administration said on Thursday at a news conference.

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Jakarta-Bandung high-speed network sees over 2.5 mln passenger trips

More than 2.5 million passenger trips were undertaken on the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway as of Wednesday, marking the first six months of its operation, according to China Railway International, which oversees the line's operation.

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PBOC governor, Fed chairman hold meeting

Governor of the People's Bank of China Pan Gongsheng met with U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on the sidelines of the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group on Wednesday in Washington.

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China’s ‘red circle’ law firms rush to tap other markets

Mainland’s biggest firms opening offices in Asia, US and Africa as they seek to challenge international rivals

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Chinese, German banks issue first batch of $140 mln funds

The China Development Bank and Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg have issued the first batch of 1 billion yuan ($140 million) of funds.

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China downsizes holdings of U.S. treasury bonds to $775 billion: data

China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds fell to $775 billion in February, a drop of $22.7 billion from a month earlier, the second decrease this year, according to data released by the U.S. Department of the Treasury on Wednesday.

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China sounds warning after Philippines and US announce most expansive military drills yet

Exercises starting on Monday will be the first to be held outside Philippines’ territorial waters, and come amid a rise in tensions in the South China Sea

Philippine and US forces will carry out their first ever military exercises outside the south-east Asian country’s territorial waters, in a move China has said will only lead to greater insecurity in the South China Sea.

The annual Balikatan or “shoulder-to-shoulder” drills – which will run from 22 April to 10 May – will involve 16,700 soldiers simulating retaking enemy-occupied islands in areas facing Taiwan and the South China Sea.

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Nasa chief warns China is masking military presence in space with civilian programs

Bill Nelson told Capitol Hill lawmakers that China has been ‘very, very secretive’ about its space progress, warning ‘we are in a race’

The head of Nasa has warned of China bolstering its space capabilities by using civilian programs to mask military objectives, cautioning that Washington must remain vigilant.

“China has made extraordinary strides especially in the last 10 years, but they are very, very secretive,” Nasa administrator Bill Nelson told lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

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The West says China makes too much. Its workers disagree

Migrants are caught in China's manufacturing battles with the West, as Beijing tries to save its economy.

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China is moving towards full monetary independence

The country needs to inflate away its high debt burden

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Xi: Respect and care for the elderly

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the Sijiqing Nursing Home in Haidian District, Beijing on New Year Eve in 2014.

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Biden calls for tripling tariffs on Chinese metals

It is the latest protectionist policy to be embraced by the White House in an election year.

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141 million entries, exits recorded in the first quarter of 2024 in China

In the first quarter of this year, China’s national immigration authorities cumulatively inspected more than 141 million entries and exits, registering a year-on-year increase of 117.8%.

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Boeing whistleblowers cite planes' safety issues

Two Boeing whistleblowers testified Wednesday before two separate U.S. Senate committees on how the company builds airplanes and the safety of those planes.

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China-Egypt relationship 'at its best', says envoy

China and Egypt are now at the peak of their bilateral relationship after a golden decade of leapfrogging development, and more progress is expected to be made as they continue to deepen cooperation.

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China receives 38 cultural relics returned from U.S.

The U.S. returned 38 pieces of Chinese cultural objects to China on Wednesday.

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Storm dumps heaviest rain ever recorded in UAE

The United Arab Emirates, usually known for its hot and sunny weather, reportedly saw over 100 mm of rain in a 24-hour period in some places, marking a 75-year record since records began in 1949.

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Panda strolls in flowers

Giant panda Bai Tian plays among a sea of Chinese violet cress at Beijing Zoo, April 17, 2024.

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Zhongguancun tech forum to focus on AI

China's upcoming 2024 Zhongguancun Forum, which will focus on cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, is expected to be more international than previous events, officials said on Wednesday.

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Smart translator boosts trade at Canton Fair

Smart translators have turned into a boon for Chinese exporters and foreign buyers as far as cross-language communications services go at the China Import and Export Fair.

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Philippines urged to stop provocations

Ahead of joint military drills by the Philippines and the United States next week, China urged the Philippines on Wednesday to refrain from bringing countries outside the South China Sea into regional issues.

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Scientific literacy rate rises to 14.1 percent

The proportion of Chinese people who are scientifically literate reached 14.1 percent last year, up 1.2 percentage points from 2022, according to a survey conducted by the China Association for Science and Technology.

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Biden to triple taxes on Chinese steel and block Japanese takeover of US Steel

President touted plan during speech on Wednesday in Pennsylvania, where union support could prove crucial

Joe Biden announced plans to triple tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum and promised to block the acquisition of US Steel by a Japanese company during a speech to steelworkers on Wednesday in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, where union support could prove crucial in the November general election.

Biden touted the plan during a visit to the United Steelworkers union headquarters in Pittsburgh, the heart of the American steel industry, where he said “the backbone of America has a steel spine” and promised to keep US Steel as a “totally American-owned, American-operated” company.

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Better finance for emerging segments

Financial institutions in China are expected to step up efforts for enriching quality financial services for the manufacturing sector, especially strategic emerging segments, to facilitate industrial upgrade and the advancement of new industrialization.

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TikTok ban bill put on faster track through US Congress

Move to bundle divest-or-ban measure with foreign aid could compel Senate to act against Chinese-owned app

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U.S. probe targeting China's maritime, logistics, shipbuilding sectors lacks factual basis: ministry

The U.S. petition regarding China's maritime, logistics and shipbuilding sectors is filled with numerous unfounded accusations, distorting normal trade and investment activities, and China strongly opposes this.

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China provides boost to digital economy, talent

A three-year plan was released on Wednesday to foster talent to drive the growth of its digital economy.

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U.S. returns 38 ancient cultural artifacts to China

The National Cultural Heritage Administration of China reclaimed 38 lost cultural artifacts from the United States on Thursday.

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The only way out of Ukraine crisis is to go back to the negotiation table: Chinese FM on Switzerland Ukraine peace conference

China supports the holding in due course of an international peace conference on the Ukraine crisis that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine with equal participation of all parties and fair discussions on all peace plans.

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PLA lawfully responds to U.S. aircraft flying through Taiwan Strait

The People's Liberation Army monitored and responded lawfully on Wednesday to a United States patrol aircraft flying through the Taiwan Strait, a defense spokesperson said.

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World's first diamond made from peony-derived elements made in Henan

The world's first diamond made from peony-derived carbon elements made its debut on Wednesday in Luoyang, Henan province.

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Nation to keep expanding market access

China will step up its efforts to align with high-standard international economic and trade rules, continue to expand market access, and implement measures to ensure national treatment for foreign-funded enterprises.

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IMF warns fiscal deficits could dent global economy

Also in this newsletter: UK inflation dips, AI demand hits electricity supplies, the rise of ‘Quit-Tok’

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Biden’s polite Trumpism on China

Communication matters precisely because the structural problem between the pair is probably insoluble

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China warns west of ‘survival of the fittest’ as manufacturing boosts economy

Trading partners fear factory boom could trigger supply shock after first-quarter data affirms Xi’s industrial strategy

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Biden calls for tripling of tariffs on Chinese steel

US also to probe Chinese shipbuilding as president’s re-election campaign fights for votes in Pennsylvania

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Australia increases defence spending by $32bn in response to China build-up

Labor government commits to spending rises to pay for Aukus and long-range missile capabilities

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Insights丨German expert: Renewable energy development important for accelerating economic growth

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is paying a three-day state visit to China from Sunday, with Environment Minister Steffi Lemke in his delegation. Hans-Josef Fell, president of German think tank Energy Watch Group, told China News Network in an interview that the two countries should join together on all aspects concerning environment and climate change. 

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Insights | German Journalist in Scholz's delegation to China impressed by its modernization

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited Goethe Institut on his official trip to China in Beijing’s 798 Art District on Tuesday evening. Stephan Detjen, a German journalist accompanying Scholz, told China News Network that compared to 36 years ago when he first came to China as a student, there have been overwhelming changes here, leaving him deeply impressed. 

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Taiwan youth witness innovation and changes in Zhejiang

The Cross-Strait Youth Development and Communication Camp themed “Youth, Synergy and Future” opened Monday in Wuzhen Town, Jiaxing City, south China’s Zhejiang Province, bringing young people from the mainland and Taiwan together to forge friendships and future.

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Historic Copenhagen stock exchange in flames

A fire raged through one of Copenhagen’s oldest buildings Tuesday, destroying about half of the 17th-century Old Stock Exchange and collapsing its iconic dragon-tail spire.

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China ready to launch Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceship

The combination of Long March 2F carrier rocket and the Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceship is vertically transferred to the launch pad at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, April 17, 2024.

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China's FAST telescope detects over 900 new pulsars

hina's Five-hundred-meter-Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), dubbed "China Sky Eye," has detected over 900 new pulsars so far, including more than 650 identified through a Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot (GPPS) survey.

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China’s Pacific influence under scrutiny as Solomon Islands votes

Incumbent Manasseh Sogavare’s development and security pact with Beijing has stoked western concerns

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Chinese college graduates increasingly considering smaller cities for employment: report

More college graduates in China are choosing smaller cities for employment rather than only considering first-tier cities, according to a report released by MyCOS, a higher education consulting firm.

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PLA Southern Theater Command conducts live-fire air defense exercises on China-Myanmar border

The Southern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) will organize its land and air forces to conduct live-fire air defense exercises on the Chinese side of China-Myanmar border starting from Wednesday.

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A glow-up for China’s state-owned enterprises

Beijing reforms unloved SOEs to win back investors

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China's industrialization rate of patents for inventions improves

The industrialization rate of patents for inventions in China further improved last year, said a report from China National Intellectual Property Administration on Monday.

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China prepares for next manned mission

China's next manned mission, the Shenzhou XVIII, is scheduled to be launched in coming days to transport three astronauts to the Tiangong space station, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

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Action plan to bolster foreign investment

The country saw a significant increase in the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises last year, according to data released by the Ministry of Commerce, with 53,766 companies being set up nationwide, up 39.7 percent year-on-year.

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China, U.S. hold constructive dialogue during economic working group meeting

China and the United States have engaged in candid, in-depth and constructive exchanges during the fourth meeting of the China-U.S. economic working group held on Tuesday in Washington, the Ministry of Finance said on Wednesday.

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China Through The Lens: Stunning sunset view of Beijing's CBD

Through the lens of Ailishe Kaholey, Secretary to the Ambassador of the Republic of Benin to China, let's discover the enchanting beauty of Beijing's Central Business District under the sunset.

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China, U.S. hold 4th meeting of economic and financial working groups

The economic and financial working groups of China and U.S. held the fourth meeting in Washington DC on Tuesday, with the two sideengaging in “in-depth, pragmatic and constructive”dialogue.

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Chinese, U.S. defense ministers hold talks

Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun spoke with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin via a video call on Tuesday at the latter's invitation. Dong said that China will never compromise on the Taiwan question and urged the U.S. to recognize China's firm stance.

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US and China defence ministers in first significant contact since 2022

Pentagon says Lloyd Austin stressed importance of freedom of navigation in call with Dong Jun

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Latest data, rapid travel sales show positive economic outlook

The latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China about the first quarter proved a “sound start to the national economy for the year”, with more “positive factors” accumulating.

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China reforms its unloved state-owned enterprises to win back investors

Stocks are faring well compared with wider market as authorities judge management on share price performance

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Insights | U.S. to replay Cold War via trilateral leader's summit with Japan, Philippines: scholar

The first-ever trilateral summit among the U.S., Japan, and the Philippines was held at the White House on April 11, with debates around the contested South China Sea high on the meeting agenda, capturing the attention of international media and analysts.

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Products of Chinese culture shine at CICPE 2024

Products blending Chinese tradition with modern fashion display the uniqueness and inclusiveness of Chinese culture.

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Flame for Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games lit in Ancient Olympia

The Olympic flame that will be burning for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games started its journey after being ignited at the birthplace of the Games in Ancient Olympia, Greece on Tuesday during a traditional ceremony.

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Blooming water lilies in West Lake resemble Monet's painting

Water lilies bloom in West Lake, resembling Monet's painting to life, in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, April 17, 2024.

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Delisting guideline to root out disqualified companies

Companies receiving ST warning for dividend issues will not be delisted and such warning can be with withdrawn as long as the company meets the certain dividend payment requirements.

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German chancellor urges Xi Jinping to press Russia to end Ukraine war, saying ‘China’s word carries weight’

Olaf Scholz says Chinese president agreed to back June peace talks that Russia is not attending while Xi says efforts for a resolution must involve both sides

Germany’s chancellor, Olaf Scholz, says he has urged Xi Jinping to press Russia to end its “senseless” war in Ukraine and that the Chinese president has agreed to back a peace conference in Switzerland.

Scholz said after a meeting with Xi in Beijing on Tuesday that “China’s word carries weight in Russia”.

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Solomon Islands election: voters head to polls that could decide future of China security ties

Election closely watched for any impact on Pacific country’s relationship with Beijing, while voters focus on struggling health and other services

Solomon Islanders have voted in a national election, the first since the prime minister, Manasseh Sogavare, struck a security pact with China in 2022 and drew the Pacific Islands nation closer to Beijing.

The outcome of Wednesday’s election will be closely watched by the US, China and Australia for its potential impact on regional security, although Solomon Islands voters will be focused on struggling health services, education and inadequate roads, opposition parties said.

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Insights丨Australian expert: American pursuit of primacy the greatest source of instability

The first trilateral meeting among the U.S., Japan, and the Philippines was held at the White House on Thursday to expand a web of security and economic alliances in the Indo-Pacific. According to Kyodo News, the U.S., Japan, Philippine leaders show a united front against China. In this regard, Warwick Powell, professor at Queensland University of Technology, shared his thoughts.

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China to work with Iran in settlement of Palestine question: FM spokesperson

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian via telephone on Monday, centering around regional tensions between Iran and Israel, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian at a press conference on Tuesday.

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Shanghai opens upgraded center for overseas talents

An upgraded service center to better meet overseas talents' needs with high-quality, efficient and seamless services opened in Shanghai's Changning district on Tuesday.

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China Energy hits record in renewables output

China Energy Investment Corp's renewable power generation capacity touched a record during the first quarter of this year, as the company accelerated its green energy transition while ensuring domestic energy security.

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Oil consumption back to 2019 levels

China's petroleum refining capacity is entering a new expansion phase with 85 million metric tons expected to be added from 2024 to 2027, experts said.

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Age limit raised to give women better support

To offer more support to young female academics, the National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences announced a policy change on Friday that raised the age limit for female applicants to National Social Science Fund Youth Projects to 40, five years more than the age limit for male applicants.

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China's defense minister holds a video call with U.S. defense secretary

China's Defense Minister Dong Jun holds a video call with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Tuesday at the invitation of the latter.

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Insights丨German experts: Practical and win-win cooperation the key to Germany-China relationship

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Xi meets German chancellor, calls for achieving mutual success

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, capital of China, April 16, 2024.

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Low-altitude economy exhibition area debuts at Canton Fair

A "low-altitude economy" exhibition area debuted at the 135th session of the Canton Fair, which opened on Monday, showcasing China's efforts to foster emerging and future-oriented industries.

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Supreme People's Court sentences four minors aged 12-14 to 10 to 15 years

SPC revealed on Tuesday that four minors aged between 12 and 14 had been sentenced to 10 to 15 years recently. It came after a brutal bullying and murder case involving three 13-year-old suspects that drew public attention toward juvenile crime.

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Archaeological findings expected to help improve understanding of vassal state

Chu, a vassal state in China over 2,000 years ago, left a lot of charming legends in history. Thanks to new discoveries at a key site, its stories can be told more vividly today.

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Li, Scholz vow to strengthen ties

The advantages of China's new energy industry are shaped through sound market competition rather than relying on government subsidies, Premier Li Qiang said on Tuesday, reiterating China's willingness to work with all parties to uphold fair competition and open cooperation for win-win results.

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China taking steps to ease Mideast tension

China has stepped up diplomatic efforts to rein in the conflict between Iran and Israel, with Foreign Minister Wang Yi holding phone conversations with his counterparts in Iran and Saudi Arabia, and pledging that Beijing will work to prevent the regional security environment from deteriorating.

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Olympics opening ceremony could be scaled down, says Macron

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony planned for the River Seine could be scaled down or moved to a stadium, if the security risk is deemed too high, France's President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday.

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The killer whale trainers who still defend captivity: ‘I’m an endangered species myself’

The 2013 documentary Blackfish turned orca trainers into pariahs in the US. Now some are hitting it big in China

Some people spend a long time deciding what they want to do in life. Hazel McBride feels lucky that she’s always known. As a child in Scotland, she watched a VHS tape of Free Willy on repeat. That was the first time she felt a connection with killer whales. The second time was at age eight, on a trip to SeaWorld Orlando in 2000. Shamu was the animal world’s greatest celebrity, and in the US, SeaWorld ads were ubiquitous. Kids wanted to see the killer whales, and after they saw them, they told their parents they wanted to become killer whale trainers. McBride actually did it.

It wasn’t easy. Scotland didn’t have a SeaWorld, or warm water, or anywhere, really, where McBride could get experience with marine mammals. She had horses she cared for, and she was on the national swim team – a modest start. She sent out volunteer applications to local zoos and worked with California sea lions at a safari park. She reached out to trainers online and one told her a psychology degree would help, so she got one.

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Xi says China’s exports are helping to ease global inflation

Chinese president warns German Chancellor Olaf Scholz against ‘rise of protectionism’

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Chinese internet amused by building that looks like sanitary pad

The blueprint of North Nanjing train station has attracted reaction for all the wrong reasons.

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Beijing half marathon hit by controversy as China’s He Jie allowed to win

  • Investigation launched after trio appear to let He cross line first
  • Kenya’s Willy Mnangat says they were all hired as pacemakers

Organisers of the Beijing half marathon are investigating the men’s race after two Kenyans and one Ethiopian runner appeared to deliberately allow China’s He Jie to win.

Footage of the final few hundred metres of the race seemingly shows Robert Keter and Willy Mnangat of Kenya and Ethiopia’s Dejene Hailu Bikila slow down and gesture in front of them, encouraging He to pass and take the lead.

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Undersea ‘hybrid warfare’ threatens security of 1bn, Nato commander warns

Underwater infrastructure vulnerable to Russian threats, says V Adm Didier Maleterre, after suspected sabotage of gas pipelines

The security of nearly 1 billion people across Europe and North America is under threat from Russian attempts to target the extensive vulnerabilities of underwater infrastructure including windfarms, pipelines and power cables, a Nato commander has warned.

V Adm Didier Maleterre, the deputy commander of Nato’s Allied Maritime Command (Marcom), said the network of underwater cables and pipes on which Europe’s power and communications depend were not built to withstand the “hybrid warfare” being pursued by Moscow and other Nato adversaries.

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China’s economic growth hits 5.3%

Annual figure for first quarter beats expectations as Beijing seeks manufacturing-led revival

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Manufacturers need to face up to new wave of Chinese competition

Pace of post-pandemic development a wake-up call for western companies

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China’s bubble tea brands look to create a stir overseas

ChaPanda, Mixue and Guming eye stock market listings after pioneering mainland boom

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BNP Paribas gets green light for fully owned Chinese securities venture

Regulatory approval comes as Chinese economic growth slows

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German chancellor urges Chinese industry bosses to play fair in EU market

Olaf Scholz says European cars should have equal access to Chinese customers

The chancellor of Germany has urged industry bosses in China to play fair by not overproducing cheap goods or infringing copyright rules.

Speaking on a three-day visit to China, where he is travelling with leading business representatives and three government ministers, Olaf Scholz said he, in turn, would encourage the European Union not to be driven by self-interested protectionism, in which governments restrict international trade to help domestic companies.

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Far Beyond the Pasturelands review – on the trail of the ‘Himalayan Viagra’

Documentary reveals the cost to Nepalese villagers of harvesting a supposed aphrodisiac that sells for more than gold in China

Every year, thousands of Nepalese villagers make their way to the Himalayan foothills in search of a fungus called yarsagumba. Known for its aphrodisiac properties, the elusive substance sells in China for a price higher than gold. Following Lalita, a young mother among the countless trekkers, this intimate documentary from Maude Plante-Husaruk and Maxime Lacoste-Lebuis paints a stirring portrait of a community exploited by modern commerce.

Living in the largely agrarian village of Maikot, a wistful Lalita thinks back on her adolescent dreams of going to university, but an early marriage and now motherhood put a stop to her education. Through observational camerawork, the film subtly highlights the gender gap in this part of Nepal, as the bulk of farming and domestic work is undertaken by women. In braving the tough journey towards the Himalayas, Lalita is also walking towards a brighter future for her young daughter.

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China influencer's pages shut down over fake story

Thurman Maoyibei's accounts have vanished after it was found that she fabricated a viral video.

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China continues to persecute family of dissidents unlawfully, finds report

Authorities continuing ‘intimidation’ including separating children from their parents, despite pledge to end collective punishment

China continues to unlawfully target the families of activists and dissidents, despite a pledge to end the practice of collective punishment, a Chinese human rights group has said in a report.

The persecution, which includes intimidation and harassment, forced evictions, travel bans, criminal proceedings against family members and preventing children from attending school, has affected people across China and the diaspora community for decades, the report by the Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) group said.

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Gold is back — and it has a message for us

The precious metal’s surge may herald a whole new world

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As Solomon Islands’ election looms, China’s influence on the Pacific country draws scrutiny

The security deal with Beijing agreed by PM Manasseh Sogavare is under the spotlight ahead of the 17 April vote

China’s influence in the Pacific is being scrutinised as ally Solomon Islands prepares to hold elections this month, with two candidates indicating they would seek to review a controversial security pact between the two countries.

Ties between China and Solomon Islands have deepened under prime minister Manasseh Sogavare, who is hoping to secure another term in the vote on 17 April. Solomon Islands, one of the poorest countries in the Pacific, relies heavily on partners including Australia and China for development aid and support. Beijing’s assistance ranges from infrastructure development, medical, policing and security support.

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China’s capital markets activity falls to multi-decade lows

Mainland equity issuance is the worst on record this year in a sign of low investor confidence

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China reaffirms ties with North Korea in high-level meeting

Top-ranking Chinese official Zhao Leji met Kim Jong-un during three-day visit to Pyongyang

A top ranking Chinese official reaffirmed ties with North Korea during a meeting in Pyongyang on Saturday with the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, China’s state media reported, in the highest-level talks between the allies in years.

The visit by Zhao Leji, who ranks third in the ruling Communist party hierarchy and heads the ceremonial parliament, came as North Korea has test-fired missiles to intimidate South Korea and its ally, the US.

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Dynamic in South China Sea is changing through growing US and Japan ties, says Philippines president

Ferdinand Marcos Jr says building trilateral ties vital, after the three countries criticise China’s ‘dangerous and aggressive behaviour’ in the region

A cooperation agreement by the Philippines, the United States and Japan will change the dynamic in the South China Sea and the region, the Philippine president has said, while seeking to assure China it was not a target.

“I think the trilateral agreement is extremely important,” Ferdinand Marcos Jr told a press conference in Washington on Friday, a day after meeting President Joe Biden and the Japanese prime minister, Fumio Kishida, in the nations’ first trilateral summit.

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The Chinese émigrés leaving the pressures of home for laid back Chiang Mai

Thai tourist hotspot popular with backpackers has become an unlikely second home for thousands of Chinese people seeking alternative lifestyles

Approaching her mid-30s, Xiong Yidan reckons that most of her friends are on to their second or even third babies. But Xiong has more than a dozen. There is Lucky, the street dog from Bangkok who jumped into a taxi with her and never left. There is Sophie and Ben, sibling geese, who honk from morning to night. Boop and Pan, both goats, are romantically involved. Dumpling the hedgehog enjoys a belly rub from time to time. The list goes on.

Xiong nurtures her brood from her 8,000 square metre farm in Chiang Dao, a mountainous district in northern Thailand’s Chiang Mai province. Xiong has chronicled her journey from Beijing cryptocurrency marketing executive to farm girl in Thailand on social media; she’s particularly popular on Xiaohongshu, a female-focused app similar to Instagram, where she has more than 38,000 followers. Her account shows people that switching to a slower pace of life “is not just some illusion or idealistic thing, but is very actionable,” she says.

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China supporting Russia in massive military expansion, US says

Beijing helping with drone production, space-based capabilities and ballistic missile production

China is helping Russia undertake its biggest military expansion since Soviet times, ramping up sales of machine tools, microelectronics and other technology that Moscow is using to produce missiles, tanks, aircraft and other weaponry for its war against Ukraine, according to a US assessment.

US officials are hoping the release of the intelligence will encourage European allies to press China, as the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, heads to Beijing this weekend and G7 foreign ministers meet next week in Italy.

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Canada spies under pressure over foreign meddling reports

Prime minister testified at inquiry into foreign interference that agency’s report of China meddling wasn’t relayed to him

Canada’s spy agency is under pressure after Justin Trudeau and his closest advisers say they were never made aware of a report that Beijing “clandestinely and deceptively” interfered in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

Canada is in the midst of a contentious public inquiry “examining and assessing” foreign interference by China, Russia, and other foreign states and non-state actors, and this week the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, testified under oath about the steps his government took to respond to the threat of meddling. In his appearance, which lasted nearly four hours, Trudeau insisted that despite the efforts from hostile states, previous federal elections “held in their integrity”.

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First European citizen jailed under HK security law

The man was convicted of secession after he posted anti-China content on social media.

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India’s Modi urges peace at China border

The Indian PM made the comments in a rare interview on the eve of general elections.

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Zambia uncovers major Chinese cybercrime network

Young people were recruited as call-centre agents in a "sophisticated internet fraud syndicate".

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China will have 300 million pensioners. Can it afford them?

The country is running out of time to build enough of a fund to care for its growing number of elderly.

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Netflix's 3 Body Problem, a billionaire and a 'despicable' murder

Xu Yao, who worked on the Netflix adaptation, poisoned his colleague Lin Qi over a business dispute.

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How Temu is shaking up the world of online shopping

Despite controversy China's Temu is becoming a global online shopping force.

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Is TikTok really a danger to the West?

Calls in the US for a ban on TikTok have reignited the global debate about its cyber-security risks.

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More couples are saying 'I do' in China

The number of newlyweds rises for the first time in nine years as authorities try to reverse record-low birth rates.

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Pic story of cleaners at glacier park of Yulong Snow Mountain

He Dejun (L) and He Xinglan collect wasted oxygen cylinders at a glacier park of Yulong Snow Mountain in southwest China's Yunnan Province, March 26, 2024. Lyu Haowei and his colleagues are mainly in charge of cleaning up garbage scattered on the cliffs of a glacier park on Yulong Snow Mountain, southwest China's Yunnan Province. Another group workers like He Dejun clean garbage near the boardwalks of the scenic spot.

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