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克里斯托弗·卢克森跳上了一辆拖拉机。他没有透露他旁边的折叠式小座椅是为 ACT 还是新西兰优先党准备的。图片来源:RNZ / Marika Khabazi


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“新西兰优先党已经 27 年没有选择国家党了,可以再次选择工党,但这个决定最终取决于你。因为归根结底,选举就是选择。


“New Zealand First hasn’t gone with National in 27 years and could choose Labour again, but that decision is ultimately up to you. Because at the end of the day, elections are about choices.

“So if you want to change the government, then I’m asking you to vote for change and choose a better New Zealand. I’m asking you to part vote National.”


今年的投票于 10 月 2 日开始,并于 10 月 14 日选举日晚上 7 点结束。
通过 RNZ 政党政策指南来跟踪每个政党的政策。
RNZ 正在追踪民意调查、Facebook 广告、竞选融资、辩论数据和提前投票人数。最新数据发布于此处。

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What you need to know:
  • The election will be held on 14 October.
  • The Electoral Commission says there will be 2600 places for New Zealanders to vote at this election.
  • This year voting starts on 2 October and closes at 7pm on election day, 14 October.
  • Keep track of each party’s policies with RNZ’s guide to party policy.
  • Confused about the difference between coalitions and confidence and supply? We break it down for you here.
  • RNZ is tracking polls, Facebook ads, campaign financing, data from the debates and advance voting numbers. The latest figures are published here.





工党交通发言人大卫·帕克 (David Parker) 与英格丽德·希普基斯 (Ingrid Hipkiss) 进行了交谈。

国家党候选人西蒙·布朗(Simeon Brown)表示,该党今天宣布将与新西兰优先党合作,让工党远离政府,这已经向选民明确表示。




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ACT 回应 Christopher Luxon 的消息

行动党和国家党对于未来联合政府的看法是一致的,双方将组成一个强大的联盟,共同努力克服新西兰面临的重大挑战。”行动党领导人大卫·西摩(David Seymour)说道。

“Christopher Luxon 今天早上证实,国家党希望与行动党建立一个强大而稳定的两党联合政府。这就是行动党几周来一直在说的。





The national network of ethnic and faith community leaders of the Chinese, Indian, Sikh, Muslim, Jewish and African communities is urging politicians to be civil and respectful during the election campaign.




来源: RNZ

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

Ken Chen Photography



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Three injured as car catches flames in Christchurch car crash

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Police Commissioner Andrew Coster confirms he's leaving at end of contract

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'Traumatised’ Auckland bus driver seeks action after abusive incident

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‘Immense grief’ - Yanfei Bao’s family seeks closure on anniversary of her disappearance

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The changing face of Corrections officers in NZ prisons

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