(双语)“绝对奇迹”:遭遇鲨鱼的男子在水中 24 小时后获救

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The man endured a cold night in the ocean, too exhausted to keep swimming. Photo: AFP / GARRY RIDSDALE

A man has been saved after spending 23.5 hours in the water at sea off Whangamatā, encountering a shark, and then using the reflection from his wristwatch to catch the attention of his rescuers.

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Whangamatā Police Sergeant Will Hamilton said the man set off on a solo fishing trip on January 2, aboard his 40-foot boat, intending to return the following day.
旺加马塔警察中士威尔·汉密尔顿(Will Hamilton)说,这名男子于1月2日乘坐他的40英尺长的船开始了独自捕鱼之旅,打算第二天返回。

Near the Alderman Islands he hooked what he suspected was a marlin, before falling overboard about 55 kilometres — or 30 nautical miles — off the coast of the North Island.

Unable to catch the idling boat as it meandered further out of reach, the man attempted to swim to the Alderman Islands, but was dragged away by currents.

He endured a cold night in the ocean, too exhausted to keep swimming — but during his time in the water, a shark came to “have a sniff”, before leaving him alone.
他在海里忍受了一个寒冷的夜晚,太累了,无法继续游泳 – 但是在他下水的时候,一条鲨鱼来“嗅闻”,然后让他一个人呆着。

At about 2pm on Wednesday, three fishermen on a boat near Mayor Island noticed an unusual reflection on the water.

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They discovered the fisherman in the sea, who had got their attention using the reflection of the sun on his watch.

The trio plucked him from the water, immediately alerted Police and set course for Whangamatā Marina.

Hamilton said it was an “absolute miracle” the fisherman was alive.

The man was hypothermic and exhausted, and received treatment from a St John ambulance crew on-shore.

The man said he wanted to thank Mike, Tyler and James for rescuing him, along with all emergency services involved.

The man’s boat was still missing, and boaties are asked to report any sightings of empty powered vessels.


分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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