Fresh off completing the Coalition’s 100-day plan, Christopher Luxon has laid out a new priority list for the next three months and it includes the delivery of long-promised tax relief.
克里斯托弗·卢克森(Christopher Luxon)刚刚完成联盟党的100天计划,为未来三个月制定了新的优先事项清单,其中包括提供长期承诺的税收减免。
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The full second-quarter action plan:
The economy and cost of living
1. Deliver a budget that reduces wasteful spending while investing in frontline services like health, education and police.
1. 制定预算,减少浪费性支出,同时投资于卫生、教育和警察等一线服务。
2. Legislate for personal income tax relief.
3. Legislate to introduce the FamilyBoost childcare tax credit.
3. 立法引入 FamilyBoost 儿童保育税收抵免。
4. Finalise the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport, freezing fuel tax until the end of 2026 and delivering significant investment for transport.
4. 最终确定政府陆路交通政策声明,将燃油税冻结至2026年底,并为交通提供大量投资。
5. Take decisions to implement the Going for Housing Growth plan while making the MDRS optional for councils.
5. 决定实施“住房增长”计划,同时使 MDRS 成为议会的可选选项。
6. Respond to the independent review of Kāinga Ora’s financial situation, procurement, and asset management.
6. 回应对 Kāinga Ora 财务状况、采购和资产管理的独立审查。
7. Introduce legislation to improve the rental market.
7. 引入立法以改善租赁市场。
8. Release draft plan to ease restrictions on building materials from overseas for public consultation.
8. 发布放宽境外建筑材料限制的方案草案,征求公众意见。
9. Take decisions on measures to increase investment in renewable electricity generation.
9. 决定采取措施增加对可再生能源发电的投资。
10. Introduce legislation to amend the RMA to clarify application of National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management in relation to individual consents for freshwater and to extend marine farm consent.
10. 立法修订《淡水管理法》,以澄清《国家淡水管理政策声明》在个人淡水同意方面的适用,并扩大海水养殖场的许可范围。
11. Introduce legislation to suspend the requirement on councils to identify and adopt new Significant Natural Areas.
11. 引入立法,暂停要求市议会会确定和通过新的重要自然区域。
12. Finalise policy to keep agriculture out of the ETS.
12. 最终确定将农业排除在ETS之外的政策。
13. Commence an independent review of the methane science and targets for consistency with no additional warming from agricultural methane emissions.
13. 开始对甲烷科学和目标进行独立审查,以确保农业甲烷排放不会造成额外变暖。
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14. Reform the CCCFA regime to improve access to credit for home buyers.
14. 改革CCCFA制度,以改善购房者获得信贷的机会。
15. Initiate the first regulatory sector review.
15. 启动第一次监管部门审查。
16. Take decisions on the scope of the extension to the Covid-19 inquiry.
16. 就 Covid-19 调查的扩展范围做出决定。
17. Take decisions on reform of the Holidays Act
17. 就《假期法》的改革作出决定
18. Raise the energy New Zealand brings to key relationships through international engagements, focussing on our traditional partners, the Pacific, and South East and South Asia.
18. 通过国际接触,提高新西兰为关键关系带来的能量,重点关注我们的传统伙伴、太平洋地区以及东南亚和南亚地区。
19. Take decisions on the removal of the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration.
19. 就取消海上油气勘探禁令作出决定。
20. Commission a study into New Zealand’s fuel security, including investigating the feasibility of reopening the Marsden Point Oil Refinery.
20. 委托对新西兰的燃料安全进行研究,包括调查重新开放马斯登角炼油厂的可行性。
21. Establish a Regional Infrastructure Fund.
21. 设立区域基础设施基金。
Law and order 法律和秩序
22. Progress legislation to improve rehabilitation, reintegration and safety outcomes in the corrections system, including by extending eligibility to offence-based rehabilitation programmes to remand prisoners.
22. 推进立法,以改善惩戒系统的改造、重返社会和安全结果,包括将还押囚犯的资格扩大到基于犯罪的康复方案。
23. Take decisions to restore Three Strikes.
23. 做出决定恢复三击。
24. Launch a review of the firearms registry.
24. 启动对火器登记处的审查。
25. Take decisions on establishing a Youth Serious Offender Category and making Youth Military Academies a standalone sentencing option for the Youth Court.
25. 就设立青少年严重罪犯类别和使青少年军事学院成为青少年法院的独立量刑选项作出决定。
Public services 公共服务
26. Set targets for improving public service outcomes.
26. 制定改善公共服务成果的目标。
27. Take decisions on the rollout of structured literacy for year 1-3 students, including a phonics check.
27. 决定是否为 1-3 年级学生推出结构化识字,包括语音检查。
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28. Take action to strengthen teacher training, including refocusing Professional Learning and Development for teachers on numeracy, literacy and assessment.
28. 采取行动加强师资培训,包括将教师的专业学习和发展重点重新放在算术、识字和评估上。
29. Take action to develop standardised assessment and regular reporting to parents.
29. 采取行动制定标准化评估并定期向家长报告。
30. Introduce legislation to reintroduce charter schools.
30. 立法重新引入特许学校。
31. Launch an Attendance Action Plan and introduce the first phase of initiatives to lift school attendance.
31. 启动出勤行动计划,并推出提高学校出勤率的第一阶段举措。
32. Take decisions to disestablish Te Pūkenga and consult on a proposed replacement model.
32. 决定解散 Te Pūkenga(毛利语:技能),并就拟议的替代模式进行磋商。
33. Issue a new Government Policy Statement on Health, setting the government’s priorities for the health system for the next three years.
33. 发布新的政府卫生政策声明,确定政府未来三年卫生系统的优先事项。
34. Take decisions to streamline the Medsafe approval process.
34. 决定简化 Medsafe 审批流程。
35. Take decisions to tighten controls on youth vaping.
35. 决定加强对青少年吸电子烟的控制。
36. Take decisions on the repeal of Section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act
36. 就废除《Oranga Tamariki法》第7AA条作出决定
来源: RNZ
分类: 澳纽资讯
(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News
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