


[印度]拉蒂·塞克森纳 文
[中国]曹谁 译



拉蒂·萨克森纳(Rati Saxena),印度著名诗人、翻译家、哲学博士,她研究文化、历史和古代文学以及哲学。她在《阿闼婆吠陀》学研究上,取得哲学硕士和哲学博士学位,她在印度古代文学的研究上做了更多的工作。在这个研究方向上,她在英迪拉·甘地联谊会下的作品是《心灵的种子:一种通向阿塔瓦吠陀的新方法》,发表了许多期刊的文章。她有六本印地语诗集和四本英语诗集(翻译或改编)。她翻译了15本书,主要是从马拉雅拉姆语到印地语,以及5本诗集(国际诗人),从英语到印地语。作为一个天生的旅行者,她有两本游记。她还写了一本回忆录《一切都是过去时》,讲述了阿亚帕·帕尼克尔的诗歌之旅,以及一本关于巴拉曼雅玛诗歌的评论集。她关于诗歌治疗的书出版于哈瓦卡尔出版社,这是一个打开的拳头,讲述从遥远的过去到现在到未来的诗歌治疗。她的诗集被国际诗人翻译成许多国际语言,如意大利语、爱尔兰语、越南语、西班牙语、爱沙尼亚语、塞尔维亚语、英语、中文和土耳其语。她被邀请参加了30多个国际诗歌节,在德国和中国有过三次居留权。她是德国多语种文学杂志WürZarT编委,她是国际科学委员会squilibri的成员,她的诗入选日本Jaxa宇宙航空研究开发机构太空任务。2004年她获得英迪拉·甘地国家艺术中心奖学金,2000年获得萨希提亚阿卡德米翻译奖,2001年获得特拉凡科国家银行诗歌奖,2016年获得纳吉·纳曼文学奖(国际)全集奖,2018年获得中国诗歌DJS(艾米莉·迪金森)翻译奖、拉贾斯坦邦帕特里卡奖年度最佳诗人。

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From Darkness To Light By Cao Shui:The Flowers Of The Empire Is A Sign Of A Desire To Lead The New World

By Rati Saxena( India)


There is an Upanishadic hymn which says – lead us from darkness to light, lead us from ignorance to knowledge. This is what a poet does, when he creates words from a given vocabulary. In the Eastern philosophy, word power is revered as Creator.
We realize that wisely used words leads to a better world. When I was reading an interview of Cao Shui by Lucilla Trapazzo, I was not surprised to know that the poet accepted that in his childhood he was afraid of shadows. Fear towards shadow or darkness means aiming for better world.
Invariably most people are attracted to words drenched in sorrow and pain. That is why such poetry attracts easily.
To be able to write a poem which leads to universality and happiness is not easy. To achieve that, the poet has to be knowledgeable and open minded.
Reading Cao Shui, I am happy to see the universality in his expressions and emotions. Being a contemporary poet, Cao Shui’s vision is different from the poets from his land, and that connects him to other world.
The biggest attraction of the book “the Flower of Empire “written by Cao Shui is the resistance to sorrow, which is sometimes created by people. This world is a stage, and he wants to stand in the centre, and face both happiness and sorrow –
You are the most ordinary person,
yet no one will let you be.
They sing for you, dance for you
to aid your sorrow process.
Until you give up all hope,

Time is like the wheel over Tian’anmen gate,
which is built and destroyed by many powers,
and ordinary man is keep turning this wheel in the hope of heaven
until he himself gets gray hair-
We spin in the shadow of the wheel.
We’re inside, but also outside.
It’s over before it starts.
We keep spinning and become dizzy,
until our hair turns grey,
until we turn to dust and smoke.
Cao is not rewriting history, but is taking symbols from different civilizations to show the universal truth, which ought to be taught by philosophers. All great civilizations are created with fear and power. But where are they? They were able to remain intact through stories carried forward by common people and love for humanity. He puts the question-
Iron lions guard the grave and it’s owner.
Aryan people’s horses rushed westward,
Qiang people’s boats sailed east,
but the treasures in the tomb were sleeping quietly.
The cavalry of the Mongol Empire spread over Asia
at sunrise,
British Empire’s boats sailed from Europe at sunset,
but all the treasures in the tomb were safe.
Sadly history remembers only cruelty, is it not a way to give emphasis to darkness over light? Are we not giving more significance on killing rather than giving life? I quote his own words, which explains better –
Li Zicheng’s troops break into Beijing city;
Emperor Chongzhen killed his two daughters with an axe,
and hanged himself on the top of Jingshan Mountain.
Today, Yang Gailan, a countryside woman
in Agushan Village
has used Emperor Chongzhen’s axe and
Princess Medea’s poison
to kill the children again.
Cao not only brings history in his poems , but also uses folk tales in such a beautiful way that it becomes relevant to contemporary world. He want to sing the songs for love, and that only can face cruelity.
how hard it is for us to fall in love!
We are running on the border between life and death.
We look up at the stars and say:
“Let the gale of hundreds of generations
of catastrophes blow away!”
We are born together and we will die together.
Happiness is like a little flower , which cannot take a single step, but with his fragments travel to many places, how apt are these lines in this pandemic, –
I have seen a little flower,
which couldn’t move a little step.
Plum-red is a refined color.
Sweet taste is superfine.
This is the drink of theatre actors,
this is the drink to take when you visit your relatives.
It can lift our moods after we practice martial arts.
It can celebrate us after a victory in battle.
I want readers to read his poems carefully and I sum up my note with some of his lines which convey that all religions , all languages and all leaders give only one message , that is to read poetry. Poetry is word power, which heals, which is therapeutic.
the Greeks spoke of Zeus in Greek;
the Indians spoke of Brahma in Hindi;
the Jews spoke of Jehovah in Jewish;
the Egyptians spoke of Ra, the God of Sun, in Egyptian;
the Persians spoke of Marduk in Persian.
They argued endlessly.
We couldn’t understand their language,
but we knew what they were talking about.
We read a lyric of the Tower of Babel:
words against people from all over the world.
This is a very powerful message for the young generation who aspire to lead the new world.

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Dr. Rati Saxena – Rati Saxena is a Poet, Translator, and Editor .she is a student of culture, history and ancient literature, and philosophy by passion. Thus her soul is wandering in these different directions. Being the student of Vedic studies in honours and Masters, having done PhD on subject related to Atharvaveda, she has worked more in restudy of ancient literature. In this direction, her work under Indira Gandhi Fellowship is – “The seed of mind – A fresh approach to Atharvaveda” study along many articles for journals. She has six collections of poetry in Hindi and four in English (Translated or rewritten). She has Translate fifteen books mostly from Malayalam to Hindi, and five poetry books (International poets) from English to Hindi. Being a natural Traveler, she has two travelogues in her credit. She has also written a Memoire- “Everything is past tense” about Ayyappa Paniker’s poetic journey and one book of criticism on Balamanyaama’s poetry. Her book on poetry therapy came out with Hawakal publications, – A fist which opens, a poetry therapy from distant past to present future. Her poetry books have been translated in to many internationals languages like Italian, Irish, Vietnamese, Spanish, Estonian, Serbian, English and Turkey languages by international poets. She has been invited to more than 30 poetry festivals. She has been in three residencies in Germany and China. Member of the journal’s editorial board Multilingual Journal of Literature and Opto-Art “WürZarT,”2. She is member of an international scientific board, experience in musical and literary fields (www.squilibri.it). Her poem was also part of space mission by Jaxa, Japan, along with 24 other poems. She is not big award catcher, still a few came to her automatically -Fellowship by Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts in 2004-5,Sahitya Akademi Award for Translation 2000 ,State Bank of Travancore Award for poetry 2001, Naji Naaman’s Literary Prizes (International) for complete work 2016 , DJS Translation award for Chinese poetry (DJS is the acronym in Chinese for (Emily) Dickinson, the American woman poet.) 2018, and best poet of the year by Rajasthan Patrika Award biggest in the country for signal poem.

Bio of Cao Shui
Cao Shui(Chinese: 曹谁;pinyin: Cáo Shuí), also Shawn Cao (born in Jun 5, 1982), is a Chinese poet, novelist, screenwriter and translator. He is a representative figure of Chinese Contemporary Literature. He leads “the Greatpoeticism” movement. In his “Manifesto of Greatpoem”, he aims to integrate sacred and secular cultures, oriental and occidental cultures, ancient and modern cultures in Chinese literature. In 2008, he resigned from a newspaper and traveled around Tibet and Xinjiang, which is the center of Eurasia or the World in his view. His novels Secret of Heaven trilogy tells the whole developing history of human civilization. His most notable works includes Epic of Eurasia, the already mentioned trilogy and King Peacock (TV series). In his works, he extracts elements of various ancient human civilizations, from Babylon to the west to Judea, Egypt, Greece, to the east to Persia, India, China, and uses these elements to reconstruct a new Utopian human homeland, which always described as Eurasia, the Top of the Tower of Babel or Kunlun Mountains (Heaven Mountains). So far twenty books of Cao Shui have been published, including five poem collections, three essay collections, ten novels, three translations and one hundred episodes TV series and films. His works have been translated into English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Danish, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Croatian, Slovenian, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Nepali, Vietnamese, Tibetan, Mongolian, etc. He has been invited to participate in the 30th Medellin International Poetry Festival, the 26th Havana International Poetry Festival, the 14th Kritya International Poetry Festival in India and the 4th Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival. He is a member of China Writers Association, China Film Association and China Poetry Society. He is also chief editor of Great Poetry, deputy editor in chief of World Poetry, secretary general of Boao International Poetry Festival and vice president of the Silk Road International Poetry Festival. Currently he lives in Beijing, and works as a professional writer and screenwriter.


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