(双语)”抢在银行之前卖掉”: 新西兰住房市场压力 “日益增大”

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It’s not a great time to sell a home, unless you have real motivation to do so, one expert says. Photo: RNZ

A surge in houses being listed for sale continues – and in some cases, it is because people are selling before they are forced to, some real estate market participants say.
一些房地产市场参与者表示,挂牌出售的房屋数量仍在继续 – 在某些情况下,这是因为人们在被迫出售之前就已经出售了。

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The Real Estate Institute noted “high interest rates” as a reason for properties coming on to the market when it released its June data. The number of new listings was up 25.5 percent, year-on-year, even as sales decreased by roughly the same percentage.
房地产协会(Real Estate Institute)在发布6月份的数据时指出,“高利率”是房产进入市场的一个原因。新上市数量同比增长了25.5%,尽管销售额下降了大致相同的百分比。

At Realestate.co.nz, spokesperson Vanessa Williams said the wave had continued through July. She said there had been a “big jump” in listings in the first two weeks of the month compared to the same time last year, up almost 49 percent. She said she, too, had heard interest rates were a driver.
Realestate.co.nz,发言人凡妮莎·威廉姆斯(Vanessa Williams)表示,这波浪潮一直持续到7月。她说,与去年同期相比,本月前两周的房源数量出现了“大幅跃升”,增长了近49%。她说,她也听说利率是一个驱动因素。

Whangārei real estate salesperson Brooke Gibson said interest rate stress was “so real” for sellers, particularly those who bought homes at “extravagant” prices when interest rates were low, or who borrowed against their homes during that period.
旺加雷房地产销售人员布鲁克·吉布森(Brooke Gibson)表示,利率压力对卖家来说“非常真实”,尤其是那些在低利率时以“奢侈”价格购买房屋的人,或者那些在此期间以房屋为抵押借款的卖家。

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“People were buying properties at outrageous prices and now they’re having to take a major hit on the price.

“They’re also in a position where they have to sell because they can’t afford the payments based on the fact interest rates have gone from 2 percent to 9 percent in some cases and their house prices might have dropped 20 percent.

“It’s a really tricky situation.”

She said she had had several clients who had said if she was not able to sell the house, it would be turned into a forced sale.

“I’ve had a [person] saying ‘Brooke is going to sell it or the bank is’… it’s something I’ve seen numerous times.”

Kelvin Davidson, chief property economist at property research firm CoreLogic, said sales due to interest rate stress were often a lagged indicator, because it took time for people to get through savings and other options before they reached a point where they had to sell.
房地产研究公司CoreLogic的首席房地产经济学家凯尔文·戴维森(Kelvin Davidson)表示,由于利率压力导致的销售通常是一个滞后指标,因为人们在达到必须出售的地步之前,需要一段时间来度过储蓄和其他选择。


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He said it seemed that banks were also doing their best to help people who were in hardship. Mortgagee numbers remain low – there were 24 in the first quarter of this year compared to more than 750 a quarter during the global financial crisis peak.

Centrix data in June showed 22,000 home loans were past due, up 12 percent year-on-year and at pre-pandemic levels.

“Interest rates have been pretty high for a long time. You hope that people get through, but the longer they stay at this level, there’s always a risk of stress coming through.”

He said some of the increase in listings could also be investors who were no longer captured by the bright line test. As of 1 July, investors only had to hold a property for two years to avoid an automatic tax on any gains from the sale.
他说,挂牌房源增加的部分原因也可能是投资者不再受明线测试的限制。自 7 月 1 日起,投资者只需持有房产两年,就可避免对出售房产所得自动征税。

Davidson said it did not seem like an environment in which people would try to sell if they did not have real motivation to do so.

“I don’t think you just try to sell on a whim at the moment.

“You wouldn’t just test the market, there are so many other listings out there. But there are always people who have to sell, life still happens.”

He said if people could hold on a bit longer, the next time they repriced their home loans, interest rates could have started falling: “Hang on a few more months and we’ll probably be through the worst of it.”
他说,如果人们能再多坚持一段时间,下一次他们对住房贷款重新定价时,利率就可能开始下降了: “再坚持几个月,我们可能就会度过最糟糕的时期”。

来源: RNZ

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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