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Hellensville police are searching for Regan Mckinley. Photo / Police

Police are pleading with the public to help them find a dangerous man with a distinctive “evil” face tattoo.

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Regan McKinley, 34, is wanted for breaching his court release conditions.
34岁的里根·麦金利(Regan McKinley)因违反法庭释放条件而被通缉。

A warrant for his arrest has been issued.

“He is considered dangerous and should not be approached,” police said in a statement.

Police said they were seeking the Helensville community’s assistance to pinpoint the whereabouts of the McKinley.

“The 34-year-old has a distinctive tattoo of “evil” written across his face,” said the spokesperson.

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“If you sight McKinley, or have information on his whereabouts, please contact Police on 111.”

In 2009, it was reported the then-19-year-old McKinley was charged with unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, aggravated assault, disqualified driving, reckless driving, excess breath alcohol, resisting police, shoplifting, failing to stop for police, failing to give information to police, failing to remain stopped and possession of instruments for conversion.
据报道,2009 年,时年 19 岁的麦金利被指控非法劫持机动车辆、严重伤人、无证驾驶、鲁莽驾驶、呼气酒精超标、拒捕、入店行窃、不为警察停车、不向警察提供信息、不保持停车状态和持有改装工具。

He was arrested after a dramatic police chase through Taupō.

Stuff reported in 2019 that Mckinley had more than 100 convictions.
Stuff 在 2019 年报道称,麦金莱有 100 多项定罪。

Police asked anyone who sees Mckinley or has information on his whereabouts to call police on 111.

Information can also be provided anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
也可以通过 0800 555 111 的 Crime Stoppers 匿名提供信息。

来源:NZ Herald

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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