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对政府未采取干预措施挽救温斯顿纸浆厂 230 个工作岗位感到失望


Disappointment over lack of government intervention to save 230 Winstone Pulp mill jobs

There was hope the government might intervene after ministers and mill management met several times to discuss unsustainable wholesale power pricing.

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霍克湾 爱护动物协会(SPCA)发现迷你马被遗弃在杂草丛生的围场中,几个月都没有足够的水喝。


Hawke’s Bay: SPCA finds miniature horses left in overgrown paddock without enough water for months

Two women who owned them are now banned from owning horses for five years.

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捆绑与管教 女子告诉法庭掐晕人不是 BDSM

这名男子被指控掐住他在 Tinder 上认识的两名女性的脖子,直到她们昏迷。

Bondage and discipline: Woman tells court strangling someone unconscious isn’t BDSM

The man is accused of choking two women he met on Tinder until they blacked out.

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Potentially invasive seaweed discovered in Northland

It was first spotted at Tamaterau, in Whangārei Harbour.

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礼品卡过期: 议会通过法案,规定最短期限为三年


Gift card expiry: Parliament passes bill setting a minimum period of three years

All but one party supported the legislation.

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Act MP Mark Cameron delivers emotional speech in Parliament after son’s death

The MP described himself as ‘a shadow of the man that boy would have become’.

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National teases Labour over tax divisions, while referencing tax as ‘comfort food’ for the party

Chris Hipkins and David Parker are not on the same page – and National finds it funny.

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对袭击怀罗亚(Wairoa)400 户居民的洪灾进行的审查对霍克湾地区议会提出了批评,当地居民称议会工作人员 “爱答不理”、”技术官僚”。

Wairoa flood review finds council lacked plan and didn’t listen to locals

A review a flood that hit 400 homes in Wairoa has criticised Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, with locals calling council staff “patronising” and “technocratic”.

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波尔金霍恩谋杀案审判: 两名 IT 专家的冲突观点再审


Polkinghorne murder trial: Conflicting views of two IT experts revisited

The conflicting views of two IT experts have been revisited in the trial of Philip Polkinghorne.

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GovGPT: 技术部长朱迪斯-柯林斯(Judith Collins)支持在政府中推广受乌克兰启发的人工智能工具


GovGPT: Technology Minister Judith Collins supports expansion of Ukraine-inspired AI tool across government

The tool has been developed for businesses but could be expanded across the government.

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目前约有 15,000 名新西兰人患有慢性阻塞性肺病。

Thousands of Kiwis who suffer from COPD to benefit from newly funded medicine

Around 15,000 New Zealanders currently suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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怀卡托车祸: 一人死亡,罗托鲁瓦和蒂劳之间的 5 号国道关闭

警方报告称,SH5 公路因交通事故关闭,造成一人死亡,三人重伤。

Waikato crash: One dead, SH5 closed between Rotorua and Tīrau

Police report one fatality and three people seriously injured as SH5 smash shuts road.

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Philip Polkinghorne murder trial live updates: Juror discharged for personal reason

The Remuera eye surgeon is accused of strangling his wife, Pauline Hanna.

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Breast Cancer Foundation’s Pink Campervan visiting Far North

North folk to get free breast cancer advice from Pink Caravan.

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X account posing as an ‘MFAT insider’ likely a disgruntled former employee – minister

Speaking to reporters this afternoon, Winston Peters confirmed he had been briefed about it.

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该男子将于 10 月在泰晤士地区法院出庭受审。

Man charged with owning two dogs who mauled a woman

The man is due to appear in Thames District Court in October.

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Christchurch terror attacks: Inquest into shooter’s firearms licence to begin next month

The inquest begins on 7 October.

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Wellington high schooler has charge over alleged attack changed

The 16-year-old now faces a charge of wounding with reckless disregard for the safety of the complainant following a July incident.

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ACC 建议提高征税以资助未来的工伤费用


ACC proposes rises in levies to fund future injury costs

It says the number of injuries has been rising, as has the cost of treating them and rehabilitation.

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West Coast’s worst kept secret: Don’t mention the ‘A’ word

The possibility of council amalgamation on the West Coast – otherwise known as local government reform – has surfaced publicly this week at council meeting.

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‘Bitter disappointment’: Iwi, councils rally around mill workers

Ngāti Rangi says the community has drawn together, the iwi had fought to find a way to keep the mills going.

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Philip Polkinghorne murder trial live updates: Trial resumes late after haunting surprise email

The Remuera eye surgeon is accused of strangling his wife, Pauline Hanna.

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Gardenia Cinnamon Te Kani named as fatal crash victim near Gisborne

Police have named the person who died following a crash near Gisborne last week.

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艾玛-菲尔德谋杀案审判: 其伴侣利-比尔(Leigh Beer)被判终身监禁

陪审团于今年 6 月裁定他谋杀、纵火和故意伤害罪名成立。

Emma Field murder trial: Partner Leigh Beer jailed for life

A jury found him guilty of murder, arson and assault with intent to injure in June.

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《条约原则法案》: 官员建议政府不要重新定义原则

司法部告诉联盟,该法案没有 “条约依据”,也没有证据支持。

Treaty Principles Bill: Officials advise government against redefining principles

The Ministry of Justice told the coalition the bill wasn’t “grounded in the Treaty” and isn’t supported by evidence.

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北部谷仓发现 120 辆老爷车、飞机和机械

Classic car lovers’ dream – Far North barn find wows auctioneer

Northland barn find uncovers 120 classic cars, planes and machinery

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工厂关闭: 地区发展部长谢恩-琼斯(Shane Jones)在会见日本大使后警告将有更多工厂关闭


Mill closures: Regional Development Minister Shane Jones warns of further closures after meeting Japanese ambassador

Regional Development Minister says foreign investors warned.

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警方继续呼吁居民在 8 岁儿童遇害后寻找衣服

警方希望了解 8 岁的扎赫奎尔-泰佩蒂(Zahquiel Taipeti)遇害的汉密尔顿街上任何居民的情况。

Police continue to appeal to residents in search of clothes after 8-year-old killed

Police want to hear from any residents on Hamilton street where 8-year-old Zahquiel Taipeti was killed.

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市议会确认惠灵顿 Courtenay Place 将举办除夕街头节

届时,Courtenay Place 将关闭,为马戏表演和现场音乐表演让路。

Wellington’s Courtenay Place to host New Year’s Eve street festival, city council confirms

The event will see Courtenay Place closed to make way for circus acts and live music.

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塔拉纳基床垫谋杀案 利-比尔(Leigh Beer)因杀害伴侣艾玛-菲尔德(Emma Field)被判终身监禁

艾玛-菲尔德(Emma Field)还活着,但她的卧室着火时,她可能已经失去了知觉。

Taranaki mattress murder: Leigh Beer jailed for life for killing partner Emma Field

Emma Field was alive but likely unconscious when a fire took hold of her bedroom.

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Treaty Principles Bill: Three principles of the bill agreed on by Cabinet

The bill is currently being drafted.

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What do end-of-life doulas do?

Over the past four years, terminal ovarian cancer has been shoving Cora Torr, 61, towards life’s exit door.

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Hamilton child homicide: Police looking for white T-shirt, track pants

This is the second appeal police have made to residents of the neighbourhood.

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Briscoe Group reports positive half-year result despite profit drop

The group reported a $33 million profit but isn’t confident of hitting last year’s highs.

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乐透强力球: 一位幸运的奥克兰彩民中得 1,700 万纽币大奖

这位中奖者成为今年迄今为止第 15 位千万富翁。

Lotto Powerball: One lucky Auckland punter claims $17 million jackpot

The winner becomes the 15th multi-millionaire winner so far this year.

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US jiu-jitsu champ Chris Bower attacked in NZ, chokes out offender in cafe

He asked for help but no one came. So he took matters into his own hands.

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Questions raised over decision to play cricket test against Afghanistan

New Zealand Cricket is taking a different approach to Australia, one which involves playing and engaging with Afghanistan.

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‘Just stunned silence’: Mill closure shocks rural community

More than 200 workers are now desperately searching for jobs after Winstone Pulp confirmed it will shut the mill.

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Woman pleads guilty to charge following death of Richard Leman

Morgan Grant appeared in the High Court at Christchurch via audio-visual link, where she entered the plea.

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Wairoa flood review finds council lacked plan and didn’t listen to locals

A review a flood that hit 400 homes in Wairoa has criticised Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, with locals calling council staff “patronising” and “technocratic”.

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Northland council’s decision to abolish Māori ward goes to High Court

Ngāti Whātua iwi is calling on the High Court to overturn Kaipara District Council’s decision.

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Government denies Wellington dying as construction adds to store woes

As more businesses shut their doors, stores in part of the CBD are contending with road closures for construction work on council buildings.

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Future of NZ’s universities: Significant losses and quality assurance issues highlighted

Universities have told a government advisory group they are making significant losses on courses that spread a small number of enrolments across several institutions.

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Air NZ engine that caught fire during flight brand new, source says

The engine, which had only flown three times, caught fire on a flight to Wellington earlier this month.

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Patient harm cannot be avoided amid chronic understaffing in health sector – emergency doctor

Health professionals say understaffing in the health sector is a product of the stress and strain within the system but needs to be fixed.

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现在,对一些房主的有关健康住宅的达标规定期限已延至 2025 年 7 月 1 日,这些标准措施包括,在起居区至少有一个主要的供暖来源,以及在厨房和浴室安装排风扇。

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Rainbow crossing for Tauranga a ‘symbol of diversity and belonging’

Tauranga getting a rainbow pedestrian crossing after a six-year campaign is a sign it is “growing up”.

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Secrets of the kākāpo’s colours revealed in new research

New research shows how the flightless parrot ended up with two colour types, and why that might change.

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Most dumped areas in Auckland revealed

More than 16,000 reports of illegal dumping were received between 2023 to 2024 but some subrubs are worse than others.

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Decision time on Auckland’s shorelines

Auckland Council is developing Shoreline Adaption Plans covering 3200 kilometres of coastline, as the shores are battered by wilder weather.

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Funding for Christchurch A&P show signed off without consulting councillors

Christchurch City Council staff signed off $125,000 for this year’s Canterbury A&P show without consulting councillors.

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分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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