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Rescuers were alerted to the avalanche in the Arrowsmith Range about 12.15pm (file image). Photo: WikiCommons / Phillip Capper
题图:救援人员在下午 12 点 15 分左右接到阿罗史密斯山脉雪崩的警报(资料图片)。 照片:WikiCommons / Phillip Capper

A heliskier has been killed following an avalanche in a remote Southern Alps range.

Rescuers were alerted to the avalanche in the Arrowsmith Range about 12.15pm.
救援人员在下午 12 点 15 分左右接到阿罗史密斯山脉雪崩的警报。

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Rescue Helicopter pilot Dan McPherson said a group was heliskiing on the mountain when the avalanche struck.
救援直升机飞行员丹·麦克弗森 (Dan McPherson) 表示,雪崩发生时,一群人正在山上进行直升机滑雪。

One person was trapped in the snow, he said.

A police spokesperson confirmed one person had died.

“One person was trapped in the avalanche and was in a critical condition when recovered at around 1pm. Tragically they died a short time later.”
“一人被困在雪崩中,下午 1 点左右被发现时情况危急。不幸的是,他们不久后就去世了。

The rest of the group was accounted for.

McPherson said no one else was injured.

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“Details of the deceased cannot be provided until all necessary next of kin notifications have taken place,” a police statement said.

A map showing Arrowsmith Range.

Arrowsmith Range. Photo: Google Maps
阿罗史密斯山脉。 照片:谷歌地图


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A four-person GCH Aviation helicopter crew was sent to the scene and Hato Hone St John sent a helicopter.
一个由四人组成的 GCH Aviation 直升机机组人员被派往现场,Hato Hone St John 派出了一架直升机。

Nearby areas were under a considerable avalanche risk advisory, though Mt Arrowsmith was not.
附近地区处于相当大的雪崩风险警告之下,尽管 Mt Arrowsmith 没有。

The NZ Mountain Safety Council (MSC) said it was aware of a possible avalanche but had no further details.
新西兰山地安全委员会 (MSC) 表示,它知道可能发生雪崩,但没有进一步的细节。

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分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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