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PM Christopher Luxon addressing media on Saturday 31 August, 2024, outside Tuurangawaewae Marae, after visiting to pay his respects after the death of the Kiingi Tuheitia. Photo: RNZ/ Layla Bailey-McDowell
题图:2024 年 8 月 31 日星期六,总理克里斯托弗·卢克森 (Christopher Luxon) 在 Kiingi Tuheitia 去世后,在 Tuurangawaewae Marae 外向媒体发表讲话。 照片:RNZ/ Layla Bailey-McDowell

Profits the Prime Minster will make from property sales highlight the unfairness of New Zealand’s tax system, opposition parties say.

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Christopher Luxon recently sold two properties, making a profit on those sales which is exempt from tax.
Christopher Luxon 最近出售了两处房产,从这些房产中赚取了免税利润。

After taking office, the Prime Minister stayed in his central Wellington apartment while Premier House was refurbished. He moved into Premier House over the weekend.

Luxon bought the apartment for $795,000 in 2020. According to1 News, the apartment was recently sold for $975,000 (the sale is yet to be settled).
卢克森于 2020 年以 79.5 万纽币的价格买下了这套公寓。据 1 News 报道,该公寓最近以 97.5 万纽币的价格售出(买卖尚未结算)。

Luxon would have had to pay a form of capital gains tax under the bright-line test – if the government had not changed the rules.

The bright-line test taxes gains made on a property other than the family home, if it is sold within a certain time period.

As Luxon bought the apartment after the previous government introduced the five-year bright-line test, and sold it within those five years, he would have had to pay tax on the capital gains under the previous rules.

Labour further extended the test to ten years in 2021, but the current government has reduced the bright-line test down to two years, so Luxon is exempt.
工党在 2021 年进一步将测试延长至 10 年,但现任政府已将明线测试缩短至两年,因此卢克森被豁免。

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Furthermore, the new two-year test came in on 1 July, meaning Luxon has only narrowly avoided having to pay the tax.
此外,新的两年测试于 7 月 1 日开始,这意味着 卢克森只是勉强避免了必须缴纳税款。

He has also sold an investment property in the Auckland suburb of Onehunga. He purchased the property in 2015 for $650,000 and according to1 News has sold it for $930,000. Because of when Luxon bought the property, it would have been exempt from all forms of the bright-line test.
他还出售了位于奥克兰郊区 Onehunga 的一处投资房产。他于 2015 年以 65 万纽币的价格购买了这处房产,据 1 News 报道,他已以 93 万纽币的价格出售了这处房产。由于卢克森购买该房产的时间,该房产可免于各种形式的明线测试。

It was unlikely Luxon would have made the complete difference as profit, given money spent on renovations and agent fees, although some of these expenses would have been deductible.

The prime minister’s office said the management of the Luxons’ properties were private matters, and unrelated to Luxon’s capacity as prime minister.

Luxon himself has defended the sales and the profit he has made, telling Newstalk ZB he expected the criticism.
卢克森本人为他所获得的销售和利润进行了辩护,他告诉 Newstalk ZB,他预料到了这些批评。

“As I said from my first day in politics, I’m a kid whose parents left school at 16, I went to university, did well in the world, successful, I get it. And I’ve chosen to come into politics because I want to add back to New Zealand,” he said.
“正如我从政的第一天起就说的,我是一个父母 16 岁辍学的孩子,我上了大学,在世界上表现良好,成功了,我明白了。我选择从政是因为我想回馈新西兰,“他说。

“If we’re going to criticise people for being successful, let’s be clear, I’m wealthy.”

Last week, he also criticised ANZ’s chief executive Antonia Watson for suggesting it was time for a capital gains tax.
上周,他还批评了澳新银行首席执行官安东尼娅·沃森(Antonia Watson),因为她暗示现在是征收资本利得税的时候了。

Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick said the property sales and Luxon’s criticism of Watson had put the debate around a capital gains tax back in the spotlight.
绿党联合领袖 Chlöe Swarbrick 表示,房地产销售和 Luxon 对 Watson 的批评使围绕资本利得税的辩论重新成为人们关注的焦点。

“Income is income. If somebody makes their money by working, they pay tax. But under our current economic settings, if somebody makes their money speculating on property, they don’t,” she said.

“The irony of capital gains on property isn’t because of some genius of the speculator, but because of the investment that everybody else, taxpayers, are making in the surrounding infrastructure, and as a result of manufactured scarcity resulting in our housing crisis.”


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Swarbrick acknowledged Parliament was part of the property-owning class. According to the 2024 Pecuniary Interests register, only six MPs said they did not own a home, while about half reported owning more than one. Luxon also owns two residential properties and three other investment properties in Auckland.
斯沃布里克承认议会是拥有房产阶层的一部分。根据《2024 年金钱利益登记册》,只有六名议员表示自己没有住房,而大约一半的议员表示拥有不止一套住房。卢克森在奥克兰还拥有两处住宅物业和另外三处投资物业。

“I think that there are really due questions about the fact that politicians certainly continue to pass laws which benefit them and everybody else in the upper echelons of our society and our economy.”

Labour’s deputy leader Carmel Sepuloni told Morning Report the Prime Minister was making a huge capital gain off his property, while knowing there was appetite for a discussion around tax.
工党副领袖卡梅尔·塞普洛尼 (Carmel Sepuloni) 告诉晨报,总理正在从他的财产中获得巨大的资本收益,同时知道人们有兴趣围绕税收进行讨论。

“He keeps shutting down the conversation with respect to a capital gains tax, and then here is is making huge capital gain himself. I feel like he is conflicted,” she said.

Sepuloni believed New Zealanders were more open to discussing the option than when Labour floated it in the past

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“We’ve got future pressures on the horizon, whether it be infrastructure, our ageing population, our workforce needs, and all of those things are going to cost money and we don’t necessarily have the revenue stream to be able to pay for them. So I think there is much more of an appetite to at least have the conversation,” she said.

However, the government was not budging on the matter.

“The Prime Minister has been clear on his position on new taxes. A capital gains tax, which the Labour Party wants, would stifle investment. As a government, we’re trying to attract more investment, not discourage it,” a spokesperson from his office said.


分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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