(双语)新西兰华人社区庆祝中华人民共和国成立 75 周年


Chinese communities in New Zealand celebrate 75th founding anniversary of PRC

Chinese communities in New Zealand celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China with a series of events in New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, on Sept. 29, 2024.(Xinhua/Sun Xueliang)
题图:2024 年 9 月 29 日,新西兰华人社区在新西兰最大的城市奥克兰举行了一系列活动,庆祝中华人民共和国成立 75 周年。(新华社/孙学良)

The China National Day celebrations is a long-standing annual activity held by the Auckland Chinese Community Center in New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, with a special flag-raising ceremony that started in 2014.
【澳纽网编译】中国国庆庆典是新西兰最大城市奥克兰的屋伦华侨会所举办的年度活动,其特别的升旗仪式始于 2014 年。

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Sept. 30 (Xinhua)– Chinese communities in New Zealand celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with a national flag-raising ceremony, lion dances, speeches, culture entertainment and refreshments in New Zealand’s largest city Auckland and the country’s capital Wellington on Sunday.
新华社新西兰奥克兰9月30日电 新西兰华人社区周日在新西兰最大城市奥克兰和首都惠灵顿举行升国旗仪式、舞狮表演、演讲、文化娱乐和茶点活动,庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年。

The China National Day celebrations is a long-standing annual activity held by the Auckland Chinese Community Center (ACCC), with a special flag-raising ceremony that started in 2014. At the flag-raising ceremony on Sunday, national anthems of the PRC and New Zealand were sung during the rising of national flags of the two countries. Several hundred people, most of them Chinese New Zealanders, attended the celebration.
中国国庆庆典是屋伦华侨会所(ACCC) 举办的年度活动,其特别的升旗仪式始于 2014 年。在周日的升旗仪式上,在两国国旗升起时,人们高唱中华人民共和国和新西兰的国歌。数百人参加了庆祝活动,其中大多数是新西兰华人。

Chinese communities in New Zealand celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China with a series of events in New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, on Sept. 29, 2024.  (Xinhua/Sun Xueliang)
2024 年 9 月 29 日,新西兰华人社区在新西兰最大的城市奥克兰举行了一系列活动,庆祝中华人民共和国成立 75 周年。(新华社/孙学良)

ACCC Chairmen David Tai said in his opening remarks that China’s National Day is important to ACCC members.
ACCC 主席戴大伟在开幕词中表示,中国国庆节对 ACCC 成员很重要。

“We celebrate this day by the raising of the flags of New Zealand and China, the two countries most dear to us. This flag ceremony symbolizes our desire for our original and adopted homelands to work harmoniously together towards mutual success and prosperity,” said Tai. “Our members are proud to be Chinese and have been impressed by how China has developed over the 75 years to become one of the most modern and powerful countries in the world.”
“我们通过升起新西兰和中国的国旗来庆祝这一天,这两个国家是我们最珍视的国家。这个升旗仪式象征着我们希望我们的祖籍国和居住国的和谐地合作,以实现共同的成功和繁荣,“戴说。“我们的会员为自己是中国人而感到自豪,中国在过去 75 年里如何发展成为世界上最现代化、最强大的国家之一,这给我们留下了深刻的印象。”

Chinese Ambassador to New Zealand Wang Xiaolong acknowledged Chinese immigrants’ role in bridging the friendship between the two countries.

“China and New Zealand enjoy long-standing friendship as the engagement between our two peoples dates back far earlier than our diplomatic relations. The first Chinese set their foot on Aotearoa soil more than 180 years ago. New Zealand is now the second hometown of over 250,000 Chinese immigrants who make remarkable contributions to local economic and social development. They are also uniquely placed to serve as important bridges of friendship between the two countries,” said Wang.
“中国和新西兰有着悠久的友谊,因为我们两国人民之间的接触可以追溯到我们的外交关系之前。180 多年前,第一批中国人踏上了新西兰的土地。新西兰现在是超过 250,000 名中国移民的第二故乡,他们为当地经济和社会发展做出了卓越贡献。他们也具有独特的优势,可以成为两国之间重要的友谊桥梁,“王说。

“This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and New Zealand. Over the past 10 years, despite profound changes in the international landscape, dialogue and cooperation for win-win results has been the mainstream of our bilateral relations, bringing tangible benefits to our two peoples,” the ambassador said.

Chinese communities in New Zealand celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China with a series of events in New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, on Sept. 29, 2024. (Xinhua/Sun Xueliang)
2024 年 9 月 29 日,新西兰华人社区在新西兰最大的城市奥克兰举行了一系列活动,庆祝中华人民共和国成立 75 周年。(新华社/孙学良)

China regards New Zealand as a good friend and important partner, and stands ready to work with the New Zealand side to take the 10th anniversary as a new starting point, follow through on the important consensus reached by the leaders, enhance practical cooperation anchored in common interest, reserve differences via constructive dialogue, promote mutual understanding and affinity through mutual exchanges, so as to take our relationship to the next level and further benefit both peoples, Wang added.
中方视新西兰为好朋友、好伙伴,愿同新方一道,以升旗十周年为新起点,落实好领导人达成的重要共识,加强以共同利益为基础的务实合作,通过建设性对话保留分歧,通过相互交流增进相互了解和亲和力。 以便将我们的关系提升到一个新的水平,并进一步造福两国人民,王补充说。

New Zealand Minister for Ethnic Communities and Economic Development Melissa Lee acknowledged China’s development, Chinese immigrants’ contribution to New Zealand society and bilateral relations in her speech.

“We’ve gathered to mark the significant milestone for the People’s Republic of China and recognize its success over the past 75 years. China is an important partner to New Zealand ever since New Zealand’s first recorded Chinese settler. The Chinese diaspora has made invaluable social, cultural and economic contributions to this country,” said Lee.
“我们齐聚一堂,纪念中华人民共和国的重要里程碑,并表彰其在过去 75 年中取得的成功。自从新西兰第一个有记录的中国定居者以来,中国一直是新西兰的重要合作伙伴。华人华侨为这个国家做出了宝贵的社会、文化和经济贡献,“李说。

“China’s role in New Zealand’s trade aspiration is undeniable. China has been New Zealand’s largest trading partner since 2017 and accounted for more than one-fifth of our total goods and services exported last year. With the (New Zealand) government aiming to double the value of its exports over the next 10 years, China will continue to be a key partner,” added Lee.
“中国在新西兰的贸易抱负中的作用是不可否认的。自 2017 年以来,中国一直是新西兰最大的贸易伙伴,占我们去年商品和服务出口总额的五分之一以上。随着(新西兰)政府的目标是在未来 10 年内将其出口价值翻一番,中国将继续成为重要的合作伙伴,“李补充道。

Auckland Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson echoed the keynote speakers on bilateral relations and the Chinese community’s contribution.
奥克兰副市长 Desley Simpson 回应了主旨演讲者关于双边关系和华人社区贡献的内容。

“China’s rich culture, economic strength, and global influence continue to shape the world, and we are privileged to share our journey together. Today, we not only celebrate China’s progress and achievements, we also take a moment to honor the lasting friendship between China and New Zealand,” said Simpson.

Chinese communities in New Zealand hold a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, on Sept. 29, 2024. (Xinhua/Sun Xueliang)
2024 年 9 月 29 日,新西兰华人社区在新西兰最大城市奥克兰举行庆祝中华人民共和国成立 75 周年的升旗仪式。(新华社/孙学良)

Chinese communities in the country’s capital Wellington also gathered on Sunday evening to mark the 75th anniversary of the PRC’s founding. The event was attended by nearly 200 guests, including Chinese ambassador Wang, Assistant Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives Greg O’Connor, Wellington city councilors, representatives of the Chinese community and the China-New Zealand Friendship Association.
周日晚上,该国首都惠灵顿的华人社区也聚集在一起,庆祝中华人民共和国成立 75 周年。中国驻新西兰大使王小龙、新西兰众议院助理议长格雷格·奥康纳(Greg O’Connor)、惠灵顿市议员、华人社区代表和中新友好协会代表等近200名嘉宾出席了此次活动。

Lion dance, Chinese folk musical instrument performance and Chinese folk song and dance were staged at Sunday’s celebrations. Chinese food and refreshments added a joyful, festive mood to this special occasion.

Source: Xinhua 来源:新华社


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