(双语)伊朗向以色列发射了 181 枚导弹; 总理:他们犯了一个“大错误”,并且“会为此付出代价”

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题图:2024 年 10 月 1 日,伊朗对以色列发动导弹袭击。(视频截图)

IAF, along with US and Jordan, intercept most of the projectiles; 1 Palestinian killed, 2 Israelis hurt; IDF says no harm to ‘competence’ of Air Force as some missiles target bases
以色列空军与美国和约旦一起拦截了大部分导弹;1 名巴勒斯坦人死亡,2 名以色列人受伤;以色列国防军表示,空军的“能力”没有损害,而一些导弹以基地为目标。

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Iran fired a massive salvo of ballistic missiles at Israel on Tuesday night, sending almost 10 million people into bomb shelters as projectiles and interceptors exploded in the skies above.
周二晚上,伊朗向以色列发射了一枚大规模的弹道导弹齐射,随着弹丸和拦截器在天空中爆炸,近 1000 万人进入防空洞。

Soon after the attack, which was largely unsuccessful, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Tehran that it had made “a big mistake” and “will pay for it.”
袭击基本上没有成功,在袭击发生后不久,总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)警告德黑兰,它犯了“一个大错误”,并且“将为此付出代价”。

Some 181 missiles were launched in the strike, according to Israeli officials. The Israel Defense Forces said that it intercepted “a large number” of them.
据以色列官员称,这次袭击发射了大约 181 枚导弹。以色列国防军表示,“大量”导弹被拦截了。

One Palestinian in the West Bank was reported killed and two Israelis were injured by falling shrapnel and debris that had caused damage and started fires in the area.

Explosions could be heard across much of Israel, from Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley. Reporters on state television lay flat on the ground during live broadcasts.

One rocket impacted a school in Gadera, in central Israel, and photos and videos from the scene showed severe damage to the school building, although nobody was injured. Maj. Gen. Rafi Milo, the Home Front Command chief, visited the site of the impact alongside first responders.
一枚火箭弹击中了以色列中部加德拉的一所学校,现场照片和视频显示,学校建筑遭到严重破坏,但没有人受伤。内政前线司令部司令拉菲·米洛 (Rafi Milo) 少将与急救人员一起访问了撞击现场。

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Israelis take cover inside a bomb shelter in central Israel during an Iranian missile attack, October 1, 2024. (Dor Pazuelo/Flash90)
2024 年 10 月 1 日,伊朗导弹袭击期间,以色列人躲在以色列中部的一个防空洞内。(多尔·帕苏埃洛/Flash90)

Israel’s air defenses were “effective,” the IDF said. The US also participated in the defense of Israel, both by detecting the threat from Iran ahead of time and intercepting some of the missiles, according to the military.

The IDF said there were “isolated” impacts in central Israel and several more impacts in southern Israel. It emphasized that there was no damage to the “competence” of the Israeli Air Force in the attack, and said the IAF’s planes, air defenses, and air traffic control were operating normally.

People take cover on the side of the road as a siren sounds a warning of incoming missiles from Iran on a freeway in Shoresh, Oct. 1, 2024. (AP/Ohad Zwigenberg)
2024 年 10 月 1 日,肖尔什的一条高速公路上,当警报声响起伊朗导弹来袭时,人们躲在路边。(美联社/Ohad Zwigenberg)


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At a security cabinet meeting in a secure bunker near Jerusalem in the aftermath of the attack, Netanyahu warned that Tehran had made a “big mistake tonight” and vowed that “it will pay for it.”

The strike on Israel had “failed,” he said, and was “thwarted thanks to Israel’s air defense system, which is the most advanced in the world.”

He thanked the US for its support as well.

Image taken from video shows missiles fired from Iran being intercepted over Jerusalem, Oct. 1, 2024. (AP)
视频中的图像显示,2024 年 10 月 1 日,伊朗发射的导弹在耶路撒冷上空被拦截。(美联社)

“The regime in Iran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and our determination to retaliate against our enemies,” said Netanyahu. “[Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar and [top Hamas military commander Mohammed] Deif did not understand this, [Hezbollah leader Hassan] Nasrallah and [Hezbollah chief of staff Fuad] Shukr did not understand this, and there are probably those in Tehran who do not understand this.”

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“They will understand,” he threatened, stressing that “whoever attacks us — we will attack him.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes a statement to the public following an Iranian ballistic missile attack on Israel, October 1, 2024. (Avi Ohayon/GPO)
2024 年 10 月 1 日,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡在伊朗弹道导弹袭击以色列后向公众发表声明。(阿维·奥哈扬/GPO)

He added that this had been the case wherever Israel fights “the axis of evil” — in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iran.

Calling for “the forces of light in the world” to unite against Tehran, the premier urged them to “stand by Israel.”

“The choice has never been clearer between tyranny and freedom, between blessing and curse,” he said.

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“Israel is on the move, and the axis of evil is retreating,” Netanyahu insisted. “We will do everything necessary to continue this trend, to achieve all the goals of the war, primarily the return of all our hostages, and to ensure our existence and our future.”

Iran said it fired the missiles into Israel in retaliation for attacks that killed leaders of Hezbollah, Hamas and the Iranian military. It referenced Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Revolutionary Guard Gen. Abbas Nilforushan, both killed in an Israeli airstrike last week in Beirut. It also mentioned Ismail Haniyeh, a top leader in Hamas who was assassinated in Tehran in a suspected Israeli attack in July.
伊朗表示,它向以色列发射导弹是为了报复导致真主党、哈马斯和伊朗军队领导人死亡的袭击。它提到了真主党领导人哈桑·纳斯鲁拉(Hassan Nasrallah)和革命卫队将军阿巴斯·尼尔福鲁尚(Abbas Nilforushan),他们上周在贝鲁特的以色列空袭中丧生。它还提到了哈马斯最高领导人伊斯梅尔·哈尼耶 (Ismail Haniyeh),他于 7 月在德黑兰的一次疑似以色列袭击中被暗杀。


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Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said they targeted three military bases.

Israeli police work at a damaged school building that was hit by missiles fired from Iran in Gedera, Oct. 1, 2024. (AP/Tsafrir Abayov)
2024 年 10 月 1 日,以色列警察在盖德拉 (Gedera) 一座被伊朗发射的导弹击中的受损校舍工作。(美联社/Tsafrir Abayov)

A senior Iranian official told Reuters the order to launch missiles at Israel had been made by the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Khamenei remains in a secure location, the senior official added.
一名伊朗高级官员告诉路透社,向以色列发射导弹的命令是由该国最高领袖阿亚图拉·阿里·哈梅内伊 (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) 下达的。这位高级官员补充说,哈梅内伊仍然在一个安全的地方。

A previous attack using 300 missiles and drones in April — the first ever direct Iranian on Israel — was thwarted with the help of the US military and other allies. Israel responded at the time with airstrikes in Iran, but wider escalation was averted.
此前在 4 月使用了 300 枚导弹和无人机发动的袭击——这是伊朗有史以来第一次直接针对以色列——在美国军方和其他盟友的帮助下被挫败。以色列当时以空袭伊朗作为回应,但避免了更广泛的升级。

US President Joe Biden speaks during a briefing on the government’s response to Hurricane Helene in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, as Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, left, and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, right, look on. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
2024 年 10 月 1 日星期二,美国总统乔·拜登在华盛顿白宫罗斯福厅举行的政府应对飓风海伦通报会上发表讲话,交通部长皮特·布蒂吉格(左)和国土安全部长亚历杭德罗·马约卡斯(右)在一旁观看。(美联社照片/Mark Schiefelbein)

US President Joe Biden directed the US military to aid Israel’s defense against the Iranian attacks and shoot down missiles that are targeting Israel, the White House said.

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Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris monitored the attack from the White House Situation Room, said the statement.
声明说,拜登和副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)在白宫战情室(White House Situation Room)监视了这次袭击。

A Palestinian from Gaza was reported killed by shrapnel in Jericho in the West Bank.

While only two people were reportedly lightly wounded in Israel proper from shrapnel, videos and photos circulating on social media showed a number of craters caused by impacts.

Members of Israel’s Home Front Command and police forces inspect a crater left by a Iranian missle at a heavily-damaged school building in southern Israel on October 1, 2024. (Menahem KAHANA / AFP)
2024 年 10 月 1 日,以色列内政前线司令部和警察部队成员检查伊朗导弹在以色列南部一座严重受损的学校建筑上留下的弹坑。(梅纳海姆·卡哈纳 / 法新社)

Shortly after midnight, the IDF Home Front Command announced that it was easing restrictions in central Israel, the Jerusalem area, and some parts of northern Israel following the attack.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters earlier in the night that the IAF “continues to operate at full capacity, and tonight will also continue to strike powerfully in the Middle East, as has been the case for the past year.”
以色列国防军发言人丹尼尔·哈加里 (Daniel Hagari) 少将在当晚早些时候告诉记者,以色列空军“继续满负荷运作,今晚也将继续对中东进行强力打击,就像过去一年的情况一样。

“The Israeli and US air defense systems operated effectively. There was close cooperation in detection and interception,” he said.

An anti-missile system fires interceptors at missiles fired from Iran, as seen in the West Bank on October 1, 2024. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90)
2024 年 10 月 1 日,约旦河西岸的反导系统向从伊朗发射的导弹发射拦截器。(维萨姆·哈什拉穆恩/Flash90)


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“We are still investigating [the result of the attack] and do not want to give the enemy all the information,” Hagari said.
“我们仍在调查 [袭击结果],不想向敌人提供所有信息,”哈加里说。

“Iran carried out a serious act tonight and is pushing the Middle East to an escalation. We will act at the place and time of our choosing, in accordance with the guidance of the political echelon,” he continued.

“Tonight’s event will have consequences.”

Israelis take cover inside a bomb shelter at the Ben Gurion airport as a siren alert is sounded amid an Iranian missile attack in Tel Aviv, October 1, 2024. (Dor Pazuelo/Flash90)
2024 年 10 月 1 日,特拉维夫,伊朗导弹袭击拉响警报,以色列人在本古里安机场的防空洞内躲藏。(多尔·帕苏埃洛/Flash90)

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, however, said that if Israel retaliated Tehran’s response would be “more crushing and ruinous.”
然而,伊朗革命卫队表示,如果以色列进行报复,德黑兰的反应将是 “更加残酷和毁灭性的”。

American forces are ready to provide “additional defensive support” to Israel after helping protect it during an Iranian missile attack, a US defense official said.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterated the US’s commitment to Israel’s safety in a call with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in the aftermath of the attack, Pentagon spokesperson Pat Ryder said during a briefing.
五角大楼发言人帕特·莱德(Pat Ryder)在一次简报会上表示,美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)在袭击发生后与国防部长约阿夫·加兰特(Yoav Gallant)通电话时重申了美国对以色列安全的承诺。

Austin reaffirmed the US’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s defense and stressed that the US remains well-postured in the Middle East to defend American assets and to defend Israel.

Ryder also told reporters that Iran launched about twice as many ballistic missiles on Tuesday as it did in its previous direct attack on Israel in April.
莱德还告诉记者,伊朗周二发射的弹道导弹数量大约是其 4 月份对以色列的上一次直接攻击的两倍。

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Jordan’s Public Security Directorate said its air defenses intercepted missiles and drones as Iran attacked Israel, just as it had done in April.
约旦公共安全局表示,在伊朗袭击以色列时,其防空系统拦截了导弹和无人机,就像 4 月份所做的那样。

“The Royal Jordanian Air Force and air defense systems responded to a number of missiles and drones that entered Jordanian airspace,” a statement said.

There was widespread international condemnation of the strikes.

Hamas praised Iran’s missile attack, saying it was in revenge for the killings of Hamas leader Haniyeh and Hezbollah chief Nasrallah.

“The Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] blesses the heroic rocket launches carried out by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iran against wide areas of our occupied lands,” a statement said, adding it was “in revenge for the blood of our heroic martyrs.”
“伊斯兰抵抗运动 [哈马斯] 祝福伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队 (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) 对我们占领区的大片地区进行的英勇火箭发射,”一份声明说,并补充说这是“为了报复我们英勇烈士的鲜血”。

Israeli air defense system fires to intercept missiles launched from Iran over Hadera, Oct. 1, 2024. (AP/Ariel Schalit)
以色列防空系统开火拦截哈德拉岛上空从伊朗发射的导弹。2024 年 10 月 1 日。(美联社/Ariel Schalit)

Iran-backed Iraqi militias said that if the US took part in “any hostile action” against Iran, then American interests in the region would be under threat.

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The statement from the group calling itself the Coordination Committee for the Iraqi Resistance also warned Israel against using Iraqi airspace to retaliate against Iran, saying “all American bases and interests in Iraq and the region will be our target.”
该组织自称伊拉克抵抗运动协调委员会(Coordination Committee for the Iraqi Resistance),该组织的声明还警告以色列不要利用伊拉克领空对伊朗进行报复,称“美国在伊拉克和该地区的所有基地和利益都将成为我们的目标”。

The Iranian attack came after the IDF launched a limited ground incursion into southern Lebanon overnight Monday-Tuesday.

Israeli armored vehicles seen in a staging area in northern Israel near the Israel-Lebanon border, October 1, 2024. (AP/Baz Ratner)
2024 年 10 月 1 日,以色列装甲车在以色列北部靠近以色列-黎巴嫩边境的集结区。(美联社/Baz Ratner)

Amid the US warnings of the imminent Iranian attack, received by Israel earlier in the day,  Netanyahu spoke of “days of great challenges” ahead. In a video statement, he urged unity in Israel, and asked the public to follow the instructions of the Home Front Command.

Iran did not give the United States prior notice of its attack on Israel, Iran’s mission to the United Nations in New York said.

Earlier in the evening, the Home Front Command had issued instructions to residents of the central area of Israel, known as Gush Dan, warning them to remain “nearby” a bomb shelter or other protected area until further notice, following reports of an imminent Iranian attack.
傍晚早些时候,内政前线司令部向以色列中部地区 Gush Dan 的居民发出指示,警告他们留在防空洞或其他保护区“附近”,直到有报道称伊朗即将发动袭击。

Three Israeli officials quoted anonymously by The New York Times said that Iran would likely target three military air bases, and “an intelligence headquarters north of Tel Aviv,” which it said has been evacuated.

The US embassy in Jerusalem issued a security warning telling its employees and their families “to shelter in place until further notice.”

Earlier, the Pentagon said the US was boosting its forces in the Middle East by a “few thousand” troops, by bringing in new units while extending others that are already there.

“A certain number of units already deployed to the Middle East region… will be extended, and the forces due to rotate into theater to replace them will now instead augment” those that are already there, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told journalists on Monday.
“已经部署到中东地区的一定数量的部队……将得到扩展,而原定轮换到战区以取代他们的部队现在将增加“那些已经在那里的部队,”五角大楼副新闻秘书萨布丽娜·辛格 (Sabrina Singh) 周一告诉记者。

In this photo released by the US Navy, the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge and the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge sail in formation as part of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group in the Arabian Sea. (Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Brian M. Wilbur, U.S. Navy via AP)
在美国海军发布的这张照片中,两栖攻击舰 USS Kearsarge 和阿利伯克级导弹驱逐舰 USS Bainbridge 作为美国海军亚伯拉罕·林肯号航空母舰打击群的一部分在阿拉伯海编队航行。(大众传播专家 1 级 Brian M. Wilbur,美国海军,通过美联社)

“These augmented forces include F-16, F-15E, A-10, F-22 fighter aircraft and associated personnel,” Singh said, later adding that there will be “an additional few thousand” personnel in the region as a result.
“这些增强的力量包括 F-16、F-15E、A-10、F-22 战斗机和相关人员,”辛格说,后来补充说,因此该地区将有“额外的几千名”人员。

The US Central Command announced Tuesday that three additional squadrons of warplanes were arriving in the region, while one was already present.

Agencies contributed to this report. 


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