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Charges laid against agent who allegedly used migrant’s name to claim asylum benefit

The Ministry for Social Development has pressed multiple charges against an agent who allegedly used a migrant workers’ details to fraudulently obtain thousands of dollars of asylum seekers benefit.
【澳纽网编译】社会发展部(Ministry for Social Development)已对一名中介提出多项指控,该代理人涉嫌利用一名移民工人的详细信息,以欺诈方式获得数千纽币的寻求庇护者福利。

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In July, Chinese worker Xueshui Chi complained to the Ministry for Social Development (MSD) and Immigration New Zealand (INZ) about an agent who took his passport and personal documents under the pretence of offering recruitment and visa services.
7 月,中国工人Xueshui Chi 向新西兰社会发展部 (MSD) 和新西兰移民局 (INZ) 投诉一名中介以提供招聘和签证服务为借口拿走了他的护照和个人文件

Chi met the agent – who goes by the WeChat ID “nzworker” – in the middle of 2023, but it was not until June this year that he saw IRD records showing that he had more than $17,000 of income in MSD benefits – money that Chi had never received.
Chi 在 2023 年年中遇到了这位微信 ID 为“nzworker”的代理人,但直到今年 6 月,他才看到 IRD 记录显示他在 MSD 福利中拥有超过 17,000 纽币的收入——这是 Chi 从未收到过的钱。

Chi said he had no idea about any asylum-related applications, and was accompanied by the agent in multiple meetings which he was told were job interviews.

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MSD’s general manager of service support George van Ooyen said initial charges were laid on 19 August.
MSD 服务支持总经理 George van Ooyen 表示,初始提告已于 8 月 19 日提出。

He said the defendant was due for a first appearance on 21 August, but did not appear.
他说,被告原定于 8 月 21 日首次出庭,但没有出现。

There was a warrant for their arrest, he said.

MSD said enquiries are ongoing and they are unable to say at this stage how many charges have been laid so far.
MSD 表示,调查正在进行中,他们现阶段无法说到目前为止已经提出了多少指控。

INZ earlier told RNZ they were assessing Chi’s complaint, however, they were unable to confirm whether they were investigating the matter.
INZ 早些时候告诉 RNZ,他们正在评估 Chi 的投诉,但是,他们无法确认他们是否正在调查此事。

“To protect the integrity of our processes, we can’t make any further comment on this,” an INZ spokesperson said in a statement.

来源:RNZ 记者Lucy Xia

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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