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More than 290,000 individuals claimed Indian heritage in the 2023 census. Photo: RNZ / ZIMING LI
题图:在 2023 年的人口普查中,超过 290,000 人声称自己是印度血统。 摄影:RNZ / ZIMING LI

Census data reveals the Indian population has leapfrogged the Chinese community to become the third-largest ethnic group in New Zealand.

A total of 292,092 people in the country identified as a member of the Indian community in the 2023 Census, an increase of 22 percent since 2018.
在 2023 年人口普查中,该国共有 292,092 人被确定为印度社区成员,自 2018 年以来增加了 22%。

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The New Zealand European ethnic group remained the largest, with a population of 3,099,858, followed by Māori with 887,493.
新西兰欧洲族群仍然是最大的族群,人口为 3,099,858 人,其次是毛利人,有 887,493 人。

The Chinese population, now the fourth largest, had 279,039 people.
中国人口目前排名第四,有 279,039 人。

The country’s Filipino community has also grown by nearly 50 percent since 2018, an increase of more than 35,000 people to total 108,297.
自 2018 年以来,该国的菲律宾社区也增长了近 50%,增加了 35,000 多人,总数达到 108,297 人。

Among the most widely spoken languages, Census data showed that Punjabi recorded the fastest growth between 2018 and 2023, an increase of 45.1 percent.
在使用最广泛的语言中,人口普查数据显示,旁遮普语在 2018 年至 2023 年期间增长最快,增长了 45.1%。

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Punjabi is spoken in India and Pakistan.

Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the country, while Punjabi ranks ninth.

Other rapidly growing languages included Tagalog, spoken in the Philippines, an increase of 37.5 percent, and Afrikaans, up by 32.7 percent.
其他快速增长的语言包括菲律宾使用的他加禄语(增长了 37.5%)和南非荷兰语(增长了 32.7%)。

Auckland continued to be the most ethnically diverse region, with the country’s largest city boasting a population of 1.66 million residents.
奥克兰仍然是种族最多元化的地区,是该国最大的城市,拥有 166 万居民。

While half the population identified as European, the area had the highest proportion of people with Asian heritage at 31.3 percent, compared to 17.3 percent nationwide, and Pacific heritage at 16.6 percent, compared to 8.9 percent nationwide.
虽然有一半的人口认为自己是欧洲人,但该地区具有亚裔血统的人比例最高,为 31.3%,而全国为 17.3%,太平洋血统为 16.6%,而全国为 8.9%。

The Chinese community was the third-largest ethnic group in Auckland, after the New Zealand European and Māori populations.

The Indian community ranked fourth, followed by the Samoan ethnic group.


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The Indian population in Auckland grew by 13 percent, rising from 154,824 in 2018 to 175,794 in 2023.
奥克兰的印度人口增长了 13%,从 2018 年的 154,824 人增加到 2023 年的 175,794 人。

The Census also provided an insight into the number of people born overseas.

Among the country’s resident population, 3.5 million individuals were born in New Zealand, while 1.4 million were born overseas.
在该国的常住人口中,有 350 万人出生在新西兰,而 140 万人出生在海外。

Of those born overseas, individuals from England constituted 4.2 percent of the population, followed by China and India, each accounting for 2.9 percent.
在海外出生的人中,来自英格兰的人占人口的 4.2%,其次是中国和印度,各占 2.9%。

Latest data also showed that about half of the growth in the Asian ethnic group came from Indian and Filipino ethnicities, which increased by 22.1 percent (52,899 people) and 49.1 percent (35,685 people) since 2018.
最新数据还显示,亚裔群体增长的一半左右来自印度和菲律宾族裔,自 2018 年以来分别增长了 22.1%(52,899 人)和 49.1%(35,685 人)。


分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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