以色列对伊朗革命卫队、真主党成员在大马士革使用的建筑物发动空袭,造成 7 人死亡,11 人受伤

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People gather at the site of an apparent Israeli airstrike in Damascus, Syria, on Wednesday October 2, 2024. AP File
题图:2024 年 10 月 2 日星期三,人们聚集在叙利亚大马士革显然是以色列空袭的现场。AP 文件

7 killed, 11 injured in Israeli strike on building used by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah members in Damascus

Seven people were killed and and 11 others injured in Israeli airstrike targeting a residential building in Damascus used by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards for meetings with Hezbollah.
【澳纽网编译】以色列空袭大马士革伊朗革命卫队用于与真主党会面的一栋住宅楼,造成 7 人死亡,11 人受伤。

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According to a Times of Israel report, citing Syria’s state-run SANA news agency, Israeli warplanes launched three missiles from over the Golan Heights, targeting a residential and commercial building in the Mezzeh district of the capital.
《以色列时报》援引叙利亚国营 SANA 通讯社报道,以色列战机从戈兰高地上空发射了三枚导弹,瞄准了首都 Mezzeh 区的一栋住宅和商业建筑。

In addition to the casualties, the strike caused “significant material damage,” the report added.

The report said that rescue forces are still working to extract people from under the rubble.

The Saudi news outlet Al-Hadath reported earlier that the target was a top Hezbollah official in the terror group’s Unit 4400, which is tasked with delivering weapons from Iran and its proxies to Lebanon.
沙特新闻媒体 Al-Hadath 早些时候报道称,目标是该恐怖组织 4400 部队的一名真主党高级官员,该部队的任务是从伊朗及其代理人向黎巴嫩运送武器。

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Earlier, AFP reported that Israel targeted a building frequented by senior Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah operatives.

AFP TV footage from the scene showed a building engulfed in smoke, with rubble and torn metal strewn on the ground.

About 20 cars were damaged by the falling debris, according to AFP.
法新社报道,大约 20 辆汽车被坠落的碎片损坏。

Israel has been carrying out strikes against Iran-linked targets in Syria for years but has ramped up such raids since last year’s October 7 attack by Palestinian group Hamas on Israeli territory that sparked the Gaza war.
多年来,以色列一直在对叙利亚境内与伊朗有关的目标进行打击,但自从去年 10 月 7 日巴勒斯坦组织哈马斯对以色列领土发动袭击并引发加沙战争以来,以色列加大了此类袭击的力度。


分类: 国际新闻

(即时多来源) 英语国际要闻 English World News

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